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59% of Germans view Israel as 'aggressive'

The number, according to BBC poll is 69%. Anti-semitism is spreading like a wildfire in Europe. No surprise.

Only Americans and Russians are true friend of Israel.

Israel, stay strong.

Can you stop abusing the term anti-semitism whenever people criticise Israel's inhuman actions towards the Palestinians and its aggressive foreign policy?

FYI, Palestinians are also Semite.
The world is a sick, sick place... How do you guys survive with so much hatred? Apparently, it's okay to call me russkie, hypocrite, vodka guzzler and whatnot but not okay when I highlight facts.

anyways, looks like your comments were deleted.:azn:

Who ever called you a Vodka Guzzler?

I'm calling you from what I'm noticed S-19. You don't seem to be someone who has a Russian personality at all.
The number, according to BBC poll is 69%. Anti-semitism is spreading like a wildfire in Europe. No surprise.
Only Americans and Russians are true friend of Israel.
Israel, stay strong.

Surprised that only 3 percent of Japanese view Israel positive.
Let them be. These hate-filled Israeli apologists are consumed by their hatred of Muslims.

Anything or anyone that kills Muslims is a hero to them -- notice all the Indians in this thread.

Auschwitz survivor: 'Israel acts like Nazis'


One of the last remaining Auschwitz survivors has launched a blistering attack on Israel over its occupation of Palestine as he began a lecture tour of Scotland.

Dr Hajo Meyer, 86, who survived 10 months in the Nazi death camp, spoke out as his 10-day tour of the UK and Ireland - taking in three Scottish venues - got under way. His comments sparked a furious reaction from hardline Jewish lobby groups, with Dr Meyer branded an "anti-Semite" and accused of abusing his position as a Holocaust survivor.

Dr Meyer also attended hearings at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday, where five pro-Palestine campaigners are accused of racially aggravated conduct after disrupting a concert by the Jerusalem Quartet at the city's Queen's Hall.

Speaking as his tour got under way, Dr Meyer said there were parallels between the treatment of Jews by Germans in the Second World War and the current treatment of Palestinians by Israelis.

He said: "The Israelis tried to dehumanise the Palestinians, just like the Nazis tried to dehumanise me. Nobody should dehumanise any other and those who try to dehumanise another are not human.

"It may be that Israel is not the most cruel country in the world ... but one thing I know for sure is that Israel is the world champion in pretending to be civilised and cultured."

Dr Meyer was born in 1924 in Bielefeld, Germany. He was not allowed to attend school there after November 1938. He then fled to the Netherlands, alone. In 1944, after a year in the underground, he was caught by the Gestapo and survived 10 months at Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.

He now lives in the Netherlands, and is the author of three books on Judaism, the Holocaust and Zionism.

Dr Meyer also insisted the definition of "anti-Semitic" had now changed, saying: "Formerly an anti-Semite was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews and had a Jewish soul. But nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by Jews."

A spokesman for the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, of which Dr Meyer is a member, said criticising Israel was "not the same" as criticising Jews.

Mick Napier, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign chairman and one of the five demonstrators facing charges when the court case continues in March, said: "Palestinians are happy to have him as an ally in their cause.

"Hajo knows that Israel has a long history of abusing the tragic history of the Holocaust in order to suppress legitimate criticism of its own crimes.

"Especially since Gaza, people are no longer taken in by their claim that anyone that criticises Israel is anti-Semitic."

Dr Meyer's claims met with a furious reaction from pro-Israel groups, who branded him "a disgrace".

Jonathan Hoffman, co-vice-chairman of the Zionist Federation, said: "I shall be telling him he is abusing his status as a survivor, and I shall be telling him that if Israel had been created 10 years earlier, millions of lives might have been saved.

"Whether he is a survivor or not, to use Nazi comparisons in relation to Israel's policies is anti-Semitic, unquestionably."

The tour was cynically timed, Mr Hoffman added, to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27.

Dr Ezra Golombok, Scottish spokesman for the Israel Information Office, accused the anti-zionist lobby of "exploiting" Dr Meyer, who he described as someone "who's got into a situation he doesn't understand".

"This is a propaganda exercise by Mick Napier and his friends, and nothing more. It's preposterous to compare Israel with Nazi tactics."

The lecture series, entitled Never Again - For Anyone, continues until January 30
Interesting read, thanks for sharing.
The nations goverment's are friends with Israel, that doesn't mean the people are as the polls have suggested.

Regardless, it is being said that people love to hate Israel but no one gave the reason for this?
Interesting read, thanks for sharing.

I posted because Dr Meyer is a German Jew and, as a Holocaust survivor, has the authority to make that call.

The anti-Semitism nonsense is thrown about constantly by the Israeli apologists; it's getting ridiculous.
..........I posted because Dr Meyer is a German Jew and, as a Holocaust survivor.....has the authority to make that call.....

How about the hundreds, if not thousands, of other notable holocaust survivors? You are quoting one of them because of your selective bias. Why not quote the others who also "has the authority to make that call"?

I'm calling you from what I'm noticed S-19. You don't seem to be someone who has a Russian personality at all.

Can you tell me what did I post in this thread to be named and attacked the way I was?

Anyway, don't worry. These are some of the last posts I'm making in this forum. Soon, you'll be gotten rid of the "hypocrite", "russkie", "bullshitter" that I am...
How about the hundreds, if not thousands, of other notable holocaust survivors? You are quoting one of them because of your selective bias. Why not quote the others who also "has the authority to make that call"?

What's the matter? Can't handle the TRUTH?

Your fake cover of 'objectivity' to hide your incessant and rabid Islamophobic rants is not flying any more.

If you can't handle the FACTS about Israel, you are welcome to go sit in your corner and stew in your hatred. The rest of us will continue exposing the REALITY of Israel.

Anyway, don't worry. These are some of the last posts I'm making in this forum. Soon, you'll be gotten rid of the "hypocrite", "russkie", "bullshitter" that I am...[/FONT][/B]

Sure. Now that the cover has been blown off your pathological hatred of Muslims, you will play the martyr and sulk off.
What's the matter? Can't handle the TRUTH?

Your fake cover of 'objectivity' to hide your incessant and rabid Islamophobic rants is not flying any more.

If you can't handle the FACTS about Israel, you are welcome to go sit in your corner and stew in your hatred. The rest of us will continue exposing the REALITY of Israel.

Sure. Now that the cover has been blown off your pathological hatred of Muslims, you will play the martyr and sulk off.

Do you really think it is I who will be the one to suffer in any way due to your hatred towards me?
What's the matter? Can't handle the TRUTH?

Your fake cover of 'objectivity' to hide your incessant and rabid Islamophobic rants is not flying any more.

If you can't handle the FACTS about Israel, you are welcome to go sit in your corner and stew in your hatred. The rest of us will continue exposing the REALITY of Israel.

Sure. Now that the cover has been blown off your pathological hatred of Muslims, you will play the martyr and sulk off.
The FACTS are that you support terrorism, you support the animals that smile when told how many Jewish children they've killed and glorify murder in the name of Islam.

You cannot face the truth because you lack the mental capability to comprehend what is right and what is wrong.

There is a saying: For every ally Israel has in Europe, they have a thousand enemies.
I'm not surprised that "Europians" that colonized most of the world and slaughtered millions dislike Israel. After 2000 years of trying, and trying, and trying to exterminate the Jewish people, they have failed.
They cannot understand how a race and faith of barely 15 million people, outlived all those that tried to destroy them.

Have you noticed the most anti-Israeli nations are the one's that have the worst economies in Europe? Ireland, Spain, Portugal, UK, France, Greece(An avid supporter of Arabs before ties were broken by the Turks). Something to think about.

Rabid Islamic extremism, crumpling economies, discord and mayhem. The riots in England and Spain were just the beginning.
Do you really think it is I who will be the one to suffer in any way due to your hatred towards me?

You would provide comic relief, if you weren't so predictably boring in your Islamophobic rants.

The FACTS are that you support terrorism,


As the Holocaust survivor said, Israel is like the Nazis.

All your propaganda can't hide the truth forever.
How do you think they treat the palestinians?

They already have them in concentration camps like the nazis did to their forefathers.

Cough cough gaza and west bank
Stop that nonsense. Israel does not have any concentration camps. Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza live much better than Pakistanis.

Which is why i said, if they were persecuted by the Nazis then why would they treat the others the same way? Usually when a victim suffers oppression he does not desire the same upon another.
Israel treats Palestinians much better than their Arab brothers treat them.
This is a perfect example of propoganda.. Only 1000 people had taken part in dat poll,nd they said it 59%,further it also matters how were the person choosen nd frm which part they were taken.. Mayb they all were from muslim community. So this type of result more or less expected


Ah yes, anything against Israel or bharat must be propaganda.

THis is how surveys are carried out, Einstein. This is how they do the surveys that you bharatis like to so eagerly post showing Pakistan is among the least popular state. :lol:

Stop that nonsense. Israel does not have any concentration camps. Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza live much better than Pakistanis.

Israel treats Palestinians much better than their Arab brothers treat them.


Uh huh.. and pigs can fly, mars is blue, and so on?
It is the other way around, GENIUS....

It was Japan that invaded China before World War II and committed atrocities against the Chinese Civilians.

I am begining to to think Asian languages do not allow for irony or sarcasm.
What's the matter? Can't handle the TRUTH?

Your fake cover of 'objectivity' to hide your incessant and rabid Islamophobic rants is not flying any more.

If you can't handle the FACTS about Israel, you are welcome to go sit in your corner and stew in your hatred. The rest of us will continue exposing the REALITY of Israel.
The TRUTH is that Arabs live in Israel better than in their own countries. Its FACT that you cants hide from them.

As the Holocaust survivor said, Israel is like the Nazis.
Every group of people has idiots among them, Holocaist survivors are no exception. 99+% of Holocaust survivors dont think in that way.

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