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‘Admitting you are a secularist can get you killed in Pakistan’

Then it should be neutral to all religion.

Islam always is neutral...it grants equal rights to minorities, and allows them to practice their own religion freely and as they wish, so long as it does not interfere with the daily lives of Muslims.

Islam gives rights to minorities, make no mistake about it.
Islam always is neutral...it grants equal rights to minorities, and allows them to practice their own religion freely and as they wish, so long as it does not interfere with the daily lives of Muslims.

Islam gives rights to minorities, make no mistake about it.

Provided that they pay the Jizyah - which is practically extortion in the name of religion!
So, now you are with me :whistle:

So, acknowledge this reality that secularism is a theory which is not practical and can't be implemented in it's true essence - you can't remove personal beliefs from someones mind while he/she is performing state affairs. The important thing is the Laws & system which should not differentiate, There is no harm in being Muslim, Hindu, Christian or Jew state if you can do justice.

hahahahahahah.....Yaar as a scientist absoluteness does not exist :P
Islam always is neutral...it grants equal rights to minorities, and allows them to practice their own religion freely and as they wish, so long as it does not interfere with the daily lives of Muslims.

Islam gives rights to minorities, make no mistake about it.

What Islam says and what Muslims practice are two different things.Will you support equal rights to Ahmadis in your country.Will you allow them to practice their religion the way they seem right.
No they learned them through real life experience did Jinah read Quran & thought that we should create pakistan.Did mahatma rrad Gita & thought india needs freedom.did Buddha read Gita & thought of creating Buddhism.did Martin Luther king read bible & sought equal rights for all no they learned them from life

& these books have also give mankind a lot of bad things caste system , sati , hijab to name a few

I am not sure what Ghandi has read or Martin Luther King....But Life experience can only give you how much you experience not a whole! A child born in prison can have a life experience that no one wishes for...A child born in a poor family has a certain life experience and can not experience more because he lacks $$ a child born in a rich family can not experience family relations and is usually an attention seeker (generally speaking) and so on....Rules from divine nature make people equal in this now i am not talking about what WAS PRACTICED or IS PRACTICED but what IS written in the books!

Please understand my dear brother , religion is one's personal matter and governance of country is a public matter , when you say all are ok if they are following what I say is right and others are not ok because they dont follow what i say -- this will never lead to democracy or caliphate as intended - but will lead to autocratic , monochratic dynasytis as what happend with most muslim nations -- When the people try to topple them then comes the theological group with the same idiology of what I say is right and all others are false again another form of autocratic

Hence keep religion away from governance , and let it me enlighten our mind not to kill others and blame others

Well, that is not entirely true....If Religion was a personal matter than no one else would have followed it because that way it would have only been the PERSONAL MATTER of the prophet or JESUS or BUDDHA or RAM or whosoever...

MIND YOU it is a HUMAN who governs not some alien so if he/she likes some ideology it will somehow or another influence him or her...as said by @LoveIcon
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Then it should be neutral to all religion.

When some one takes an oath in lets say government, they bring in the religious book in MOST SECULAR countries....

When someone takes a stand in the court....also takes an oath on the religious book....so which NEUTRAL religious book do you suggest?
Sir for us that is kufr and by the way you are not even completely secular in Islam all the laws have to be according Quran and Sunnah strictly according to Quran and Sunnah

you are living in illusion. Do you think people of other religions are kufr.What is the meaning of kufr.The fact is all the concept of god is illusion.If not then why your god doen not punish non islamic people.Sir every religion has law and they say those law as only true all others law are false.
Provided that they pay the Jizyah - which is practically extortion in the name of religion!

In your terms even tax which you pay is extortion?

you are living in illusion. Do you think people of other religions are kufr.What is the meaning of kufr.The fact is all the concept of god is illusion.If not then why your god doen not punish non islamic people.Sir every religion has law and they say those law as only true all others law are false.

kufr is the ARABIC term for denying, rejecting...so if you deny reject you have done kufr!

and a kafir is one 1 who does kufr who denies...

verb and noun
When some one takes an oath in lets say government, they bring in the religious book in MOST SECULAR countries....

When someone takes a stand in the court....also takes an oath on the religious book....so which NEUTRAL religious book do you suggest?

I think you are talking about USA.They can take Oath on any religious book they want.If you are not a Christian you can use any religious book you believe.If you don't believe in any religion,you can simply hold their hand up and swear.This is just a tradition.

Even in India many ministers don't take oath in the name of God(One typical example is AK Antony)
I am not sure why people get annoyed when referred to as NON MUSLIM only in an Arabic language? I admit some may misuse it but seriously, the meaning is as simple as 1 who denies though for atheist it suits the best but in context it means non muslim...

I think you are talking about USA.They can take Oath on any religious book they want.If you are not a Christian you can use any religious book you believe.If you don't believe in any religion,you can simply hold their hand up and swear.This is just a tradition.

NOT JUST IN AMERICA all over the world.. @LoveIcon was saying no system is absolute secular because the laws are derived from the religious books and the people give oath on their books! Meaning RELIGION is still being used....that is all that was to be said!

So what is the atheist taking his oath on?
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and that is what @nuclearpak said when he said some LAWS OVERLAP with religion!
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I am not sure why people get annoyed when referred to as NON MUSLIM only in an Arabic language? I admit some may misuse it but seriously, the meaning is as simple as 1 who denies though for atheist it suits the best but in context it means non muslim...

NOT JUST IN AMERICA all over the world.. @LoveIcon was saying no system is absolute secular because the laws are derived from the religious books and the people give oath on their books! Meaning RELIGION is still being used....that is all that was to be said!

So what is the atheist taking his oath on?

I do solemnly affirm..
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Sir I have knowledge to understand the **** of secularism so you please stop interfering Islam has its own system and concepts and if you are not with those than you are with kufr Sir we don't this crap of secularism Ibn Rushd yes was a philosophizer but not secular Mr For GOD Sake stop posting bullshit here

If secularism is crap to you what do you think Islam is to the rest of the normal people?
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