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5% people hold 64% of Pakistan’s farmland

Land reforms for what? Lands belong to the people whose names are written on the deeds, what's wrong with that? Khwa-m-khwa harr doosray Pakistani ko mufta chahiye. Give free planes, food, land. Lakh-de-lanat! :D

Pakistani population plays the victim card a lot. Land reform my arse! :lol:
Land reforms for what? Lands belong to the people whose names are written on the deeds, what's wrong with that? Khwa-m-khwa harr doosray Pakistani ko mufta chahiye. Give free planes, food, land. Lakh-de-lanat! :D

Pakistani population plays the victim card a lot. Land reform my arse! :lol:

hmmmm... here comes the one out of 5%..

your 1000s acre land will distribute in people like @LoveIcon .. you are a greedy baniya type man.
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Land Reforms required !! :angry:

In 2010-11, 23.67 million hectares were sown. Pakistan is an agricultural country and should concentrate on increasing its yield, through innovative methods. Therefore, those who own agriculture land and do not indulge in farming should be subjected to non utilization tax. In 2010-11 total of 32million hectares were unutilized for agriculture i.e more than 50%, such land should be taxed at exhorbitant rate to discourage unutilised holding.

High rate of non utilisation tax will force feudal to reduce their holdings. Secondly, governments compensates land owners for rising water table (Saim-Thor) rendering it cultivatable. This compensation should be stopped, because now technology is available to covert such land to productive use.
Government does not compensate for rising water table in all of the provinces, and rightly so.

In 2010-11, 23.67 million hectares were sown. Pakistan is an agricultural country and should concentrate on increasing its yield, through innovative methods. Therefore, those who own agriculture land and do not indulge in farming should be subjected to non utilization tax. In 2010-11 total of 32million hectares were unutilized for agriculture i.e more than 50%, such land should be taxed at exhorbitant rate to discourage unutilised holding.

High rate of non utilisation tax will force feudal to reduce their holdings. Secondly, governments compensates land owners for rising water table (Saim-Thor) rendering it cultivatable. This compensation should be stopped, because now technology is available to covert such land to productive use.
Land Reforms required !! :angry:

Pakistan was created by Feudals for Feudals, her current constitution was also created by a feudal to make feudals more strong and you convince feudals who are always in power to bring reforms to end Feudalism - There are more possibilities of Greater Punjab than these reforms :pop:
Land reforms are needed but before that we had to have a detailed study viz a viz implications since these also carry some negative effects
Until ppl hv right of own the land for whole life and then pass it to thr further generation taking land from rich and giving to poor will be no use. Cause anybody smart will buy all the lands again. And many would back to square zero again. If anyone want to really giving equal land to everyone go to the Chinese way let the gov own the land and distribute it just for use.
hmmmm... here comes the one out of 5%..

your 1000s acre land will distribute in people like @LoveIcon .. you are a greedy baniya type man.

Do you think LoveIcon - son of soil of 5 rivers will be interested in barren land, but that doesn't mean he will be spared, his lands will be annexed in Greater Punjab and he will be appointed minister of religious affairs.
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land is hard earned money. I m not favor of take from one and gv it to the another.
Pakistan was created by Feudals for Feudals, her current constitution was also created by a feudal to make feudals more strong and you convince feudals who are always in power to bring reforms to end Feudalism - There are more possibilities of Greater Punjab than these reforms :pop:
aap feudal nahi ho kya sirji:azn:

Land reforms are needed but before that we had to have a detailed study viz a viz implications since these also carry some negative effects

that is a very old and lame excuse always given by the feduals to scuttle the issue of land reforms ...looks like pakistanies will never allow it to happen
@Hyperion Ahemmm..defending your interests I see. :pissed:
@Secur drug him with that new concoction we were working on, we'll use Hype as the test subject instead of Alphee.
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