Allegiance to one's country is not only faith but duty or dharma. You must have an affinity for your motherland.

Can you name some famous Ahmedi people you know of? As far as I can remember there was a good officer in the Pakistan Army during the 1965 war...
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Spring Onion
1) Dr. Abdus Salam: The First Nobel Laureate of Pakistan, The First Nobel Laureate from the Muslim World. Founding Father of the Pakistan Space Agency (SUPARCO), important contribution in the discovery of Higgs Boson Particle. Formed an institute of Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy where over 500 Pakistani students have studied till date. A Road is named after him in Geneva, Switzerland.
2) Sir Chaudhry Zafarullah Khan: The First Foreign Minister of Pakistan, went on to become the President of the International Court of Justice and the President of the U.N. General Assembly. Raised an important voice for the independence of Middle Eastern Countries. A road is named in his honor in Jordan celebrating his achievements.
3) Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad Sahib, He was a senior Bureaucrat, he played an important contribution in the construction of Tarbela and Mangla dam as the deputy chairman of the Planning Commission. He served as a Secretary of Finance, Secretary of Commerce in Islamabad. During Yahya Khan's tenure, he was made a Federal Minister.
4) Air Marshal Zafar Chaudhary who was the the first Chief of Air Staff (1972-1974) of Pakistan and a three star General of the Pakistan Air Force. He is the founding member of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
5) General Iftikhar Janjua, The Highest serving Military Officer and the Only General to be Martyred in Active War Duty. He was martyred in the war of 1971 in a Helicopter Crash, When he put his life at stake by fighting in a heavy war zone along with his soldiers. His helicopter came under heavy enemy fire which ultimately led to his martyrdom. He was famously known as the Hero of the Rann of Kutch due to his heroics in the area in the war of 1965.
6) General Akhtar Hussain Malik: He was a War hero of the Pakistan Army in the war of 1965 and played an important role in the securing and defence of the Chamb Region in Kashmir. He was presented Hilal-e-Jurrat, the second highest gallantry award of the Pakistan Army for his contributions in the war of 1965.
His Heroics in the Jammu Region:
Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik made a brilliant strike across Chamb-Jaurian sector. He out- manoeuvred the Indians. He captured Akhnoor and was approaching Tawai river. The enemy was dislodged and Indians were planning further withdrawal for they could not withstand the onslaught of General Akhtar Hussain Malik.
It was reported that the Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahdur Shastri directed Indian Air Force to get Gen Akhtar Hussain Mailk at any cost. He was making daring use of Helicopter directing his forces.
Even an inveterate enemy of Ahmadis (Malik was an Ahmadi) - Shorish Kashmiri paid a tribute in an urdu couplet,
"The Land of Delhi is calling, Oh friends, Extend a helping hand to Akhtar Malik, oh friends."
7) Obaidullah Aleem Sahib: He was a modern poet of Urdu Language and is considered one of the best Ghazal writers of modern Times. He worked as a producer for Karachi Television in 1967. His book of poetry received the highest award in literature in Pakistan, the Adamji Prize. He was removed from his post and forced to resign in 1978 due to the fact that he was an Ahmadi Muslim.
8. General Abdul Ali Malik: High Ranking Pakistani Army Engineer Officer, Known for his heroics in the battle of Chawinda. He led the Pakistan Army in the Battle of Chawinda in Sialkot District which was the Biggest Tank Battle in history after the Battle of Kursk in World War 2. In the ensuing battle Indian forces suffered heavy losses and more than 120 Enemy tanks were destroyed.
9) Major General Nasir Ahmad Chaudhary Shaheed: The only Pakistani General to be injured in Active War Duty. He was shot in the knee in the war of 1971 in the Rajhastan region. Though Ironically, the enemy fire from the Indian side wasn't able to take him down, but on 28th May 2010, It was his own countrymen who martyred him while he prayed in the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Lahore.