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Bangladesh a better place to live than India, survey says


Low-lying Bangladesh is prey to typhoons and hurricanes every year. Salty ocean water routinely destroys the flat country's arable farmland.

Many of the millions of garment-factory workers take their lives into their hands when they show up for work at derelict factories, 95 per cent of which are estimated to need structural repairs.

Political strikes paralyze businesses in the capital of Dhaka.

And yet there is some evidence that bedevilled Bangladesh is still a better place to live than India, the big brother next door that has been heralded as a 21st-century superpower.

According to a new study called the Legatum Prosperity Index, Bangladesh fares better than India when it comes to the "joy of everyday life," and "the prospect of being able to build an even better life in the future."

Call it a bit of good news for a country still reeling from bad publicity after the Rana Plaza collapse in April, which killed more than 1,100 people.

Bangla migration to India largest in developing world :haha::haha:

LONDON: The exodus from Bangladeshis into India has for the first time been termed by the United Nations as "the single largest bilateral stock of international migrants" in the eastern hemisphere and also in the developing world.
Someone should send this memo to those illegal BDeshis living in India. Maybe they might actually leave... one can only hope...
This is not surprising and it says a lot that India had a 24 year HEAD-START over BD and has been overtaken already.

BD should be able to industrialise a lot quicker than India for 2 main reasons:

1. BD is a single ethnic state as opposed to the multitude of ethnicities that India has. India is quite difficult to manage as the central government has to balance the interests of all the different ethnicities to try to hold the country together.

2. 150 million people are concentrated into a land area of only 150,000 square kilometres. This will mean only a fraction of the money will be required per capita to build roads and railways in BD as opposed to India.
Yeah, keep calling your own citizens illegals till Greater Bangladesh is established. :yahoo:

By that logic, they are Bengali Muslims who hated the idea of living with their fellow muslims and (supposedly) stayed on in India. Why are you so eager to embrace them?
Not interested in comparing BD with India. India's downfall is an aberration because of misgovernance of congress. Once BJP comes it will be back on a roaring upward trajectory.

The real problem is illegal Bangladeshi's who are flooding North East. In this scenario i agree with Subramanian Swamy's solution.
Draw a line from Sylhet to Khulna ,the upper part covers 1/3rd of bangladesh. Notify Bangladesh to take back its citizens or else transfer land proportional to immigrated population to India. If Bangladesh fails to accept this offer then send Indian army inside Bangladesh and capture the land.

Can't see the data there! :undecided:

Moreover, the data presented there are of 2010 while the data which I presented is of 2012! Another thing is that, illegal immigrants remit their earnings through illegal processes i.e hundi etc, hence the sending country couldn't record those amounts while the receiving country properly gets the record. The link I used is from an Indian source.

You would have to download the data which is presented on the right side. How could it jump from 9 million to 3 billion in 2 years. The data on the Indian website is fudged.
This is not surprising and it says a lot that India had a 24 year HEAD-START over BD and has been overtaken already.

BD should be able to industrialise a lot quicker than India for 2 main reasons:

1. BD is a single ethnic state as opposed to the multitude of ethnicities that India has. India is quite difficult to manage as the central government has to balance the interests of all the different ethnicities to try to hold the country together.

2. 150 million people are concentrated into a land area of only 150,000 square kilometres. This will mean only a fraction of the money will be required per capita to build roads and railways in BD as opposed to India.

I do want to address the point in bold:

Last I checked, both India and BD have been free since 1947 from the British. The fact that your disillusioned experiment in Islamic Ummah nation-building with West Pakistanis in 1947-1971 did not work out in your favour, you only have yourselves to blame for that. You cant just pretend those years did not exist. Whatever (lack of) progress you guys had in 47-71 was down to your own decisions as Muslim Bengalis.
I do want to address the point in bold:

Last I checked, both India and BD have been free since 1947 from the British. The fact that your disillusioned experiment in Islamic Ummah nation-building with West Pakistanis in 1947-1971 did not work out in your favour, you only have yourselves to blame for that. You cant just pretend those years did not exist. Whatever (lack of) progress you guys had in 47-71 was down to your own decisions as Muslim Bengalis.

Look at an independent BD now and just see what the country is capable of economically. 
Not interested in comparing BD with India. India's downfall is an aberration because of misgovernance of congress. Once BJP comes it will be back on a roaring upward trajectory.

The real problem is illegal Bangladeshi's who are flooding North East. In this scenario i agree with Subramanian Swamy's solution.
Draw a line from Sylhet to Khulna ,the upper part covers 1/3rd of bangladesh. Notify Bangladesh to take back its citizens or else transfer land proportional to immigrated population to India. If Bangladesh fails to accept this offer then send Indian army inside Bangladesh and capture the land.

Do you think it will be a cakewalk?

Indian army will face a very difficult task in the BD terrain. Not to mention the numerous ambushes that it will suffer
over any territory it manages to occupy.

Pakistan may use the opportunity to attack Kashmir and China will also have an opportunity to attack the territories it covets in the North-east.

India is in deep economic crisis and so not a good idea to start a war with BD for no good reason
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This is not surprising and it says a lot that India had a 24 year HEAD-START over BD and has been overtaken already.

BD should be able to industrialise a lot quicker than India for 2 main reasons:

1. BD is a single ethnic state as opposed to the multitude of ethnicities that India has. India is quite difficult to manage as the central government has to balance the interests of all the different ethnicities to try to hold the country together.

2. 150 million people are concentrated into a land area of only 150,000 square kilometres. This will mean only a fraction of the money will be required per capita to build roads and railways in BD as opposed to India.
India is ruled as a federation, so in practice India is a combinations of many bangladesh. The responsibility of education, sanitation, law and order etc (the parameters in which bd is doing well) are state subject in India. Some states do extremely well, and some do really bad.
Unfortunately for India, the laggard states (UP, Bihar etc) are also heavily populated, thus skewing average result for India.
Only way India will look better in those parameters is when these states improve their governance and delivery system.
then why are u people coming to india? :hitwall:

Can you supply any real evidence that BD people are migrating to India rather than your imagination?

Study after independent study is saying that BD is now a better place than India, so why would a BD Muslim leave
their homeland and go to a worse place that is full of Hindus who are not know to be exactly fond of Muslims?
Can you supply any real evidence that BD people are migrating to India rather than your imagination?

Study after independent study is saying that BD is now a better place than India, so why would a BD Muslim leave
their homeland and go to a worse place that is full of Hindus who are not know to be exactly fond of Muslims?

Would a UN source work? Or is that also considered a Indian source?

Every place have good qualities bad quailties. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Would a UN source work? Or is that also considered a Indian source?


Thank you but that source proves little.

"Some 3.2 million people from Bangladesh have settled down India until now"

This 3.2 million may also refer to the millions of Hindus that went during the war of 1971, and also people(mainly Hindus) that could have migrated in the 1970s and 1980s when the Indian economy was better than BD's. Remember the proportion of Hindus in the BD population fell from 13% to 9% between 1972-2000. Some of this was due to the higher Muslim birth rate while the other reason would have been Hindus moving to India for better economy and/or also religious reasons.

Let us have a source that talks about BD Muslims emigrating en mass to India then we can discuss further.

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