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Imran Khan: If elected, we’ll create an Islamic welfare state

I don't want to derail this thread, but there have been a few threads about the justification for the term liberal fascists. I can dig up quotes by Hoodbhoy where he views everyone with a hijab or beard as an extremist, and he explicitly makes blanket assertions that certain ethnic groups (balochis and, I think, sindhis) are not patriotic. These so-called liberals are utterly intolerant of any dissent and totally fascist in their outlook. Paracha is another one.

So, I stand 100% behind my labeling them as liberal fascists.

It is precisely these opposite extremists, these liberal fascists, who give power to the Islamist extremists. Almost to a man, these liberal fascists are the first in line to parrot Western propaganda and blame Pakistan for everything. The Islamists hone in on these fifth columnists to portray themselves as the only saviors of Pakistan.

It looks like Imran Khan has dropped a bomb on liberal/secular fascists in the country with this proclamation of an Islamic state. :lol: I'm really looking forward to Paracha's and hoodboy's next columns aka condemnations of the PTI. I really hope they r sleeping with since the karachi jalsa.

Killing Two birds with one stone, IK might snatch away a few moderate mullahs from the religious parties as well with this promise of an Islamic state.

However this news will for sure send some chills to Altaf Hussain.
I am still struggling to find out what new vision he has. True Islamic welfare state? OK, fine. Wasn't Pakistan always supposed to be that from Day 1? And that doesn't seem to have worked very well since. So again, what is the vision? Exactly what actions will make Pakistan that, and how they will differ from those of the predecessors?

From whatever I have read about/from him he strikes to me as a man who is good at finding problems but not so good at offering practical solutions.
I am still struggling to find out what new vision he has. True Islamic welfare state? OK, fine. Wasn't Pakistan always supposed to be that from Day 1? And that doesn't seem to have worked very well since. So again, what is the vision? Exactly what actions will make Pakistan that, and how they will differ from those of the predecessors?

From whatever I have read about/from him he strikes to me as a man who is good at finding problems but not so good at offering practical solutions.

Long Story short, go to PTI website read manifesto and other details.

How not so good at offering practical solutions, he-his Party PTI is not in power without budget he is unable to solve many problems, what he has and what the donations have been collected have been spent fairly well transparent with complete record.

Here in Canada when you ask a Party member that what has your Party done is the past few years, they will fetch you each and every record including removal of snow from the specific road at specific end and with total costs which have been audited, ask our federal-allied parties and the past government they don't have any clue.
I am still struggling to find out what new vision he has. True Islamic welfare state? OK, fine. Wasn't Pakistan always supposed to be that from Day 1? And that doesn't seem to have worked very well since. So again, what is the vision? Exactly what actions will make Pakistan that, and how they will differ from those of the predecessors?

From whatever I have read about/from him he strikes to me as a man who is good at finding problems but not so good at offering practical solutions.

I think the important thing for the rest of the world to realize at the moment is that most Pakistanis believe he will be able to somehow deliver on all his promises. No one can disprove such a belief system until after the fact.
Imran wants a Pakistan along the Islamic lines where people would different religion would be free to practice their beliefs.
By Welfare state, he means a state that gets it's revenue by taxation and provides basic human necessities like education, health, justice at subsidized rates. Because he has lived in Britain, he is surely motivated by that. Foreign nationals get free health care in the UK even today.

Pakistan provides free health, education even today, but the quality of those is so low, that no body goes there unless absolutely necessary. Imran wants to change that, so people from all walks of life get health care and education just like the rich get it from private forms.

You can say socialism and with Islamic principles in there.
I am still struggling to find out what new vision he has. True Islamic welfare state? OK, fine. Wasn't Pakistan always supposed to be that from Day 1? And that doesn't seem to have worked very well since. So again, what is the vision? Exactly what actions will make Pakistan that, and how they will differ from those of the predecessors?

From whatever I have read about/from him he strikes to me as a man who is good at finding problems but not so good at offering practical solutions.
Well the biggest challenge IK has is dismantling the political network of the Wadaira/Jageerdar mafia running the country, both Nawaz and Zardari's parties. If he manages to stop them from exploiting the country, bringing them to justice would be a momentous task, that alone would be a major victory for the country n his party.

Imran's vision is to collect taxes from rich industrialists who have never paid much taxes in history. 60% of the parlimentarians don't pay taxes.

Secondly he's gonna have to shift major focus on law n order in major cities like karachi that have been emroiled in ethnic violence n robberies.

Thirdly, an end to war on terror. and educational emergency in the country; the youth have to be put in a good direction in order for the country to succeed.

So yeah, tax collection and maintaining law order are the two top priorioties, n he's gonna be fighting tooth n nail with political parties to get them done cuz that implies putting more than half of their MP's behind bars.

Pakistan is an islamic welfare state only in the writings of Jinnah, the country got hijacked the next day by military dictators from Jinnah's sister Fatimah, and then by the Bhutto's. They have evolved into political mafias n turned Pakistan into a battleground for turf wars b/w the Bhutto's and Nawaz.
Imran wants a Pakistan along the Islamic lines where people would different religion would be free to practice their beliefs.
By Welfare state, he means a state that gets it's revenue by taxation and provides basic human necessities like education, health, justice at subsidized rates. Because he has lived in Britain, he is surely motivated by that. Foreign nationals get free health care in the UK even today.

Pakistan provides free health, education even today, but the quality of those is so low, that no body goes there unless absolutely necessary. Imran wants to change that, so people from all walks of life get health care and education just like the rich get it from private forms.

You can say socialism and with Islamic principles in there.

So you mean Pakistan will rise to its natural position in the comity of nations and take its rightful place as one of the great Muslim nations? I sure hope so Sir.
So you mean Pakistan will rise to its natural position in the comity of nations and take its rightful place as one of the great Muslim nations? I sure hope so Sir.

I have merely presented what Imran is conveying. There are number of obstacles in his way and the job is no easy. If Imran comes to power today, change won't come until months or even years.

My Facebook feed flooded with Imran Khan Sympathizers and same here on PDF. However, i am being cautious about throwing my weight behind Imran Khan, or any other new face so blindly. Maybe we are expecting so much that Imran may not be able to deliver it.
Keeping our hopes high is only what we can do and that vote in the next election, use your vote. Whether Imran comes to power or not, these old thugs better not.

Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.

Pakistan is strategically located. Rich in Natural resources of all kinds, from Uranium to Copper. Shale gas to Coal. Large population. Self-Sufficient in Agriculture. Powerful and disciplined Military. Part of an elite group of nations that can mine and enrich Uranium and build and deliver the A-bomb. Large Labor class, so no shortage of workers for factories or farms. Large coast line for trade to outside world. Fairly educated youth. Emerging enterprises. Large Military manufacturing ability.

Who says Pakistan cannot secure a place on the world stage?
It looks like Imran Khan has dropped a bomb on liberal/secular fascists in the country with this proclamation of an Islamic state. :lol: I'm really looking forward to Paracha's and hoodboy's next columns aka condemnations of the PTI. I really hope they r sleeping with since the karachi jalsa.

IK has said that he won't dictate to women what they should or shouldn't wear. We should aim for a Pakistan where woman can chose freely to wear a hijab or a skirt without derision or taunts.

Extremists on either side who can't accept this fact can go sulk in a corner.

Killing Two birds with one stone, IK might snatch away a few moderate mullahs from the religious parties as well with this promise of an Islamic state.

Islam is an integral part of many people's life. Pakistan was created so people wouldn't have to be ashamed or apologetic about their religion. It is wise to co-opt the moderate mullahs and steer people towards the middle, away from either extreme.

However this news will for sure send some chills to Altaf Hussain.

Icing on the cake!
I think the important thing for the rest of the world to realize at the moment is that most Pakistanis believe he will be able to somehow deliver on all his promises. No one can disprove such a belief system until after the fact.

That is an unfair and needlessly pejorative description.

Imran Khan's promises and people's support for him are no different than any election anywhere else, including the US. The difference here is that the ruling guard in Pakistan has set the bar so low that, if Imran Khan delivers on even 20% of his aims, people will be more than happy.

There may be some starry-eyed idealists who are waiting for everything to happen, but many people understand that he is up against 60 years of inertia.
Imran wants a Pakistan along the Islamic lines where people would different religion would be free to practice their beliefs.
By Welfare state, he means a state that gets it's revenue by taxation and provides basic human necessities like education, health, justice at subsidized rates. Because he has lived in Britain, he is surely motivated by that. Foreign nationals get free health care in the UK even today.

Pakistan provides free health, education even today, but the quality of those is so low, that no body goes there unless absolutely necessary. Imran wants to change that, so people from all walks of life get health care and education just like the rich get it from private forms.

You can say socialism and with Islamic principles in there.
Sir Islam is different and Socialism different and Imran Said that he will follow Islamic Economic System
Sir Islam is different and Socialism different and Imran Said that he will follow Islamic Economic System

Highly unlikely if IK would follow Islamic economic system he might opt for spin off best of both worlds because in Islamic economic system there is no Tax and IK stress to collect Taxes.
Highly unlikely if IK would follow Islamic economic system he might opt for spin off best of both worlds because in Islamic economic system there is no Tax and IK stress to collect Taxes.
Sir you really need to study Islamic Economic system Sir their are Taxes to and sir level of Zakat is also different on different kind of income on production its 10 % and also their are some more things and If Imran Khan complete implements them Pakistan can become a welfare state in 4 years but this really hard task to do
My only concern over IK speech in karachi is when he said "They will introduce E-System for tax to stop corruption"

my question is

what are we gonna do with all the men power we have already in our system? we cant afford to make more ppl jobless since E-System wont be requiring all the man power we have already for the tax collecting.

People your input!
Sir you really need to study Islamic Economic system Sir their are Taxes to and sir level of Zakat is also different on different kind of income on production its 10 % and also their are some more things and If Imran Khan complete implements them Pakistan can become a welfare state in 4 years but this really hard task to do

I might not have full grasp of Islamic economic system i'm learning to know more but at the end of day Pakistan over night cannot apply this system the mess we are in we'll need to either apply spin off economic system both Islamic-capitalistic economic system to flush out all problems to our economy before settling for true Islamic system.

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