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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

EPIC FAIL.........Far too much conjecture. Not only does Pakistan have MIRV, but it is probably more advanced than what it is publicly admitting to.

20 odd years ago, indians like you were claiming that it is impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. That the americans & co would stop Pakistan from acquiring them on india's behest . We all know how that indianism turned out. Just as then, so is now.

Ever wondered why that despite the rhetoric, constant threats & hot air, india remains far too weak, powerless and impotent to attack Pakistan? Like it was after mumbai 2008 & uri 2016? That too despite the fact that india is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege? The answers like in these facts not in long winded conjecture.

After India tested its nukes in 1998, the Indian PM said Pakistan should know its place and respect India since it was now an atomic power. The Indians could simply not admit that Pakistan also had the nukes. We all know what happened few weeks later. This self claimed scientist is suffering from similar ailment. In time, he will come around.

i think paksitan has overall better nukes but india has overall better delivery

which is overkill because pakistan is right next door

What are you basing this on? Stop making comments for the sake of it. Back up your assertions.
What are you basing this on? Stop making comments for the sake of it. Back up your assertions.
pakistan has a bigger stockpile than india and a lerger yield. it also has tactical nukes. while india currently has a longer range and a faster delivery system
pakistan has a bigger stockpile than india and a lerger yield. it also has tactical nukes. while india currently has a longer range and a faster delivery system
Faster? Please explain bro what do you mean faster?o_O
Faster? Please explain bro what do you mean faster?o_O
He is thinking about the Indian hypersonic Brahmos project.. while in reality Pakistan might introduce the technology before them..And since China has already tested its own and is known to be working closely with Pakistan on all kind of weapons' projects..this shouldn't come as a surprise..
He is thinking about the Indian hypersonic Brahmos project.. while in reality Pakistan might introduce the technology before them..And since China has already tested its own and is known to be working closely with Pakistan on all kind of weapons' projects..this shouldn't come as a surprise..
are you talking about HGV?
He is thinking about the Indian hypersonic Brahmos project.. while in reality Pakistan might introduce the technology before them..And since China has already tested its own and is known to be working closely with Pakistan on all kind of weapons' projects..this shouldn't come as a surprise..
No sir he is talking about delivery system:undecided:
No sir he is talking about delivery system:undecided:
So if it is the delivery system!? Pakistan missiles use solid fuel, and are known to use better technologies than Indian systems..including the delivery systems which means the missiles as a whole.. He said faster.. I said no..
So if it is the delivery system!? Pakistan missiles use solid fuel, and are known to use better technologies than Indian systems..including the delivery systems which means the missiles as a whole.. He said faster.. I said no..
Is he talking about TELS and silos Sir I'm really confused sir:undecided:
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