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200 Maoist rebels kill at least 28, wound 24 in east India in Convoy strike

If china banged their hand against a mountain, what did India get? A concussion and a broken ribs?

Maybe uranium contamination in Pakistani punjab has led to severe brain damage. For God sake people they are an insurgent outfit. Bangladeshis have Jaamatis, Chinese have Xinjyang and Tibet( look at map of china they don't even develop that side)


and Pakistan has Taliban, Balochis and Afghan Talibs and AQ.
If china banged their hand against a mountain, what did India get? A concussion and a broken ribs?

Well pakistan got a vasectomy, China got humiliated by a handful of men in 1964, 1967 and 1987 and most recently Hong Wu's armoured corps broke down in 2013. BTW Mountain warfare which China will face will take 10 : 1 ratio to overpower. Massive Indian military deployment ensures that that by 2015 - 16 the advantage for a defender will be ours. That is why the idiots are drafting proposals to us to freeze troop levels. Our reaction:


You certain are an optimistic warmonger. Play unnecessary aggression against a much bigger opponent will only land you a bloody nose.

Well pakistan got a vasectomy, China got humiliated by a handful of men in 1964, 1967 and 1987 and most recently Hong Wu's armoured corps broke down in 2013. BTW Mountain warfare which China will face will take 10 : 1 ratio to overpower. Massive Indian military deployment ensures that that by 2015 - 16 the advantage for a defender will be ours. That is why the idiots are drafting proposals to us to freeze troop levels. Our reaction:


You certain are an optimistic warmonger. Play unnecessary aggression against a much bigger opponent will only land you a bloody nose.

When you challenge someone, do it like a man, don't wear a bra and a panty and challenge someone, kahee faltu ka nautanki mare tani, if you want to kill someone, just kill, your intention should be enough motivation to kill someone, nobody wants your explanation and you are not supposed to give.

China has everything but China does not have the balls that Y Chromosomes do have. China is full of mtDNAs, no Y chromosome.

1.) Shame on those who were responsible for the security... havent those guys learned anything from the Dantewada massacre?

2.) Pretty stupid move by those dirty cunts.... attacking politicians from the ruling party one year before elections?

Well this is gonna result in something big...

R.I.P. to the death :(
At the time that India hosted the Tibetan government in exile, they were violent separatists. They had just failed to violently overthrow the government in the 1959 Tibetan uprising.

And by their own admission, they continued to train anti-China militants for decades after that.

But that's not the point. The point is that we are not supporting the Indian Naxallites, while India's hosting of the Tibetan government in exile is not only proven but publicly acknowledged by India.

Actually Tibetans were fighting for their COUNTRY>....It is called Tibet. CHina invaded, took over and slaughtered their ppl
The Indian govt has never done anything to nip this in the bud. Half *** planning with a half *** approach. What did they expect? Now according to the media, they finally have the resolve to solve this. Well, when the public and regular civilians were dealing with this for decades, where the f-k as the resolve then?


This just in, an UAE court denies extradition for a Koda aide on corruption charges. Wake up India, the whole world is for you and against you. Indians need to slap themselves silly and solve these issues ASAP
Great just watched news..... typical BJP vs Congress BS fighting has begun....

But it is quite obvious:

Its rather a utter and shameful security failure rather than a big maoist offensive......

A convoy of 30(!) mostly unarmoured SUVs (!) driving through a dense jungle (!) which was obviously maoist invected (!) without proper escort and planning?!!?!?! :hitwall:

Oh come on! Which idiot planned this shitty tour into the jungles with that many top regional politicians?

But nevertheless: This is a serious attack on our democratic core values!

And anyone cheering because those who were attacked were members of a party they dont like: GO AND FUKC YOURSELF @**holes!

You cunts are not any better than those anti democratic communist maoist cunts!

Lets hope that this will put some more pressure on those dirty animals after members of the ruling party have been attacked one year before the national elections.

Jai Hind!.
Great just watched news..... typical BJP vs Congress BS fighting has begun....

But it is quite obvious:

Its rather a utter and shameful security failure rather than a big maoist offensive......

A convoy of 30(!) mostly unarmoured SUVs (!) driving through a dense jungle (!) which was obviously maoist invected (!) without proper escort and planning?!!?!?! :hitwall:

Oh come on! Which idiot planned this shitty tour into the jungles with that many top regional politicians?

But nevertheless: This is a serious attack on our democratic core values!

And anyone cheering because those who were attacked were members of a party they dont like: GO AND FUKC YOURSELF @**holes!

You cunts are not any better than those anti democratic communist maoist cunts!

Lets hope that this will put some more pressure on those dirty animals after members of the ruling party have been attacked one year before the national elections.

Jai Hind!.

You mentioned lack of unamored vehicles......this plays into what ppl have stated many times that India lack strategic sense. There is no planning no foresight. Only reactive, never ever proactive.
Why did Maoist specifically target Congress party especially a this time?
They are the ruling party so by extension they are attacking the Govt of India.

dealing with this Maoist menace is mostly duty of the respective State Governments, Center plays a comparitively minor role and BJP is the ruling party in State of Chattisgarh not Congress so this is mostly seen as an attack on opposition not government
dealing with this Maoist menace is mostly duty of the respective State Governments, Center plays a comparitively minor role and BJP is the ruling party in State of Chattisgarh not Congress so this is mostly seen as an attack on opposition not government
Same thing- they attacked the Indian democracy- it makes no difference whether it was the ruling party or not.
India is neither communist, nor intact. India does not have the capability to threaten China.

India does.

The enmity between India and China is not ideological, its racial, it was, it is and it will always be.

A communist India will still be an enemy since any ideological change will not change the Indians' Y Chromosomes. The irony will be that the tribals who are today following Naxalism will again be sidelined if India becomes communist, ;) those who are now shouting Vande Mataram will be shouting Inquilab Zindabad in a communist India and will still be keeping Arunachal Pradesh.
dealing with this Maoist menace is mostly duty of the respective State Governments, Center plays a comparitively minor role and BJP is the ruling party in State of Chattisgarh not Congress so this is mostly seen as an attack on opposition not government

So why not attack BJP?
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