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5% people hold 64% of Pakistan’s farmland

These landlords are in government, so forget that there will be any reforms.

Land reforms doesn't mean that one day you will pass a bill and snatch someone's land and give it to other. You will enforce a limit on land that an individual can hold, and big land owners will be forced to sell it.

Land reforms are not about selling land. rather these are distributed in tenants but again land ceiling even if implemented it has own issues specially effect on productivity.
In 2010-11, 23.67 million hectares were sown. Pakistan is an agricultural country and should concentrate on increasing its yield, through innovative methods. Therefore, those who own agriculture land and do not indulge in farming should be subjected to non utilization tax. In 2010-11 total of 32million hectares were unutilized for agriculture i.e more than 50%, such land should be taxed at exhorbitant rate to discourage unutilised holding.

High rate of non utilisation tax will force feudal to reduce their holdings. Secondly, governments compensates land owners for rising water table (Saim-Thor) rendering it cultivatable. This compensation should be stopped, because now technology is available to covert such land to productive use.

3 times you dont cultivate a land, it is subject to seize by govt acc to the law. its all about implementing the law.
What happened last time when ZA Bhutto annexed thousands of acres of our lands through "land reforms"? Played politics over it! Could he take control of it? No. We are taking something that was ours to begin with back, through courts, through whatever means. :lol:

These landlords are in government, so forget that there will be any reforms.

Land reforms doesn't mean that one day you will pass a bill and snatch someone's land and give it to other. You will enforce a limit on land that an individual can hold, and big land owners will be forced to sell it.
Most of the landowners have this land because their fathers were given the land by the british crown,
a good technique of opressing people.
No need to defend anything. South Asians are mostly "mufta khor", want everything for free, not willing to put in the hours. They think that they have the right to own everything that is on sale over the internet, yet are unwilling to sweat for it!

Jahaz muft day do, submarine muft day do, ToT muft day do, metallurgy muft day do, drilling tech muft day do, refinery tech muft day do, bijli muft day do. Losers! :lol:

Mere dost, fighting against feudalism is not the same as being freeloaders or advocating freeloading. The system is engineered in a way that a vast majority of the people with no land cannot change that status. At least not without great difficulty, undue quantum of difficulty that is.
Alphee beta, harr eik cheez ka itna aasan jawwab nahin' hota! :D

Most of the landowners have this land because their fathers were given the land by the british crown,
a good technique of opressing people.
well jana ji feudals will never give there land as simple as that and until then no socio ecomomik upliftment policy gonna work in pakistan

take example of south korea , china , turkey , UK , USSR , USA and any other they all progressed only after abolition of feudalism ...choice is yours what u want even india onli progressed after abolishion of feudalism and middle class rose

feudalism must go there is no disagreement over it.

How it will go the main point of debate is and for that a thorough plan is needed.

India progressed there are many factors involved however, land reforms also have own issues in India.

Your small farmer is committing suicide enmass.
Tere pas koi zameen nahi hai aur tu mujhe bhutte khilane ki baatein kar raha tha. :lol:

Ahhh..... Here comes ancient desi scientist who can even calculate hairs on my testicles from number of alphabets in my post - Tu Bhutte say matlab rakh - land ka tu nay kya karna hai :pop:

What happened last time when ZA Bhutto annexed thousands of acres of our lands through "land reforms"? Played politics over it! Could he take control of it? No. We are taking something that was ours to begin with back, through courts, through whatever means. :lol:

Idiots were those who believed that feudal will bring land reforms. :pop:
feudalism must go there is no disagreement over it.

How it will go the main point of debate is and for that a thorough plan is needed.

India progressed there are many factors involved however, land reforms also have own issues in India.

Your small farmer is committing suicide enmass.

well there always be issues but you cant stop the progress for that as for seucides well that was more to do with loans and BT cotton(terminator gene where you cant reproduce the same yeild from the seeds of the produce )
feudalism must go there is no disagreement over it.

How it will go the main point of debate is and for that a thorough plan is needed.

India progressed there are many factors involved however, land reforms also have own issues in India.

Your small farmer is committing suicide enmass.

The issues of the smaller land owners has nothing to do with the size of their holdings. Such heinous problems arise because the government (state and center) have repeatedly failed to provide them with adequate irrigation facilities, ergo the issues arise only in drought affected areas. In fact as things stand, most of the world has no option but to increase yield and productivity though the application of evolutionary yield increase methods on smaller patched of land.
Feudalism must go, terrorism must go, corruption must go, nepotism must go. I think only thing that needs to go is lazy and apathetic attitude of Pakistani / Indian population. They need to grow up, and work for once. The laziest bunch of people on the planet, who actually believe that everything good in this world belongs to them, without putting in zero efforts!

feudalism must go there is no disagreement over it.

How it will go the main point of debate is and for that a thorough plan is needed.

India progressed there are many factors involved however, land reforms also have own issues in India.

Your small farmer is committing suicide enmass.
Feudalism must go, terrorism must go, corruption must go, nepotism must go. I think only thing that needs to go is lazy and apathetic attitude of Pakistani / Indian population. They need to grow up, and work for once. The laziest bunch of people on the planet, who actually believe that everything good in this world belongs to them, without putting in zero efforts!
@Spring Onion Hype aasani se sudhre ga nahi. I suggest you kill some of his favorite goats from his goat harem, phir hi line pe ayega ye.:taz:
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feudalism must go there is no disagreement over it.

How it will go the main point of debate is and for that a thorough plan is needed.

India progressed there are many factors involved however, land reforms also have own issues in India.

Your small farmer is committing suicide enmass.

Yes there are lot of problems for small farmers, GOI is giving huge subsides to these guys like interest free loans and writing off loans etc. GOI spends lakhs of crores on this.

One of the problems these small farmers are facing is middle men who buy at very low cost which will not earn them much profits. To address this issue in my state Andhra govt. introduced "Rythu bazaars" where these guys can sell their stocks directly to people with out middle men.

Still lot of things needs to be done like establishing food processing units and good storage facilities which will make sure the vegetables and other things are not spoiled and will earn them profits.

Land reforms are a must and if there is a law, then the situation will change .
That's another load of bullcrap. My dayee (one of the women who took care of me as a baby), her son went on to become an Assistant Commissioner in district management group. Her family is one of the muzeras on one of our lands. Education changes a lots of things, I have seen it left right and center, and still does. Opportunities exist in our system, people just need to work and grab them!

Mere dost, fighting against feudalism is not the same as being freeloaders or advocating freeloading. The system is engineered in a way that a vast majority of the people with no land cannot change that status. At least not without great difficulty, undue quantum of difficulty that is.
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