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A Pledge TO protect my Homeland Pakistan

pakistan asked China to built a naval base for Pakistan or offered China to built a naval base for itself? or did Pakistan asked to take control of the port? I think these are two different news, India media is mixing...

by the way its our little secret :P you will know when you would see a fleet through google earth :P

We will not only see the fleet,but also the missiles,Crew with the help of RISAT-2.
btw indian and other foreign comments not welcome : go awy

Brother, sad reality is you will find Indians on every Pakistani website, swarming like bees, while the Indian media, sites, forums do not allow our posts, I am trying to post my comments on different sites, they never ever publish my comments. Then they call themselves "biggest Democracy". But for some sad reason, we allow them full say and participation, even on thread like this.
Brother, sad reality is you will find Indians on every Pakistani website, swarming like bees, while the Indian media, sites, forums do not allow our posts, I am trying to post my comments on different sites, they never ever publish my comments. Then they call themselves "biggest Democracy". But for some sad reason, we allow them full say and participation, even on thread like this.

yes, they dont allow our posts... I have tried alot of time on different official sites of newspapers etc, where indian comments will go through...
Good Pledge and Patriotism.

Well I guess not many of you were around in 1971.

Well good for you Pakistan.:pakistan:
You will probably not understand it but let me try. There is huge problem with that, one it means automatic weapons can be easily licensed. So there will be plenty of them in market. Which means it is easier for anyone to get them. Difficulty for police. I am expecting you will find show of weapons no problem at all.

You have to get a special permit signed by the PM in order to keep automatic weapons...........And there are seperate "all Pak" permits.........without which u cant move with the weapons even in the city.
i do solemly swear to protect Pakistan from any foreign invaders, my weapon of choice would be a pkm and a krinkov,though I don’t have them both will have to arrange for them now.
Though if we are to form a militia of patriots then we need some weapons in inventory.
1)assault rifles(preferably ak-47s easy availabilitygun and ammo)

2)pkm light machine gun(also easily available if u know where to look for availability of both gun and ammo)

3)rpg-7s(difficult to get but not impossible)

4)anti air weapon(some dushka hmgs and perferablly anza or stinger type weapon later two impossible to find)
If we have all these weapons and a force of even 10,000 men we are going to be headache for any invadeing force and I mean any.

And ofcourse who can forget the sidearm that will have to be .30cal pistol though not a fan but its wide availability and ammo availability is a huge advantage over other calibers and I believe it can better penetrate then a 9mm or .45acp.

Forgot These.
Post Taliban attack on naval base, China won’t invest in new Pakistan port

BEIJING: China on Tuesday indicated that it would not invest in creating another naval base in Pakistan, perhaps jolted by the Taliban attack on Pakistan's naval base.

Chinese foreign ministry said it had not seen any proposal to build a naval base in Pakistan. The statement amounts to a rejection of Pakistani defence minister Ahmad Mukhtar's claim that his government was pushing Beijing to build a naval base near the Gwadar port.

"China and Pakistan are friendly neighbours. Regarding the specific China-Pakistan co-operative project that you raised, I have not heard of it,'' Jiang Yu , Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman said in a news conference in Beijing. This is a rejection of Mukhtar's claim that China had agreed to Pakistan's request to take over operations of the port near Gwadar.

Jiang's statement is significant as it comes just after Pakistan PM Gilani's visit.
Post Taliban attack on naval base, China won’t invest in new Pakistan port - The Economic Times

I think you understand how well a result of the foreign words, what is rejected? What is not know? Distortion of our words, Indian media has always been your greatest ability.
Take it lightly ......... Nobdy as of now is goin to war......... the new guy (thread starter) just got emotional.......... Ppl r just havin fun.:disagree:

Well said. Another war is not going to do any good for US. When NATO is finding so difficult to tame Gadaffi, how can it handle Pakistan?. India wont do that for the sake of its economy. Please Ignore these kind of war stories and catch the bug that is sucking blood from your body. Once the bug is smashed, Pakistan will be in the path of growth.
Well said. Another war is not going to do any good for US. When NATO is finding so difficult to tame Gadaffi, how can it handle Pakistan?. India wont do that for the sake of its economy. Please Ignore these kind of war stories and catch the bug that is sucking blood from your body. Once the bug is smashed, Pakistan will be in the path of growth.

it always confuses me when you guys use the term US, does it mean U S (the country), or does it mean the simple us (you and me and others) ?
i do solemly swear to protect Pakistan from any foreign invaders, my weapon of choice would be a pkm and a krinkov,though I don’t have them both will have to arrange for them now.
Though if we are to form a militia of patriots then we need some weapons in inventory.
1)assault rifles(preferably ak-47s easy availabilitygun and ammo)

2)pkm light machine gun(also easily available if u know where to look for availability of both gun and ammo)

3)rpg-7s(difficult to get but not impossible)

4)anti air weapon(some dushka hmgs and perferablly anza or stinger type weapon later two impossible to find)
If we have all these weapons and a force of even 10,000 men we are going to be headache for any invadeing force and I mean any.

And ofcourse who can forget the sidearm that will have to be .30cal pistol though not a fan but its wide availability and ammo availability is a huge advantage over other calibers and I believe it can better penetrate then a 9mm or .45acp.


the best post in this thread so far.

dont worry about inventory, if we ever get a chance, it will be provided by PA.
by the way a knife is always a good choice.
and I would like you to read the guerrilla warfare by Che Guevara. All you need to know is in it, how to form a militia, how to run a militia and how to take the resistance to success...and also do read about Imam Shamil, Caucasian muslim leader....
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