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A year for the First Flotilla to Gaza: Turkey was found Guilty by UN

Read that over. And over. Did nirreich threaten to shoot you for talking? No. You, however, implicitly threatened to shoot him simply because your arguments aren't convincing. Did you know that crusaders used to argue with Jews the same way?

And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne unto Abraham, mocking. Therefore she said unto Abraham, "Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son. And God said unto Abraham, "Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman. In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed." link

Two sons, different inheritances, two nations. They don't need to be eternally opposing ones; that's politics. There are thing the Sauds and other Arab dictators don't want other Arabs to think about, and Israel-hatred is the necessary distraction.

I did not threaten to "shoot" him thats one.
second I am happy with Israel being our neighbor and have a happy and dandy relationship but just as soon as they give back the original palastenians their homes which you kicked out of. And as soon as you pay for all the crimes you commited against them.
I did not threaten to "shoot" him thats one.
second I am happy with Israel being our neighbor and have a happy and dandy relationship but just as soon as they give back the original palastenians their homes which you kicked out of. And as soon as you pay for all the crimes you commited against them.

Thanks for allowing me the live a bit longer.

Until 1947-1948, no Palestinian was kicked out by the Jews in Palestine.

The 1947-1948 war broke because the Palestinian and Arab state refusal (including KSA) to accept a Jewish state in any part of Palestine, so the refugee problem is their own responsibility and should be settled in their host countries (like in the case of India-Pakistan war of 1947 and the case of Jewish refugees who fled to Israel from Arab countries from 1948).

Although the Palestinians are still committed to its destruction, Israel is still generously offered to accept an independent Palestinian state in the pre-1967 territories. The Palestinian refugees would be able to choose to return to their independent state, the same state which Egypt and Jordan refused to establish when they controlled these territories between 1948 and 1967.

So Israel is much more generous to the Palestinians than their own "brothers" who deliberately kept them in refugee camps as a political weapon and deprive them from any political rights (except in Jordan). KSA with all its petro-dollars could already resolve the refugee problem several times since 1948.

The bottom line, returning the refugees inside Israel would destroy the state as a nation state for the Jewish people. Sorry, but we are not yet ready to commit suicide.
Thanks for allowing me the live a bit longer.

Until 1947-1948, no Palestinian was kicked out by the Jews in Palestine.

The 1947-1948 war broke because the Palestinian and Arab state refusal (including KSA) to accept a Jewish state in any part of Palestine, so the refugee problem is their own responsibility and should be settled in their host countries (like in the case of India-Pakistan war of 1947 and the case of Jewish refugees who fled to Israel from Arab countries from 1948).

Although the Palestinians are still committed to its destruction, Israel is still generously offered to accept an independent Palestinian state in the pre-1967 territories. The Palestinian refugees would be able to choose to return to their independent state, the same state which Egypt and Jordan refused to establish when they controlled these territories between 1948 and 1967.

So Israel is much more generous to the Palestinians than their own "brothers" who deliberately kept them in refugee camps as a political weapon and deprive them from any political rights (except in Jordan). KSA with all its petro-dollars could already resolve the refugee problem several times since 1948.

The bottom line, returning the refugees inside Israel would destroy the state as a nation state for the Jewish people. Sorry, but we are not yet ready to commit suicide.

First the Palastenians in Saudi Arabia are NOT in refugee camps rather they get the same treatment as any other citizen with free education and health-care and even for the ones who can not get a job and afford it free lodgings in apartments thats one.

Second we REFUSE to do the same mistake jordan did when it gave the palastenian people jordanian IDs to give Israel a reason to moan and groan over how they are jordanian citizens and that they belong in jordan. they will come home one day. a Home you stole from them and a Home which you defile every single day. I do believe that Israel of today is not the return of the jews from the prophecies of our books. because the jews that returned today are not real jews. But only people mascrating as jews.
First the Palastenians in Saudi Arabia are NOT in refugee camps rather they get the same treatment as any other citizen with free education and health-care and even for the ones who can not get a job and afford it free lodgings in apartments thats one.

Second we REFUSE to do the same mistake jordan did when it gave the palastenian people jordanian IDs to give Israel a reason to moan and groan over how they are jordanian citizens and that they belong in jordan. they will come home one day. a Home you stole from them and a Home which you defile every single day. I do believe that Israel of today is not the return of the jews from the prophecies of our books. because the jews that returned today are not real jews. But only people mascrating as jews.

Who are you to determine who is Jewish and what is the Jewish people. This is the most arrogant approach I ever encountered here in PDF. Concentrate on your own identity and let me to decide what is mine. Unfortunately for you, the Jewish people still exist and their nation state is Israel.

As I said you can only blame the Arab countries (including KSA) for the refugee problem - YOU refused to any compromise with Israel, YOU declared war and invaded with your military, and YOU were and still is committed to Israel's destruction. So, YOU are not interesting in living in peace side by side with Israel.

If the Palestinians and Arab countries avoided attacking Israel all your precious refugees were still living in their homes! Your mistake, you should pay for it!

BTW, the Palestinians who did not listen to their cynical and barbaric leaders live in their homes until nowadays as Israeli citizens.

So Israel can never satisfy your demands unless it commit suicide for example by absorbing millions of hostile refugees who would be the majority and change Israel into another Arabic state. That is the real truth, and not all your fake sympathy for the Palestinians.
Who are you to determine who is Jewish and what is the Jewish people. This is the most arrogant approach I ever encountered here in PDF. Concentrate on your own identity and let me to decide what is mine. Unfortunately for you, the Jewish people still exist and their nation state is Israel.

As I said you can only blame the Arab countries (including KSA) for the refugee problem - YOU refused to any compromise with Israel, YOU declared war and invaded with your military, and YOU were and still is committed to Israel's destruction. So, YOU are not interesting in living in peace side by side with Israel.

If the Palestinians and Arab countries avoided attacking Israel all your precious refugees were still living in their homes! Your mistake, you should pay for it!

BTW, the Palestinians who did not listen to their cynical and barbaric leaders live in their homes until nowadays as Israeli citizens.

So Israel can never satisfy your demands unless it commit suicide for example by absorbing millions of hostile refugees who would be the majority and change Israel into another Arabic state. That is the real truth, and not all your fake sympathy for the Palestinians.

mosamania actually has a point there when he says that some isnt real jews.

after WW2 israel accepted every jew and gave them everything, when europe was in ruins everybody wanted the best for them, so just saying you are a jew would guarantee you a hole new life!
mosamania actually has a point there when he says that some isnt real jews.

after WW2 israel accepted every jew and gave them everything, when europe was in ruins everybody wanted the best for them, so just saying you are a jew would guarantee you a hole new life!

Of course there is always some people who take advantage of the situation, but let me remind you that after WWII Palestine was still underdeveloped compared to Europe and was hardly attractive for people who were not Jewish. There were better countries around the world who were more advanced such as the US, Canada, Australia and South American countries like Brazil.

My point is it is not for you or for him to determine for a nation if it is a nation or not, that is how the people who are belonging to the nation feel and this is their identity.

The Palestinians for example were not a nation until the 1920's and never had an independent state in the history of this land. However, I support their right for a state of their own because they are the one who define if they are a nation or not.
Of course there is always some people who take advantage of the situation, but let me remind you that after WWII Palestine was still underdeveloped compared to Europe and was hardly attractive for people who were not Jewish. There were better countries around the world who were more advanced such as the US, Canada, Australia and South American countries like Brazil.

My point is it is not for you or for him to determine for a nation if it is a nation or not, that is how the people who are belonging to the nation feel and this is their identity.

The Palestinians for example were not a nation until the 1920's and never had an independent state in the history of this land. However, I support their right for a state of their own because they are the one who define if they are a nation or not.

chill out dude.... :D

i just made a comment on those who took advantage of it. not palestine

but why i think they didnt move there is because they got everything from the start in israel, they got passport. something that would take years to get if you wanted to go to one of those countries you mentioned!
chill out dude.... :D

i just made a comment on those who took advantage of it. not palestine

but why i think they didnt move there is because they got everything from the start in israel, they got passport. something that would take years to get if you wanted to go to one of those countries you mentioned!

But in Israel nothing was waiting for them. Most of the new immigrants were housed in temporary settlements and had to live in tenants and shacks with no electricity or running water. There was ration on food, with no eggs and fresh milk. No exactly sensible conditions to live.
Who are you to determine who is Jewish and what is the Jewish people. This is the most arrogant approach I ever encountered here in PDF. Concentrate on your own identity and let me to decide what is mine.

But previously in this Thread you claimed that I was obsessed with Israel, was that not an arrogant persumption, even when I repeatedly told you I was not. I believe that is called double standards.
But previously in this Thread you claimed that I was obsessed with Israel, was that not an arrogant persumption, even when I repeatedly told you I was not. I believe that is called double standards.

You mix different things.

I said you are obsessed with Israel because of your hypocrisy towards its policies and activities. You judge Israel more severely than any other country.

Only someone who has an obsession with Israel can think like yourself.
I said you are obsessed with Israel because of your hypocrisy towards its policies and activities. You judge Israel more severely than any other country.

Only someone who has an obsession with Israel can think like yourself.

Now Nirriech that is being persumptious, as you don't know me too well. How do you not know that I don't criticize other Nations just as harshly as Israel. Your statements are based upon your own assumptions, but not factural evidence. Like I said before you don't represent me so, don't talk for me, it's considered an arrogant trait, in which you connotated in your previous posts.
Now Nirriech that is being persumptious, as you don't know me too well. How do you not know that I don't criticize other Nations just as harshly as Israel. Your statements are based upon your own assumptions, but not factural evidence. Like I said before you don't represent me so, don't talk for me, it's considered an arrogant trait, in which you connotated in your previous posts.

You admitted your double standard when I asked you directly about it, and I think it is enough for establishing your hypocrisy.
You admitted your double standard when I asked you directly about it, and I think it is enough for establishing your hypocrisy.

You are fumbling with words but you are not answering the question. How did I admit my double standards, and how exactly did you establish my hypocrisy, please don't live in a delusional world, there is something called reality, I suggest you go to waterstones and buy a book on it, maybe it will then broaden your horizons.
You are fumbling with words but you are not answering the question. How did I admit my double standards, and how exactly did you establish my hypocrisy, please don't live in a delusional world, there is something called reality, I suggest you go to waterstones and buy a book on it, maybe it will then broaden your horizons.

Relate a post on the subject and I will demonstrate to you your double standards.
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