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2009 Legatum Prosperity Index:Countrywise


Oct 29, 2009
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The Legatum Prosperity Index uses a holistic definition of prosperity to include both material wealth and quality of life. The Index finds that the most prosperous nations in the world are not necessarily those that have only a high GDP, but are those that also have happy, healthy, and free citizens. Now in its third year, the Index builds on the previous versions with expanded data and refined analysis and assesses 104 nations covering 90 percent of the world’s population by their performance in nine fundamental areas:

  1. Economic Fundamentals
  2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  3. Democratic Institutions
  4. Education
  5. Health
  6. Safety and Security
  7. Governance
  8. Personal Freedom
  9. Social Capital

Each of these nine factors has been identified through extensive research as a key building block of prosperity. Each corresponds to a sub-index. A country’s position in the overall Prosperity Index is
produced by averaging its 9 sub-index scores. The scores are then ranked to produce the overall ranking.

The full Index and accompanying reports are available at The 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index

The 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index


The Legatum Prosperity Index uses a holistic definition of prosperity to include both material wealth and quality of life. The Index finds that the most prosperous nations in the world are not necessarily those that have only a high GDP, but are those that also have happy, healthy, and free citizens. Now in its third year, the Index builds on the previous versions with expanded data and refined analysis and assesses 104 nations covering 90 percent of the world’s population by their performance in nine fundamental areas:

  1. Economic Fundamentals
  2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  3. Democratic Institutions
  4. Education
  5. Health
  6. Safety and Security
  7. Governance
  8. Personal Freedom
  9. Social Capital

Each of these nine factors has been identified through extensive research as a key building block of prosperity. Each corresponds to a sub-index. A country’s position in the overall Prosperity Index is
produced by averaging its 9 sub-index scores. The scores are then ranked to produce the overall ranking.

The full Index and accompanying reports are available at The 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index

The 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index



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