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Bangladesh a better place to live than India, survey says

Thank you but that source proves little.

"Some 3.2 million people from Bangladesh have settled down India until now"

This 3.2 million may also refer to the millions of Hindus that went during the war of 1971, and also people(mainly Hindus) that could have migrated in the 1970s and 1980s when the Indian economy was better than BD's. Remember the proportion of Hindus in the BD population fell from 13% to 9% between 1972-2000. Some of this was due to the higher Muslim birth rate while the other reason would have been Hindus moving to India for better economy and/or also religious reasons.

Let us have a source that talks about BD Muslims emigrating en mass to India then we can discuss further.
Thank you but that source proves little.

"Some 3.2 million people from Bangladesh have settled down India until now"

This 3.2 million may also refer to the millions of Hindus that went during the war of 1971, and also people(mainly Hindus) that could have migrated in the 1970s and 1980s when the Indian economy was better than BD's. Remember the proportion of Hindus in the BD population fell from 13% to 9% between 1972-2000. Some of this was due to the higher Muslim birth rate while the other reason would have been Hindus moving to India for better economy and/or also religious reasons.

Let us have a source that talks about BD Muslims emigrating en mass to India then we can discuss further.

I just proved to you that millions of Bangladeshis according to UN migrated to India, and is one of the largest in the world. Whether they were Hindus or Buddhists or Muslims are immaterial as I have proved my original claim.

Going a bit deeper to discuss this along religious lines though (just because you seem to have a fancy with this):

Yes the Hindus were forced to move mostly by Razaakars killing them and discrimination done by Muslims due to Enemy Property Act taking away houses and belongings/property of Hindus (not the BS reasons you provided, thats just ji-hadi apologist nonsense). Something which the Bangladeshi Muslims and Govt is responsible for, and have failed to check.

And yes, there are a lot of Bangladeshi Muslims in India also, living illegally. Many labourers/maids/cleaners you come across in Indian cities like Delhi/Mumbai are BDeshi Muslims, you can tell by their names/faces and generally interacting with them. When BSF was trigger happy earlier, most of those casualties of illegal Bangladeshi border jumpers would be Muslim. Sadly, because of intense BDeshi whining, we had to stop shooting, and are now flooded with your illegal Bangladeshi Muslims.
You would have to download the data which is presented on the right side. How could it jump from 9 million to 3 billion in 2 years. The data on the Indian website is fudged.

I've already explained in my earlier post!

illegal immigrants remit their earnings through illegal processes i.e hundi etc, hence the sending country couldn't record those amounts while the receiving country properly gets the record. The link I used is from an Indian source.

Well, Bangladesh has always been one of the highest remittance sending country to India, here is another link from Yahoo! Finance

"Rank 5: Indians working in Bangladesh remitted $3,716 million back home."

Source:Migration and Development Brief 2012 from the World Bank’s Migration and Remittance Unit

By that logic, they are Bengali Muslims who hated the idea of living with their fellow muslims and (supposedly) stayed on in India. Why are you so eager to embrace them?

Who said they are Muslims only? Recently I had an online interaction with a Bengali Hindu from Cachar in Barak valley, Bengalis in his area and the entire north east have to face this lllegal Bangladesh mockery so much that has made them frustrated. It seems they won't hesitate to express their loyalty towards Bangladesh over India if situation demands.

Well, my few posts can't change your attitude towards them but can just say be prepared for the ultimate result. :cheers:
I've already explained in my earlier post!

Well, Bangladesh has always been one of the highest remittance sending country to India, here is another link from Yahoo! Finance

"Rank 5: Indians working in Bangladesh remitted $3,716 million back home."

Source:Migration and Development Brief 2012 from the World Bank’s Migration and Remittance Unit


I think these are bogus figures being circulated without actually checking the world bank data. If you care to download the brief you will see the historic remittance outflows from bangladesh since 1970 and the maximum it send out is only 12 million.
I am happy to see our eastern neighbors pros pouring..... But this paul vaulting need to stop now.... we in kerala may loose some of our workers as they may go back to their home land.... But do mind asking them when they get back (if at all they ) how good india is.....
I think these are bogus figures being circulated without actually checking the world bank data. If you care to download the brief you will see the historic remittance outflows from bangladesh since 1970 and the maximum it send out is only 12 million.

A dumba$$ showing some obsolete figures and calling the credible sources bogus, that's what we call pure Indian argument! :hitwall:
A dumba$$ showing some obsolete figures and calling the credible sources bogus, that's what we call pure Indian argument! :hitwall:
You are the dumbass because both the links you posted are getting their data from the world bank and they are circulating the same wrong figure. The year the world bank shows is for year 2012, so how is it obsolete. I stand by my statement because I am going to the original source which is the World bank.
"Rank 5: Indians working in Bangladesh remitted $3,716 million back home."

Bangladesh is a country which despite its increasing foreign reserves (and a positive BOP:woot:) forces its citizens to "endorse" USD on their passports to spend it :crazy:
So basically on has to take the Govt.'s permission to spend their own money abroad (to ensure the Govt.s foreign reserve!)

You think a country with USD 17.35 Billion in reserves would allow reverse remittance of USD 3.7 Billion when its own remittance figures will barely touch USD 15 Billion.

Bangladesh is a country which despite its increasing foreign reserves (and a positive BOP:woot:) forces its citizens to "endorse" USD on their passports to spend it :crazy:
So basically on has to take the Govt.'s permission to spend their own money abroad (to ensure the Govt.s foreign reserve!)

You think a country with USD 17.35 Billion in reserves would allow reverse remittance of USD 3.7 Billion when its own remittance figures will barely touch USD 15 Billion.


So you think the illegal immigrants would send their money back home following all the rules and laws? I've already stated in my earlier posts that the illegal Indian immigrants remit their earnings back home through some illegal channels like hundi etc.
Let us have a source that talks about BD Muslims emigrating en mass to India then we can discuss further.

I would share a personal experience of mine.
I have worked with Rotary club on both sides of the border (Nadia and Chuadanga) on Malaria awareness and prevention.
The conditions are unfortunately the same on both sides:(.
People lack basic access to sanitation, huge number of landless labourers and all other societal ilks that you can imagine.

The migration (most of it is illegal and I dont want to start a debate..just sharing a story) which has occurred in the last decade or so is not restricted to West Bengal. WB is just the transit lounge. People to who migrate to India don't do it because they think life would be heaven in India, but because of mere survival.

I have been brought up in Navi Mumbai. We had a Bangladeshi maid ("chuta bua" as you guys call it here) for 5 years. Her story is as follows:
Name: Akiran, Home district: Barishal, Religion: Muslim (Sunni)
All she had to do was reach Rajshahi.
The tout's payment was ~BDT 5000. (circa 2002 BDT 75, INR 42 vs USD)
Once in Malda, (with a group of 5 other females of similar age) they rushed to Navi Mumbai.
The obvious question is why? The languages spoken there Hindi and Marathi were alien to her.
The simple reason was there were already 2 others from her village already there.
The magnificent railway stations of Navi Mumbai (finished just before y2k) had a lot of space remaining where future expansions would have taken place.
These places were ideal for erecting shanties.
Since no antisocial activity taking place, the law enforcement authorities weren't bothered at all.
In addition to this the high rise boom generated a huge demand for maids.
The Bangladeshi's were here to earn livelihood and send whatever savings they had back by Hawala.
They were tremendous hard workers and were much humbler than the local maids that people were used to.

Inspite of the language barrier, non bengalis hired them as maids.
We had even done police registration for Akiran, ...they didn't even bother to ask her citizenship:crazy:

We treated her with a lot of respect. She was earning around 9000 INR per month and managed send back around 7000 INR (the tout's share was INR 500)
Since here immigrated village folks shared the shanties...the expenses were less.

She didn't like or hate India(who likes being away from Home??). But she was here with the sole purpose and determination of a better livelihood. So were all the other friends who had accompanied her.
Mind you that all of them were Muslims.

There were a total of 12 stations in Navi Mumbai. Each of them had a lot of Bangladeshis.
I my node there were atleast 27 (AFAIR).
I can say this with authority since I a part of the same Malaria, Chikungunya and Leptospirosis awareness arm of Rotary Club which i mentioned earlier.

Our mission was not to ignore these communities just because they were illegally there.
Infact they were the high risk group (Habitats close to drains)

From what I could make out from the Western Part of India, more Muslim Bangladeshis poured in because of 2 reasons:
  1. Easier to get menial jobs
  2. Huge Muslim population
  3. No risk of persecution
  4. if one knows their way around the city...its pretty cheap!
I am just stating my opinion and on ground experience. I don't have facts or links or urls to back it up. Sorry for that!

So you think the illegal immigrants would send their money back home following all the rules and laws? I've already stated in my earlier posts that the illegal Indian immigrants remit their earnings back home through some illegal channels like hundi etc.

Oops...I only meant to question the figure meant in the link you had provided.
I fully agree that the illegal immigrants would sent money only through hawala, since they have no other way.

Since there is no official means of determining the actual figure, the reporter involved is also speculating.

Feel free to disprove the calculation below.
~287 billion BDT
With 5000 Tk/individual (shooting in the dark with the recent min wage for your RMG industry)
~5.7 million Indians....I wonder what these many Indians are doing in Bangladesh:what:
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illegal ones can pack their bags now.
Feel free to disprove the calculation below.
~287 billion BDT
With 5000 Tk/individual (shooting in the dark with the recent min wage for your RMG industry)
~5.7 Crore Indians....I wonder what these many Indians are doing in Bangladesh:what:

The source is the World Bank but of course the actual figure could be wrong

287 billion taka divided by 12 = 24 billion taka a month.

Let us assume that they manage to send home 5000 Taka a month. Remember that the typical garment worker in BD earns around 8000 Taka.

24 billion /5000 = 4.8 million Indians in BD.

I admit that this sounds a bit too high. It is unlikely that there are 5 million Indians working in BD.

There was a BD home ministry report from 2009 that said around half a million Indians work illegally in BD.

I personally have no problem with this as long as they obey the law and show due respect to local customs. They are after-all very unfortunate souls that want to improve themselves and there families lives.
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The source is the World Bank but of course the actual figure could be wrong

287 billion taka divided by 12 = 24 billion taka a month.

Let us assume that they manage to send home 5000 Taka a month. Remember that the typical garment worker in BD earns around 8000 Taka.

24 billion /5000 = 4.8 million Indians in BD.

I admit that this sounds a bit too high. It is unlikely that there are 5 million Indians working in BD.

There was a UN report(i think) that said around half a million Indians work illegally in BD.

I personally have no problem with this as long as they obey the law and show due respect to local customs. They are after-all very unfortunate souls that want to improve themselves and there families lives.

No such report by UN... According to data produced by the Bangladeshi Ministry of Home Affairs, as many as 5 lakh Indians were staying in Bangladesh illegally in 2009.. Accorrding to Indian ministry illegel bengalis in India is 20million...As always the respective governments will give exagerated figures the Indian's in Bengladesh may be less than 5 lakh....

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