It is stupid to claim that this land belongs to us by god,
Then you have to FIRST accept that creation of Israel was a mistake, it was based on this madness of "God gifted us this Land", and denying Uganda Offer and announcing the creation of Israel against the will of Native population were crimes.
You have not answered this basic question.
And those Israelies who answer this question, their only claim up till now is this that rejecting Uganda Offer and announcing Creation of Israel was correct while some god has promised Jews this land.
this land is where Jews originated from - Jeuda.
Makes no difference. After centuries and creation of UNO, there was absolutely no excuse of creation of Israel on the Palestinian land.
Not only the Muslim religion is a problem for humanity, but also the Jewish religion too is a problem for humanity and crimes are committed for the sake of religion.
Yes Arabs have been living here thought the overwhelming majority came to the land as buisness oportunity when the Jews developed it but we did not under any circumstance evicted those who have living here in peace
You see all these are the LAME excuses for making illegal religious based creation of Israel. You may have come as businessmen, but you were not allowed to declare the creation of Jewish State.
- most of those "refugees" left on their on accord thinking they would return to reconquerd Arab land. Those who where evicted where the ones waging war against us.
Problem is who "STARTED" the conflict?
You are mentioning ONLY what happened LATER etc., but you ignored the basic thing that things should be basically judged on a criteria that who "STARTED" the conflict.
Therefore, who ever started it, that party is the basic culprit and guilty.
One may hate Islam, one may hate Muslims, but the Word of Justice is that basic guilt goes to the Jews who created the state of Israel.
The only natural justification to hold land is the ability to hold it
Here you ow want to play "Might is Right".
It is unfortunate.
"Might is right" is a wrong formula today, as it was wrong in the past when other mightier forces prosecuted and killed the Jews for centuries.
- and guess what Arabs have lost all that they could have had they let us live in quiet in our legally bought lands but no, they could not accept a diffrent culture from their own in the Middle East.
Once again, there were almost negligible problems when earlier jews were living there. The real problems only began after the Jews announced the creation of state of Israel.