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Afghans love India and hate Pakistan. How can we trust each other again?

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Yu dun have balls to argue with me miss...:D and nor do yu seem to have the character and for yr info islam came 14 hundred years ago and hindus were making their girls dance long before that..hey jello gotta relpy this missy as she said something abt muslims...

i didnt say anything about muslims yet.. i said about mughals which YOU brought up while discussing Afghanistan.. Please check back.
I dont have balls.. so true and im not expected to ? .. Do you? islam came just 1400 yrs ago, a small bacchu for Hindus. any proof about dancing hindu girls before 1400 yrs?
really shahjahan? which wife / keep of his can you trace back... did aurangzeb kill your ancestor? or what happened?
in all this you are not mentioning your ethnicity. are you punjabi ? or pashtun or mughal ?
oh yeah .. and hindus did not destroy the Taj, unlke the great destruction of hindu monuments and books your barbaric forefathers committed.
the nautch girl tradition which is basically prostitution had a muslim root. hindus generated the wealth and mughals only enjoyed because of power. so glad they are gone and british took care of their heirs.. LOL..

You seem not only to lag balls but a brain as well...Can yu see the word muslim root highlighted..miss:smokin:
Shahjahan LOL
Dude see a doctor.

This world is a strange place...Isnt it..:agree:Btw I appreciate the way yu came to rescue yr sister as she badly needed someone she was like an infant crawling on a bz road thinkin the whole world revolves arnd her...

If somebody has something to say on thread plz come ahead...
Pakistan and Afghanistan have so much in common, it should be very very easy for Pakistan to win over Afghans.

Just treat them as equals. What more does one want of a neighbor???

So you guys created LeT with opression in Kashmir look what they did to you.... Oops.... :P

Actually LET killed a few Indians, but established Pakistan as a terrorist state internationally, despite being one of the largest terrorism victim at the same time!!!

You guys are not very smart, are you?
Lets me know once you've seen the doctor. We'll continue discussing. But first things first.
This world is a strange place...Isnt it..:agree:Btw I appreciate the way yu came to rescue yr sister as she badly needed someone she was like an infant crawling on a bz road thinkin the whole world revolves arnd her...

If somebody has something to say on thread plz come ahead...
Pakistan and Afghanistan have so much in common, it should be very very easy for Pakistan to win over Afghans.

Just treat them as equals. What more does one want of a neighbor???

I do agree with u on that but things are more comlicated than what they seem on surface..We gave them food,shelter,freedom from russians and even today convey their genuine concerns to the world which fake karzai regime cant..
But if yu are talkin abt the thread title well its wrong and was created by some fake afghan sitting euorpe...
Two words, strategic asset.
Lets me know once you've seen the doctor. We'll continue discussing. But first things first.

I can see the arguement yu have and the one's yu will have in future..Yu r just like yr sis no balls and no brains...:D
Actually LET killed a few Indians, but established Pakistan as a terrorist state internationally, despite being one of the largest terrorism victim at the same time!!!

You guys are not very smart, are you?

New definition of terrorist that we have now? :lol: Bharatis keep inventing new definitions of certain words.. terrorist state, international, whole world, on and on. :lol:
And you dug out Shahjahan's balls from his grave??? And the brain of which mistress from which harem of his??????
Doctor first. bbye. can't waste time on nuts like you.
balls of the size of football eh???
I can see the arguement yu have and the one's yu will have in future..Yu r just like yr sis no balls and no brains...:D
lol look at indians...

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For all those indians and afghanies who care what they think about us Pakistanis.


Its those Afganies who are in US & Europe talking like this. Ask a Afghani Pukhtun he will never say some thin like this.
Those who s father is russian will say like this.they are A$$ born Afghanies .hate and bla bla against Pakistan.There is term for them we use often and that is GEELAM JAM ;)

Btw US OF A did't took afghanistan from his previous position neither will India can..Afghanistan will stay here on the map of the world and so is Pakistan. G*** ka zor laga lo in-dia still Afghanistan ne akhir main Pakistan keh he tathy chukne.
Afghanistan is deeply divided along ethnic lines. Tajiks and Uzbeks are minority groups in Afghanistan who generally dislike Pashtuns as well as Pakistanis. The Pashtuns who make up the largest single ethnic group in Afghanistan live mostly in the south and they are barely represented in the Tajik-dominated Karzai govt in Kabul.

There are more Pashtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan or any other country, and the vast majority of Afghan Pashtuns have close cultural, religious and historic ties with their Pakistani brethren.

Haq's Musings: Facts and Myths in Afghanistan Surge Debate
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