Of course, but do you seriously think Khamenei is waiting for an equally compromise?
Yes,if he is assured that U.S will compromise too,he will show softness in nuclear stand off.
He has said,dozens of times,that the moment U.S acts reasonably, and treat us fairly,we are ready for a fair negotiation and a win-win deal.He is not benefitting all this pressure on Iran,and he would certainly compromise,without breaking Iran's pride.
I said "It is vital but not the most important one" dear. Naive is that one scarifies the mother-land for just one aspect of development. There are countries without enrichment facilities and their independence has no problem my dear. Sanctions are for two reason 1-enrichment and 2-human rights, and the second one unfortunately is a deserved one. You know the performance of cranes! and I am sure you can make a sentence with stones and females! and freedom of Naive speakers like me!
Let's say they have a right to put sanctions on us for human rights,the thing that annoys me,is that,why don't they put sanctions on some of their closest allies,like KSA,who have terrible human rights?
Sorry dear,but they don't give a fu(k about Iranians and human rights,just like they didn't give at Shah's time or their allies today,because their interests are being fulfilled.It is really,laughable to think they actually care about human rights.
We do have human rights and democracy problem,but only us Iranians can solve it,either by a revolution,or demanding reforms or any other way.
The last ones that I believe care about us,are the same who chant 'human right' slogans in the west.