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Afghans love India and hate Pakistan. How can we trust each other again?

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indian can keep afghas feed them as well they will help control indain growing population rest use you brians how ;)
I'm clueless, a little hint?
What went through your mind?

You are standing right in the way! To lay claims up to Kabul, first we need to start by laying claims to the Indus Valley and Punjab so we can get to Kabul.
First a Tajik (Khorasanian) came to PDF and made the Pakistani run for shelter(But I don't agree with him as he is anti-Afghanistan).
Now a Pashtun has come and is making Pakistani run for shelter.

Lol run for shelter. You Indians have unique way of comprehending things. :lol:
You are standing right in the way! To lay claims up to Kabul, first we need to start by laying claims to the Indus Valley and Punjab so we can get to Kabul.

I wasn't saying that is a viable option, I said "Going by that logic......."
It wasn't meant to be taken in the literal sense.

Secondly, if it has to be taken in the literal sense, why not an American Mainland-Alaska Model ?
Or a East Pakistan-West Pakistan Model(Failed due to enemy territory in between but what the heck).

Lol run for shelter. You Indians have unique way of comprehending things. :lol:

Wasn't the Khorasan guy VERY pro-Pakistan?
Frankly, it doesn't, as long as they are taking out the culprits and not the innocents. There is no pride for when innocents are killed, but sometimes a reflection is detrimental.

No one is proud here for innocents being killed,,only problem with YOU is ...innnocents when killed in drone attacks and good job when some a$$h0le jihadi kills some innocent Indians.

Simple answer....one happened due to your oppressive policies...while the other is an on going WOT.

You proved just what I said above.

Acute comprehension problem......make an effort and try and understand what i said.

problem with you is ..you are never talking sense..whenever shown the mirror you come up with some idiotic proverb of your own which you think is great....anyways..lemme tell you again...'do not suppose' which mean..do not assume...which means do not take a guess...which means do not talk without proof...thats what i meant in my post.....which means talk SENSE. now if you can comprehend (ooppss I used youre favourite word here :oops: )what I said, then please do not come up with a silly post again.

The fishing boats from each country are often apprehended for straying in others waterways, and according to your drama queens, the boat had sailed all the way from Karachi.!!! Grapevine is Osama never ever left the house unlike the attackers who roamed all over your city.....indeed rant some where else. As for you making the disclosure on the Chinooks, as I said allegedly, because until recently,.....Drones were flying from within Pakistan. !!!

as i said above...YOU DONT MAKE SENSE..period.

for the bolded part:

Osama was in the house, but his close ones were always or even sometimes outside the house..his courriers were outside atleast few times..but you never caught them because they looked just like a normal pakistani...THUS the ba$tards from Pakistan who were responsible for 26/11 were never suspected of being a terrorists as they looked like any Indian.

for the underlined part :

knowledge my dear..knowledge. Thats what you lack.
the ba$tards did not sail all over from karachi in a dingy...they captured a Indian fishing boat and killed the fishermen on that. which they used to sail in the Indian waters. and then comes the rubber dingy which they used to near the shore. Next time dont talk without proper search.

Rest assured, no farmers are drinking pesticides in Pakistan and despite the pressure of duty in fighting against the terrorists, no Pakistani soldier is on record for turning his gun on himself or his colleagues.!!! Oops, this statement would indeed cause many to BURN across the border. :oops:

Ok since you are not drinking pesticides you can become a regional power now.Good logic.thats exactly what is expected from Windjammer.keep it up.:tup:
Hello Everyone,

I am new here and would first like to introduce myself.

I have been following PDF for quite some time and I find this a very good forum to understand what our neighbours think about us(Indian's).

Hopefully I can learn something new here.


I'll help you understand something. :lol:
My requests to the mod. This guy who created this thread. He joined the forum just a couple days ago. He made no introduction thread yet he started a thread filled with hatred and controversies. My request is to give me the ip address of this guy. I am a software engineer, I can easily track his location where he is logging on to this site. I know that it could be against the forum policies but wouldnt you be surprised to find out if it's a false flag to create hatred between Pakistani and Afghani's? I dont represent anyone on this thread but I am suspious that the guy behind the computer screen is not Afghani although please note that whatever I said earlier in this thread, I mean it with all my heart!

ip addresses are viewable and blockable by mods/admin-- no worries
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