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59% of Germans view Israel as 'aggressive'

Götterdämmerung;2963462 said:
I'm one of the 59 %. :)

Yes, there was a holocaust but this does not excuse the behavior of Israel. Don't mix the one with the other.

As much as I would like to agree with you, I´m sorry man, it was a hoax, please do your homework and find out..
..your country has been screwed TWICE. They needed TWO wars to put you down, from Weimar to what Germany is today.
As much as I would like to agree with you, I´m sorry man, it was a hoax, please do your homework and find out..
..your country has been screwed TWICE. They needed TWO wars to put you down, from Weimar to what Germany is today.

Holocaust was not a hoax (though not quite what the allies made it out to be). However, yes, Germany was screwed by the existing powers who did not like new competition (Germany was worshiped by the other western nations until she became unified and an actual competitor)
but they cant say it free, see günter grass. the zionist lobby with axel springer verlag and others is big and powerful.

No one is equating Israel to the Nazi regime in full. The point Dr Meyer was making was about the dehumanization and treatment of Palestinians, and the fundamental racial superiority inherent in the Zionist agenda.
Again, Israel treats Palestinians better than their own Arab brothers.

I am a hardcore Zionist but I dont have any racial superiority. In fact there are all races in Zionism:


Israeli Arab generals:


It still leaves out Jerusalem; the Israelis know it is a non-starter, so it is yet another publicity stunt.
Jerusalem was also devided:

but they cant say it free, see günter grass. the zionist lobby with axel springer verlag and others is big and powerful.


I dis agree with Germany's law muzzling disscusion on the matter, it is a left-over from post-war years. (I lived there when young, even a stiff-armed salute could get you in trouble, and pissed off the old guys royaly)
The FACTS are that you support terrorism, you support the animals that smile when told how many Jewish children they've killed and glorify murder in the name of Islam.

You cannot face the truth because you lack the mental capability to comprehend what is right and what is wrong.

There is a saying: For every ally Israel has in Europe, they have a thousand enemies.
I'm not surprised that "Europians" that colonized most of the world and slaughtered millions dislike Israel. After 2000 years of trying, and trying, and trying to exterminate the Jewish people, they have failed.
They cannot understand how a race and faith of barely 15 million people, outlived all those that tried to destroy them.

Have you noticed the most anti-Israeli nations are the one's that have the worst economies in Europe? Ireland, Spain, Portugal, UK, France, Greece(An avid supporter of Arabs before ties were broken by the Turks). Something to think about.

Rabid Islamic extremism, crumpling economies, discord and mayhem. The riots in England and Spain were just the beginning.

Why is it that about every single Israeli Jew there is resorts to personal attacks? Out of the few Israelis who are on this forum, the only one that I see with common sense is Nirreich.

Stop that nonsense. Israel does not have any concentration camps. Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza live much better than Pakistanis.

Israel treats Palestinians much better than their Arab brothers treat them.

Why, then, does Israel continue to build settlements on Palestinian lands? Why, then, does Israel not allow Palestine it's own national identity?
@500, I agree that Isreal is a racist state (not like SA or pre-Civil war or civil-rights America though). Unfortunatly, we all live with the left-over evolutionary concept of tribes (us vs. them). It exist in some form every where. In Isreal, it is still on the books (Arab vs Jewish citizens, there are different laws and statuates concerning them) Accept this, fix it in time. But I do find it funny that the posters here who cry for Saudi Arabia to prefer muslims, or Pakistan to to due the same cry racism (and yes, I know that technicaly religion isn't race, it is still the same thing, albeit under different criteria)

Ah yes, anything against Israel or bharat must be propaganda.

THis is how surveys are carried out, Einstein. This is how they do the surveys that you bharatis like to so eagerly post showing Pakistan is among the least popular state. :lol:


Uh huh.. and pigs can fly, marsis blue, and so on?
For understanding this u dnt need nt to b einstein ne educated tom dick nd harry cn undrstnd dis.., jst watch ads of toothpaste nd toothbrush if u arn t a dimwit u will get it clear. PS surveys doesnt represent true picture unless large no. Of samples are taken. Nd from evry aspect taking into consideration. PS: u shud b a bada wala idiot to believ survey of 1000 people
@500, I agree that Isreal is a racist state (not like SA or pre-Civil war or civil-rights America though). Unfortunatly, we all live with the left-over evolutionary concept of tribes (us vs. them). It exist in some form every where. In Isreal, it is still on the books (Arab vs Jewish citizens, there are different laws and statuates concerning them)
Arabic if official language in Israel. The only difference in laws is that Arabs are not obligated to serve in army. But some serve voluntarily.

Why, then, does Israel continue to build settlements on Palestinian lands?
First of all 1967 line is nor a border but merely a cease fire line. Final border should be negotiated. Settlements are designed to correct the border. You should keep in mind that from the Sea to 1967 line there is only 8-10 miles.

Why, then, does Israel not allow Palestine it's own national identity?
Israel is the only country who allowed Palestinians their national identity. We gave them a very wide authonomy and we offered them a state too.
As much as I would like to agree with you, I´m sorry man, it was a hoax, please do your homework and find out..
..your country has been screwed TWICE. They needed TWO wars to put you down, from Weimar to what Germany is today.


No event in modern human history has been studied more extensively and carefully than the Holocaust. The evidence is overwhelming. Mountains of records, witness accounts, photos, videos, sites etc.
Holocaust deniers are incredible stupid, or just unbelievable ignorant. The smart ones are Jew haters with their own agenda, stating that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples.
First of all 1967 line is nor a border but merely a cease fire line. Final border should be negotiated. Settlements are designed to correct the border. You should keep in mind that from the Sea to 1967 line there is only 8-10 miles.

''Settlements are designed to correct the border''.

What kind of flawed logic is this?

And if the 1967 line is a ceasefire line, then answer my question without the flawed logic above. Why, then, does Israel continue to build settlements despite a ceasefire in place?

Israel is the only country who allowed Palestinians their national identity. We gave them a very wide authonomy and we offered them a state too.

What were the conditions involved?
''Settlements are designed to correct the border''.

What kind of flawed logic is this?

And if the 1967 line is a ceasefire line, then answer my question without the flawed logic above. Why, then, does Israel continue to build settlements despite a ceasefire in place?
Cease fire of 1967 does not exist anymore, it was broken by the Arabs.

What were the conditions involved?
This is the last offer which was rejected by the Palestinians:

Why is it that about every single Israeli Jew there is resorts to personal attacks? Out of the few Israelis who are on this forum, the only one that I see with common sense is Nirreich.

Why, then, does Israel continue to build settlements on Palestinian lands? Why, then, does Israel not allow Palestine it's own national identity?

It was a truthful observation of his character. Though i wouldn't speak of common sense with what you've been posting lately.
Cease fire of 1967 does not exist anymore, it was broken by the Arabs.

Okay, but don't you think, ('Arabs', if you were referring to another country), but in this case the Palestinians, have the right to break the ceasefire which they view as a a pointless scheme of the invaders and occupiers of their land?

And even if they did break the ceasefire, why should Israel continue to build more settlements?

For what reason did they deny this offer?
Okay, but don't you think, ('Arabs', if you were referring to another country), but in this case the Palestinians, have the right to break the ceasefire which they view as a a pointless scheme of the invaders and occupiers of their land?

And even if they did break the ceasefire, why should Israel continue to build more settlements?
There is no such thing as Palestinian land since there is not Palestinian state. Settlements are not built on private Palestinian lands, if it happens then court rules to destroy these buildings. Final borders of Palestinian state should be negotiated.

You could see what happened in Gaza - Israel removed all settlements from there, did it change much?

For what reason did they deny this offer?
1) This offer did not include settlements of refugees in Israel.
2) They are quite happy with current status quo and simply afraid to take decision.
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