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8-episode documentary "The BRICS country" by China's CCTV

Conversely, merely being part of an alliance does nothing to resolve differences. Will China buy raw materials from India even though it can get them cheaper from Nigeria, just because the former is in BRICS?

Business is still business but the problem between India and China now is that there're so much mistrust that one's normal action is interpreted as hostile by others. Under such an atmosphere, it is very hard to have normal economic activities. As you can see, suspition on each other forceses two countries to keep buying weapons instead of spending the money on development. And the impact is beyond two countries, Pakistan, Bangladash also have to keep up the military built up. A symbolic organization, regardless of meaningless or not, at least give a chance for countries to communicate with each other so that a troop movement in Tibet doesn't have to mobilize Indian army and vise visa.

Soviet-China war ended because that a hotline was finally set up between the two leaders and they talked things out before it escalated to a nuclear showdown and after that China could focus on industrialization.
I will leave the thread alone.

Even though I doubt that BRICS has any significant relevance for the relationships intra-BRICS, I agree that the primary message of BRICS is to announce that the age of Western-Japan dominance is ending and that the world is becoming multi-polar.
Super like ....

And btw BRICS is not a military alliance.
That's precisely my point.

India and China were cooperating on matters of mutual interest like climate change before BRICS. They will continue to do so with or without BRICS. None of which changes the very real differences in other areas -- areas where India is moving full steam ahead with anti-China alliances.

When two countries are serious about resolving differences, they do so regardless of whether they are part of a common organization.

Adults are talking. Have a lie down if you don't understand the issues and can't contribute.

Dude get a grip on ur logic. china supports pakistan and India supports vietnam , taiwan, tibet etc...this does not make china and india enemies ...strength respects strength...this is what is going to happen in the case of India-China.. there are two ways of cooperating ---one is pakistan china and one is India-china with close to 100 billion dollar trade
Super like ....

And btw BRICS is not a military alliance.

Think about it twice. This is a ideaological preparation for China' approach of reshaping the world. If you align with it's propaganda of "peaceful rise", it's clear China will work together with emerging big nations to make a more even world, in which western approach of rise through wars is out of date. If we mankind finally achieve that result I would say China and the idea of BRICS is taking a holy mission for the earth civilization.

But I doubt the west will stay and see. They will soon start their defence of their dominance. Therefore idea of reshaping the world through peaceful rises of big emerging nations still depends on the overrall economic trend, avoidance of western traps, the resoluteness of BRICS nations to deal with all the challenges and unition among them.
Leave him in peace.

#A think TANK who didn't even know whether it was UK forces or French air force who made the first hit in libya. Call himself a subscriber of jane's defense weekly :lol:

Uh. You've got me confused with someone else.
Thanks, I have also requested the BRICS articles get merged into a single one.

Indeed, I have never felt this strongly that BRICS countries are serious about the concept. It is a typical practice of Chinese government to make a big documentary to hint the country's future direction. The last CCTV documentary was the 12 episodes of

The Rise of the Great Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just gives you a sense of the importance of CCTV documentaries. (It was a nice series)

On Indian's side, I think the high profile restriction of Tibetan's exiles activities was also a very strong signal.

Thanks again fly I will check this out as well looks interesting.
Where is the documentary ??

btw...Promotional video is good!

Nice initiative by cctv :)
So BRICS is getting some serious thrust from all 5 nations to gather some steam in world powers and face them on crucial issues like IRAN.
Can somebody upload documentary?

Thanks in advance.
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