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5% people hold 64% of Pakistan’s farmland

Agreed. Land reforms badly needed in Pakistan.
Feudalism must go, terrorism must go, corruption must go, nepotism must go. I think only thing that needs to go is lazy and apathetic attitude of Pakistani / Indian population. They need to grow up, and work for once. The laziest bunch of people on the planet, who actually believe that everything good in this world belongs to them, without putting in zero efforts!

:) don't know about Punjab but we KPKians don't have landlords but merely khali kholi khans

The interesting thing here happening is that those few who have some big land are converting these to commercial residential colonies . bad though as agri products are shrinking by such practice.

Yes there are lot of problems for small farmers, GOI is giving huge subsides to these guys like interest free loans and writing off loans etc. GOI spends lakhs of crores on this.

One of the problems these small farmers are facing is middle men who buy at very low cost which will not earn them much profits. To address this issue in my state Andhra govt. introduced "Rythu bazaars" where these guys can sell their stocks directly to people with out middle men.

Still lot of things needs to be done like establishing food processing units and good storage facilities which will make sure the vegetables and other things are not spoiled and will earn them profits.

Land reforms are a must and if there is a law, then the situation will change .

that altogether a separate subject and needs a detailed discussion however, I was pointing to negative impact of gaps between land reforms and tenancy reforms
We lost a Lot of Land in Indian Land Reforms . From about a few thousand hectares few hundred were left and through further division of property as family went ahead less than a hundred is left . But that being said my dad realized nothing good will come out of farming came to city made a career , raised me and i am happy where i am right now .

I could have never achieved that as a *farmer* .
People think that IK will change their destinies.... how lame....... If I had wished, no one from my mozas would have cast one vote for him, and we could have made sure that it happened all over KPK and many areas of Punjab. Then what? Who will change whose destiny! People are so full of sh*t, they think that there is a magic bullet that will solve a problem that needs decades of hard work. No one is willing to work, they just need an immediate reprieve. They want to have 10 children, provide them everything in life, yet want to work only 6 hours a day.

Banda soch tou sakta hai naaa :D we know what's the reality :pissed:
We lost a Lot of Land in Indian Land Reforms . From about a few thousand hectares few hundred were left and through further division of property as family went ahead less than a hundred is left . But that being said my dad realized nothing good will come out of farming came to city made a career , raised me and i am happy where i am right now .

I could have never achieved that as a *farmer* .

Most of people from farmer community are finding life easy in cities doing good jobs, and Letting some one do their farming and pay some money in return these days....
Dude, education has got nothing to do with being a farmer. Stop feeling guilty, I'm feudal, and almost everyone in my family is either a doctor, an engineer or holds a PhD. Your government just made you think like that, it wasn't land reforms, they worked out the "vote bank" in their favors, nothing else!

We lost a Lot of Land in Indian Land Reforms . From about a few thousand hectares few hundred were left and through further division of property as family went ahead less than a hundred is left . But that being said my dad realized nothing good will come out of farming came to city made a career , raised me and i am happy where i am right now .

I could have never achieved that as a *farmer* .
Funny ..... :lol:

What is it with your avatar dude .... :lol: (no offense)


Its a goat harem NOT a slaughter house. Hype doesn't eat those goats, he entertains himself with their aid.
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feudalism must go there is no disagreement over it.

How it will go the main point of debate is and for that a thorough plan is needed.

India progressed there are many factors involved however, land reforms also have own issues in India.

Your small farmer is committing suicide enmass.

Feudalism will not go as long as people keep electing them into legislative assembly. We have to stop worshiping personalities may it be ZA, BB, NS or IK. Instead of voting for Patang, Sher and Teer, we should identify people from within our localities and vote them into assemblies. Then make them accountable to us within the constituencies. Even then it will take sometime for legislature to mature and ensure implementation of law.
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