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A year for the First Flotilla to Gaza: Turkey was found Guilty by UN

How will you hold peace with anyone if you not by talking with them and hear what they have to say?
Or do you suggest the best coarse of action is to execute all Hamas members and dump them in a mass grave??

If Israel wanted it could destroy Gaza and kill all Hamas members several times since Hamas took power in 2006, so all this nonsense about mass graves is irrelevant.

Israel is ready to negotiate with PA which refuse to use terror and to accept Israel's existence. Why you pressurise Israel to talk with a terror organisation which does not even recognise it and it is devoted to its destruction? What we should talk about?

Again, you only have demands from Israel, nothing from the Palestinians and Hamas.
If Israel wanted it could destroy Gaza and kill all Hamas members several times since Hamas took power in 2006, so all this nonsense about mass graves is irrelevant.

Israel is ready to negotiate with PA which refuse to use terror and to accept Israel's existence. Why you pressurise Israel to talk with a terror organisation which does not even recognise it and it is devoted to its destruction? What we should talk about?

Again, you only have demands from Israel, nothing from the Palestinians and Hamas.

Again a show of arrogance and what I implied of mass graves is a quota from you on how do you think it is the best way to deal with hamas and of which you did not reply to me.
Again a show of arrogance and what I implied of mass graves is a quota from you on how do you think it is the best way to deal with hamas and of which you did not reply to me.

You are misleading with your accusations.

I never said that Israel should kill all Hamas members or any such action - show me the exact quote from my post.

You failed to point to any mistake of the Palestinians, I guess you think they are saints who can never go wrong - they can declare that they want to destroy Israel and terrorise its people and Israel should bow with fear and surrender to their extreme demands.
You are misleading with your accusations.

I never said that Israel should kill all Hamas members or any such action - show me the exact quote from my post.

You failed to point to any mistake of the Palestinians, I guess you think they are saints who can never go wrong - they can declare that they want to destroy Israel and terrorise its people and Israel should bow with fear and surrender to their extreme demands.

I asked the question first. Give me the best way to deal with hamas??
I asked the question first. Give me the best way to deal with hamas??

You asked first, but will you answer last?

Israel should continue to isolate Hamas and support the PA as best as it can in order to show to the Palestinian people what would be the outcome of a Hamas regime. If the PA is ready for that, Israel should help it to recapture Gaza after the bloody coup of Hamas in 2006.

The best option for Hamas is to avoid and prevent any attacks against Israel, so Israel would not retaliate. If after five years Hamas will maintain a ceasefire with no military activity towards Israel then maybe Israel can consider opening its border for a supervised traffic and commodities. However, while Hamas refuse to recognise Israel and continue to advocate a Nazi charter, Israel would not negotiate with it.

Of course the above scenario is a fantasy, there is no way Hamas will give up its ambition to destroy Israel and to terrorise it people, no matter what Israel will do to appease it.

Satisfy from my answer? What about yours? Did the Palestinians make any mistake ever in their relations with Israel?
Israel should continue to isolate Hamas and support the PA as best as it can in order to show to the Palestinian people what would be the outcome of a Hamas regime. If the PA is ready for that, Israel should help it to recapture Gaza after the bloody coup of Hamas in 2006.

So the collective punishment is true to show the palastenians that they have no right to vote for whoever they want which is a form of suppression any sane man will say.
And did the Palastenians make mistakes?? yes many the second intifada is one of them because they should have used the tactic they are using now to strong arm (or rather to gentle arm) Israel the path of non-violence resistance. Which is working on making the people of the world finally wake up and see what is truly happening in palastine.
So the collective punishment is true to show the palastenians that they have no right to vote for whoever they want which is a form of suppression any sane man will say.
And did the Palastenians make mistakes?? yes many the second intifada is one of them because they should have used the tactic they are using now to strong arm (or rather to gentle arm) Israel the path of non-violence resistance. Which is working on making the people of the world finally wake up and see what is truly happening in palastine.

So their decision to destroy Israel in 1947 and to reject the partition plan (which caused the refugee problem) was the right one? And Hamas using suicide bombers against innocent women and children is also the right decision? And its refusal to recognise Israel? And its commitment to destroy it is a reasonable policy?

The Palestinians can vote to whom they like, but they should take responsibility for their choice. If they elect Hamas which has a Nazi charter as ideology and is not ready to recognise Israel or the live with it in peace, then they should not be surprise if Israel refuse to negotiate with a terror organisation which attack its innocent civilians and should know that Israel will constantly operate against this kind of barbaric organisation.

As you correctly explained Hamas was elected by the people of Gaza, so they should bear the consequences of their vote. Israel is under no obligation to cooperate with a terror organisation which aspire to destroy it, so Israel can close its border, like any other sovereign country, and prevent any entrance of people and commodities from Gaza to its territory. It can impose a maritime blockade in order to prevent Hamas from getting more rockets and weaponry from Iran and Syria which would be use to attack innocent civilians in Israel. If the population in Gaza suffers from this measures, it should know it is the consequence of its own democratic choice and it has the option to change its mind.

Right now Israel is only obliged to the minimum: to allow humanitarian aid for Gaza and basic services. No more, no less. And needless to say, Israel should continue to fight Hamas while making efforts to prevent casualties among civilians in Gaza as much as possible. A baby or a child should not be blamed for this situation. However, if Hamas uses its own civilians as human shields in order to attack Israeli civilians (like when firing rockets on Israel) and to intentionally increase the number of civilian casualties in order to draw international criticism on Israel it should know that Israel prime duty is to protect its own civilians.

How can you sympathise with this kind of degraded terror organisation? Support the PA in its efforts to rebuild the Palestinian society and its institution without using violence against Israel.
Israelis complain vociferously about Palestinian attacks, but fail to investigate or prosecute their own wrong doings against Palestinians. If it involves Israeli or Jewish violence on Arabs, they close their eyes, ears and mouths.
That's a big, sweeping, accusation. Yet you offer no examples, no statistics, and no sources. Why should your utterances carry any weight - not just in this forum, but to you?
That's a big, sweeping, accusation. Yet you offer no examples, no statistics, and no sources. Why should your utterances carry any weight - not just in this forum, but to you?
Solomon i dont know why you are pretending to be blind. Did not you watched the videos of isreali soldiers who admit that they have commited terrorism by killing innocent phalestinian? STATISTICS of your so called bravery are also available in BTSleem in your own human rights org. I dont feel posting them again and again
Solomon i dont know why you are pretending to be blind. Did not you watched the videos of isreali soldiers who admit that they have commited terrorim by killing innocent phalestinian? STATISTICS of your so called bravery are also available in BTSleem in your own human rights org. I dont feel posting them again and again

The only statistics the Israelis believe in is the Statistics made by the IDF. Or the MDA.
Solomon i dont know why you are pretending to be blind. Did not you watched the videos -
Actually, I usually don't watch videos. Too much waste of time. If you wish to present them as evidence post the links and specify the time index.

STATISTICS of your so called bravery are also available in BTSleem -
Yes, you must be specific. However, if you've posted specifics before I'll accept links to your previous posts.

Yes Israel is so good and innocent. Isn't that right Solomn2??
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Yes Israel is so good and innocent. Isn't that right Solomn2??
I'm not watching this one, at the very least not until you describe specifically what it is you think is so important and could be incriminating within it. Just posting a video link with a snarky comment - how can that be respectable? You make yourself sound like an a--.
I'm not watching this one, at the very least not until you describe specifically what it is you think is so important and could be incriminating within it. Just posting a video link with a snarky comment - how can that be respectable? You make yourself sound like an a--.

Oh I did not make the video this is from B'etselem. Earlier you said you had no viable source for any Israeli injustice. Now I am just pulling a very recent video from your own human rights organization as a source. if you want to discredit it then be my guest.
This is when a bunch of women went out to call for their loved ones release from Israeli prisons and it shows how Israeli soldiers beating unarmed people and women at that too.
Oh I did not make the video this is from B'etselem. Earlier you said you had no viable source for any Israeli injustice. Now I am just pulling a very recent video from your own human rights organization as a source. if you want to discredit it then be my guest.
This is when a bunch of women went out to call for their loved ones release from Israeli prisons and it shows how Israeli soldiers beating unarmed people and women at that too.

You avoided any answer to my previous questions which undermined your negative perception about Israel. It seems that you cannot handle reality.

My previous post:

So their decision to destroy Israel in 1947 and to reject the partition plan (which caused the refugee problem) was the right one? And Hamas using suicide bombers against innocent women and children is also the right decision? And its refusal to recognise Israel? And its commitment to destroy it is a reasonable policy?

The Palestinians can vote to whom they like, but they should take responsibility for their choice. If they elect Hamas which has a Nazi charter as ideology and is not ready to recognise Israel or the live with it in peace, then they should not be surprise if Israel refuse to negotiate with a terror organisation which attack its innocent civilians and should know that Israel will constantly operate against this kind of barbaric organisation.

As you correctly explained Hamas was elected by the people of Gaza, so they should bear the consequences of their vote. Israel is under no obligation to cooperate with a terror organisation which aspire to destroy it, so Israel can close its border, like any other sovereign country, and prevent any entrance of people and commodities from Gaza to its territory. It can impose a maritime blockade in order to prevent Hamas from getting more rockets and weaponry from Iran and Syria which would be use to attack innocent civilians in Israel. If the population in Gaza suffers from this measures, it should know it is the consequence of its own democratic choice and it has the option to change its mind.

Right now Israel is only obliged to the minimum: to allow humanitarian aid for Gaza and basic services. No more, no less. And needless to say, Israel should continue to fight Hamas while making efforts to prevent casualties among civilians in Gaza as much as possible. A baby or a child should not be blamed for this situation. However, if Hamas uses its own civilians as human shields in order to attack Israeli civilians (like when firing rockets on Israel) and to intentionally increase the number of civilian casualties in order to draw international criticism on Israel it should know that Israel prime duty is to protect its own civilians.

How can you sympathise with this kind of degraded terror organisation? Support the PA in its efforts to rebuild the Palestinian society and its institution without using violence against Israel.
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