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Afghans love India and hate Pakistan. How can we trust each other again?

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Mods please don't delete my message! Let me express my freedom of speech. Please let me express my anger!

We do not give a living damn if you hate us or love us. Pakistani pushtun love us and that's all we care about! We do not care about Afghanistan, we do not wanted to be associated with you. You and your stupid country has caused soo much trouble for Pakistan in the last couple decades. We gave you guys our land to live, we gave you bread and butter, we helped you during the soviet war and you guys stab us in the back.

We don't want anything to do with your lawless country. Just realize one thing, you guys are living in the 10th century and it will take you atleast 100 years to catch up with the rest of the world. I hope that Pak Fauj seals the border and keeps all you scumbags in your dirty caves. Stop infiltrating in to Pakistan! Stop doing suicide bombing in our country and killing innocent woman and childrens, and stop selling all that weed, ganja, heroin! Oh wait, you wont be able to cuz thats how you guys get your money to buy bombs right? and strap them vest in to your 8 year old's chest and send them to Pakistan. You guys are the worst civilization that mankind has ever witnessed. Ever wonder why you guys aren't developed in any field except terrorism and selling drugs? Let alone good college education and science, you guys are way way behind

Let me tell you one thing. You cause harm to Pakistan or spread hatred and Pak fauj is gonna get your a$$!

oh and by the way, why wouldnt you love India for all the money they are investing in your embassies!
Pakistan Zindabaad

and to all the Afghani's that hate Pakistan, burn in hell you traitors and backstabbers!
Why do you guys keep saying 5 million Afghans in pakistan. They are not in pakistan but occupied Afghania. This is the map:

As you can see, they live west of the indus and so in Afghanistan, not damn pakistan.

Hahaha...man this guy is an entertainment...dude..the the guy who established Durrani empire was born in South Punjab, Multan. Pakistan is a name of the region Punjab, Afgania, Kashmir, Sindh, BaluchisTAN as mentioned in the journal of ch rehmat ali. Today there are more durranis in Pakistan than in Afghanistan. Lol we have around 28 million Pushtuns while u guys have 11-12 million of them....A in Pakistan is for Afghania,,...lol dude u r delusional...get a life...we really dont care weather u hate us or love us...20-30 % of Pak Army and ISI are Pushtuns, they will probably kick ur a**es if u try to do something.
One of my friend from Peshawar was telling me how Peshawar used to be clean before u guys came in as refugees with ur drug culture, gun culture and prostitution. This is what Pakistani Pushtuns think of u guys....Learn to live with the fact the Pakistan is a nuclear power and u can't even think of damaging its interests in ur dreams let alone in real life...all delusional people like u can do is to post retarded maps on online forums..and have screwed up wet dreams...btw Happy Afghania Wet Dreams...lol
Well no big deal. Usually , foreign living Afghanis are anti-Pakistan.

How cheap one can get. We gave your OUR land for FREE. Let MILLIONS of you lot into out country and saved your women from getting gang-raped by Russians. We helped you fight th USSR. We send provided you jobs , provided you market to do your business , provided you with shelter , provided you with clothings and most of all , we didn't even take any tax from you , let alone any fee. Yet you baghairats have gutts to talk crap about Pakistan? What you have given to us in return? NOTHING! You only gave gun culture , drugs and prostitution menace to Pakistani society in return.

Afghanis are still our brothers...but those Afghans that hate Pakistan...you can take Pakistan's nuclear Shaheen-II missile and shove it up your and your family's a$$.


Salay haram khor low-life druggies ...

loll not the way u said it. india is not colonialising any country. we r just investing to create a bigger buisness outside india so we can expand our horizon. infra is created and it is something that afghanis will thank us for. india is also investing 70 billion doll in africa.

india invested 40 billion in africa and by 2015 our trade with them will cross 100 bill from just 3 billion in 2004.
India invests USD 33 bn in Africa | Kilil5.com

they love us so much that this is what they say abt india.
Marry India’s expertise with Africa’s resources: Ghana president - Thaindian News
african countries wanted to increase trade to 90 billion by 2015.

India, Africa set trade target of $90 billion by 2015 - Economic Times

same way we will enter afghan and pakistan. whats ur problem now.


Their hunger will not be satisfied by the news of big foreign investments they need food and education...Besides with such an huge hungry population and enemies on all sides I can see india breaking into pieces then whoz gonna claim these foreign investments...Country of delhi or country of calcutta...
besides do u know how much yu guys have taken debt ...Bad Loans at State-Run Banks Add to India's Woes - NYTimes.com

loll not the way u said it. india is not colonialising any country. we r just investing to create a bigger buisness outside india so we can expand our horizon. infra is created and it is something that afghanis will thank us for. india is also investing 70 billion doll in africa.

india invested 40 billion in africa and by 2015 our trade with them will cross 100 bill from just 3 billion in 2004.
India invests USD 33 bn in Africa | Kilil5.com

they love us so much that this is what they say abt india.
Marry India’s expertise with Africa’s resources: Ghana president - Thaindian News
african countries wanted to increase trade to 90 billion by 2015.

India, Africa set trade target of $90 billion by 2015 - Economic Times

same way we will enter afghan and pakistan. whats ur problem now.


Their hunger will not be satisfied by the news of big foreign investments they need food and education...Besides with such an huge hungry population and enemies on all sides I can see india breaking into pieces then whoz gonna claim these foreign investments...Country of delhi or country of calcutta...
besides do u know how much yu guys have taken debt ...Bad Loans at State-Run Banks Add to India's Woes - NYTimes.com
guys these so called refugees are a problem for the whole region, i had a Iranian friend he was telling me that their govt has banned them from coming to a few tourist areas in their north because these so called afghan refugees bring their drug and mafia influence into the area....their govt has even hanged a few of them for raping local women...they are a problem for everyone in the region...they need to go back to their own country and then they can hate whoever they want to hate.....it wont work like this...u live in our house, eat from our house and then u curse our house...this is called being a "namak haraam"....those douchbags who think bad of Pak are absolute hypocrites...anyways they dont matter...there is a saying which imran khan says "If u don't mind then they don't matter".
guys these so called refugees are a problem for the whole region, i had a Iranian friend he was telling me that their govt has banned them from coming to a few tourist areas in their north because these so called afghan refugees bring their drug and mafia influence into the area....their govt has even hanged a few of them for raping local women...they are a problem for everyone in the region...they need to go back to their own country and then they can hate whoever they want to hate.....it wont work like this...u live in our house, eat from our house and then u curse our house...this is called being a "namak haraam"....those douchbags who think bad of Pak are absolute hypocrites...anyways they dont matter...there is a saying which imran khan says "If u don't mind then they don't matter".

and Thanks for proving my point! These Afghani's who we feed, stab us in the back are indeed namak-haram. Seriously, thanks to Zia! Not!
Pakistan created Taliban...hahahahaha..you stone age tribal people hate civilization..ISI/CIA exploited the differences you people offered to the world on a gold platter..Why don't you hate the CIA which created Taliban and provided sanctuary to Osama??

You guys have no logic...keep loving India...time will tell..

You people utilize more Pakistani visas than rest of the world combined..

How Pakistan is helping Afghan..

Warning: Video has a misleading title..

Some retarded comments from Afghanis....

transit trade facility?
wtf... is she expecting Afghanistanis to pay for transit going through their own territories?
in fact Afghanistani government should demand exclusive rights on the port of Gwadar and seek to establish independent transit routes through what is called Baluchistan.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan may be officially part of Pakistan but that does not mean that this is undisputed. Behind the scenes Baluchistanis have even better ties to Kabul than to Islamabad.

Pakistan should start taxing their transit trade at-least 200%.
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Well no big deal. Usually , foreign living Afghanis are anti-Pakistan.

How cheap one can get. We gave your OUR land for FREE. Let MILLIONS of you lot into out country and saved your women from getting gang-raped by Russians. We helped you fight th USSR. We send provided you jobs , provided you market to do your business , provided you with shelter , provided you with clothings and most of all , we didn't even take any tax from you , let alone any fee. Yet you baghairats have gutts to talk crap about Pakistan? What you have given to us in return? NOTHING! You only gave gun culture , drugs and prostitution menace to Pakistani society in return.

Afghanis are still our brothers...but those Afghans that hate Pakistan...you can take Pakistan's nuclear Shaheen-II missile and shove it up your and your family's a$$.


Salay haram khor low-life druggies ...

Google Image Result for http://www.officialpsds.com/images/thumbs/Middle-Finger-psd63315.png

Lol this thread has been a real interesting one of late. I would just like to point out two things I noticed. First, u can claim as much as u want that Afghanistan has been an irresponsible neighbor, when facts show otherwise. Pakistan's involvement in destabilizing Afghanistan is something that's well-known today and there's enough evidence one can gather to prove that Pakistan's support for the Taliban and militants has been a major factor in leading the country to where it is today. Guys I think its time for u to understand that it is just not us Indians but all your neighbors that have issues with u on a variety of things. There are even articles online that show Iran accusing Pakistan of doing the same thing, training and sending militants across the border, e.g. the bomb blasts that happened in Zahedan some two years ago. Your country's name emerged in that one as well.

India has got a positive rating worldwide because we don't go out of our way to destroy any nation, including yours. Things have reached a point where even your country wants us to go in and invest.
Lol this thread has been a real interesting one of late. I would just like to point out two things I noticed. First, u can claim as much as u want that Afghanistan has been an irresponsible neighbor, when facts show otherwise. Pakistan's involvement in destabilizing Afghanistan is something that's well-known today and there's enough evidence one can gather to prove that Pakistan's support for the Taliban and militants has been a major factor in leading the country to where it is today. Guys I think its time for u to understand that it is just not us Indians but all your neighbors that have issues with u on a variety of things. There are even articles online that show Iran accusing Pakistan of doing the same thing, training and sending militants across the border, e.g. the bomb blasts that happened in Zahedan some two years ago. Your country's name emerged in that one as well.

India has got a positive rating worldwide because we don't go out of our way to destroy any nation, including yours. Things have reached a point where even your country wants us to go in and invest.

LOL everyone one of india's neighbors hate india alot...
Does not matter to me that how you hate pakistan..only matters to me that how you love india...i just want to say to all afghans that Keep your hard work to rebuild your nation and we indians are always with you to rebuild it..:)

Afghan love can be lethal..
I am very happy an Indians inviting Afghan love..it means they will be doing the dirty job of wreaking india..Already i heard Afghan dealers and pimps have established strong presence in Goa, Bangalore and Kerala tourist regions. Its a matter of time before they start bringing Klashinkov's as well.

Hippies said..Sex drugs and rock n'roll...
And the Afghanis said...Sex, Drugs and Klashinkovs..

May the blessings of Afghan love be upon you..
Afghan love can be lethal..
I am very happy an Indians inviting Afghan love..it means they will be doing the dirty job of wreaking india..Already i heard Afghan dealers and pimps have established strong presence in Goa, Bangalore and Kerala tourist regions. Its a matter of time before they start bringing Klashinkov's as well.

Hippies said..Sex drugs and rock n'roll...
And the Afghanis said...Sex, Drugs and Klashinkovs..

May the blessings of Afghan love be upon you..
Afghans have already been in india for centuries.
LOL everyone one of india's neighbors hate india alot...
bhutan, burma , bd , maldives love inda. sl is neutral. china is fearful of india and pak hates india (and hate comes as a result of fear)
bhutan, burma , bd , maldives love inda. sl is neutral. china is fearful of india and pak hates india (and hate comes as a result of fear)

no burma hate india, bd hate india cuz of BSF, maldives hate india ,because IN always stopping there, sl hate india because of LTTE, china hate india, pakistan hate india and isn't fearful of india it's vice versa
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