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  1. S

    Heroes of Peshawar Airport Attack

    Salute to all the brave souls who put there lives in the line of fire! for our Comfort!.... I have a Strong belive we as in pakistani's have always united when there was trouble in some part of the pakistan lets Pray that this bonds remains intact foreva Ameen
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    National Unity

    hello fellow readers I am a regular silent visitor here, Love the constructive conversations between different nationals here on this forum. I am posting this new thread in the wake of Malala Yousuf Zai Incident. Pakistan have seen a lot of blood shed over past decades and we have lost...
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    Comments of ISI Generals (R) in SC regarding their role in Pak Politics !!

    we need to appreciate what these generals are doing for the larger interest of this country. Yes it is a bitter truth but its about time we get to know who is what under his skin! (Esp Politicians!) My Salute! it takes Courage to do something that these ppl are doing in court!
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    Imran Khan: If elected, we’ll create an Islamic welfare state

    My only concern over IK speech in karachi is when he said "They will introduce E-System for tax to stop corruption" my question is what are we gonna do with all the men power we have already in our system? we cant afford to make more ppl jobless since E-System wont be requiring all the man...
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    President Zardari in Dubai for treatment;Speculations,True lies and Rumors

    You Don't have Any Idea how Pakistani politics works don't you?! Rehman Malik????? Oh boy!
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    Video Gamers report in!

    is there any possibility i can play play station games over my desktop? i got a 2.8ghz pro and 1 GB Ram... do i need to install a emulator or something?
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    "Good bye Pakistan People's Party from Lyari" says leader of Lyari Uzair Ba

    the day b4 this show was on ....he was standin in a Jalsa with Mirza sahib in lyari. now im kinda confused Mirza likes Zardari Uzair likes Mirza But Uzair hates Zardari and rehman Doesn't make much of a sense. Seems like more of a drama then reality!
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    Capital talk- Most shocking claims about PNS Mehran attack(must watch)

    Hamid is low scum bag who would do anything just to be in the spot lite!.... He is seriously a threat to the journalist community!:undecided:
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    Security situation in Karachi

    i guess i did! but guy needs to stop doin it!:|:what:
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    Security situation in Karachi

    what a Exaggerations by couple of fellow member who are located outside of karachi! There is no sercurity issues here. Yes killings are happenin but they are "TARGETED" no one gona come shoot you just becoz ur stand at a pan wala or a in busy crowed place this aint bollywood movie where bad...
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    Blast in Karachi targets CID

    :pakistan: You got my vote if this could make life for our future generation save let it be this way! What you guys say?
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    Blast in Karachi targets CID

    they think they can scare us...... but guess what! They are only making us stronger! :pakistan:
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    Blast in Karachi targets CID

    TTP takes the responsibilty as per ARY NEWS
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    Blast in Karachi targets CID

    blast happened Near CID Crime Branch building Salute to the Law enforcing Agencies for there courage even knwing the danger! ---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ---------- :pakistan:
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    Blast in Karachi targets CID

    i m near balouch colony flyover and still felt the shock wave! must be a huge blast
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    Shahbaz Sharif on Bike

    Guys Do u really think he would go out there all alone! i dont think so.... Everything seems as Pre Planed ....these guys should stop doin this kinda stuff now...Political Point Score Can be done Someother day some other time...... God Bless Pakistan. A Video I Received On FACEBOOK
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    Bomb blast in Moon market, Lahore

    i dont think its the right time to blame anyone ...lets gather facts and then play the drill ! We need to add up heads to find a solution for this Non-sense...clearly this goverment is not capable for doin anything right and neither is opposing parties... We need to start a social awarness...
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    A National Goverment

    Do you guys think a National goverment with all the main stream parties been represented will work out for pakistan?? These Democratic Monkey's dont know banana's abt Democracy! Please no Off topic replies :pakistan:
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    Double Bombing in Karachi

    We will Only act upon ppl who are threating us afghan and Kashmiri's arnt any threat to us nor they pose one ... we just cant go adventuring like US in Iraq and Afghanistan n picking anyone we want!
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