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A Pledge TO protect my Homeland Pakistan

I seriously hope, most people making pledge, fighting imaginary enemy and discussing post invasion resistance movement are in their teens. If you are older, you need to grow up.
Take it lightly ......... Nobdy as of now is goin to war......... the new guy (thread starter) just got emotional.......... Ppl r just havin fun.:disagree:
Be asured,,, "Wind-from-EAST" (Hadees),,, "Force from Direction of Khurasaan" (Hadees),,, that will go & fight with Jesus against "امريكى دجال" is none but Pakistanis... Current apparent-cowardice shown by our forces is also referred-to in first of احاديث

The mess created by Ganjas then BiBi-BayGhairat-Nazeer & Traitor-Musharaf & Now Ghaddari-&-Co. has made it quite difficult for Army to handle situation,,,

I, Dawood Ibrahim, do solemnly swear that I will die defending the country where I live.

abhi abhi text msg aya hai bhai ka..... :rofl:
I Mr Bahram Khan do solemly Swear that i will protect my homeland Pakistan from any invasion either from US/NATO or India.Any foreign country if invades i will leave all my daily tasks (return) and pick up arms and ammo to teach aggressor a lesson.And GOD help me.

lets sign this petition just write i do solemly swear to protect Pakistan.
and lets see how many soliders we got in reserve.and to show the enemy we are united

the main threat for your country is from within, please stop with our war hungry mindset, the enemy is within you, first get rid of that before you get down to such kiddish activities. Any citizen will protect their country till death, Pakistan is not an exception.
Liscensed weapons....... In the name of my father....... a Brig in Pak Army.
You will probably not understand it but let me try. There is huge problem with that, one it means automatic weapons can be easily licensed. So there will be plenty of them in market. Which means it is easier for anyone to get them. Difficulty for police. I am expecting you will find show of weapons no problem at all.
Chinese people always support our brothers in Pakistan, your fight is our! Aggression to you is our invasion of China! You are not alone, your behind it are 1.3 billion Chinese people support you!

+1.2 billion indians also:P
Chinese people always support our brothers in Pakistan, your fight is our! Aggression to you is our invasion of China! You are not alone, your behind it are 1.3 billion Chinese people support you!

Forgot These.
Post Taliban attack on naval base, China won’t invest in new Pakistan port

BEIJING: China on Tuesday indicated that it would not invest in creating another naval base in Pakistan, perhaps jolted by the Taliban attack on Pakistan's naval base.

Chinese foreign ministry said it had not seen any proposal to build a naval base in Pakistan. The statement amounts to a rejection of Pakistani defence minister Ahmad Mukhtar's claim that his government was pushing Beijing to build a naval base near the Gwadar port.

"China and Pakistan are friendly neighbours. Regarding the specific China-Pakistan co-operative project that you raised, I have not heard of it,'' Jiang Yu , Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman said in a news conference in Beijing. This is a rejection of Mukhtar's claim that China had agreed to Pakistan's request to take over operations of the port near Gwadar.

Jiang's statement is significant as it comes just after Pakistan PM Gilani's visit.
Post Taliban attack on naval base, China won’t invest in new Pakistan port - The Economic Times
pakistan asked China to built a naval base for Pakistan or offered China to built a naval base for itself? or did Pakistan asked to take control of the port? I think these are two different news, India media is mixing...

by the way its our little secret :P you will know when you would see a fleet through google earth :P
Yes! I agree! The truth MUST NOT BE TOLD!

Think there wont be any fight well then pit your money where your mouth is and see how we pump your @$$ if you come and attack us, but i dont think this is going to happen cuz you are pretty samrt @-hole$ and are not afraid to run from any fight you think you are going to be banged in...........
I am a Muslim and I swear to protect My fellow muslim brothers ( to the best of my ablities ) from any non Muslim invading army

What about Muslim Invaders..?
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