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  1. L

    Carry on china i support you wholeheartedly.

    And should I care about what my country's name means in damn English language? Should I make fun of that? Or should I make fun of an Indian whose ancestors spent 2 centuries being ruled by a British company and still making British jokes about my country's name. I guess it's Stockholm Syndrome...
  2. L

    Carry on china i support you wholeheartedly.

    Not my people, my state. There are spineless Turks (and regretfully, they are majority) who are proud to be the vassal state of the West. But there are also many Turks that thinks like me. What I was critisizing was that mentality, not any particular state like India which I clarified in my...
  3. L

    Carry on china i support you wholeheartedly.

    Of course it does. India also rejected to sign US decleration in G20. What I'm critisizing is the mentality of AADHAAR. Developing nations should work in cooperation to protect themselves from the imperialism lead by developed nations. Fighting with eachother doesn't make any sense right now.
  4. L

    Carry on china i support you wholeheartedly.

    Do you know that, Russia and China are strategic partners and they try to create a mutual voice on such events. Because normally China doesn't give a damn about anything in Middle East as long as the oil flows. International trade? No matter who rules, it will trade with China. If not than I...
  5. L

    Carry on china i support you wholeheartedly.

    China needs more time. However something urgent needed to stop the evil, bloodthirsty empire. I wish them the best luck like you do.
  6. L

    Syrian Strikes Would Battle-Test Chinese Radars

    People in here doesn't want to communicate. They want to insult eachother. For a proper communication you need to try to understand what one says, and then give a proper response to it. But right now it seems like individuals making "deliberate" misunderstandings even in the most optimistic...
  7. L

    Turkish court announces Ergenekon verdicts, ex-army chief gets life

    I don't educate your kind anyway. Dogmatic people close their mind against education. And at least be kind enough to reply your own logic. The best way to communicate with your kind is explaining the facts with your own logic.
  8. L

    Turkish court announces Ergenekon verdicts, ex-army chief gets life

    Sorry mate, what I get from your reply is you don't understand a single word of what I write. Either it's a language problem or it's a more complicated problem like some genetic issues. Sorry for you. Please just read what I write again and try to absorb. Then you will understand what the link...
  9. L

    Turkish court announces Ergenekon verdicts, ex-army chief gets life

    First make your facts straight and than have an idea about what you're talking about then try to obtain an opinion will you? The news coverage was made in Taraf newspaper. Taraf newspaper declares itself as anti-Kemalist and anti-Militarist. Therefore it's not a kind of media that is known to be...
  10. L

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    List of countries by student performance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Just use your American invention called "The Internet" and on your browser type your "respectful, free, magnificant, American made" search engine called google. Then learn the facts about the guys who can't think of...
  11. L

    Turkish court announces Ergenekon verdicts, ex-army chief gets life

    You will say this things forever in an infinite loop don't you? But telling the same crap all the time will not make the crap true and more believable. You are not even capable enough to understand what your opposition say aren't you? The people who oppose this doesn't buy this. They think all...
  12. L

    Turkish court announces Ergenekon verdicts, ex-army chief gets life

    Same Logic with Erdoğan, Improving the economy and infrastructure is surely his duty why he is the prime minister of Turkey but trying to imprison the opposition with fake evidences and trials is another story. Ok he did some good things about economy than let him do whatever he wants...
  13. L

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Don't mind him. He is not mature enough to see who is his nation's real competitor is. I can't understand why some Chinese members doesn't respect their alliance with Russians. China-Russia partnership is very very important in today's international politics. And this partnership should advance...
  14. L

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    And also one needs to be patient enough to see the final work before making a judgement. Speculation is not a data.
  15. L

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Nationalism is a disease that makes you distort the facts. But prejudice also is..
  16. L

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    Than what would they do? Stick with the liberal democracy? Become a "civilized" nation like the West? Do you know how many people died because of the "liberal" democracy of the US? What kind of democracy are you talking about? The one that creates the illusion that you elect your own leader...
  17. L

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    It's not about the supercomputers on the ground. It's about the amount of computational power that you can put inside a radar. Crunching the data comes from the radar signals is very straightforward. There is no magic algorithm that can solve the issue. If you want to detect a stealth plane you...
  18. L

    General warns PLA, Shake off old ideas

    Cyberwarfare !? Dude please decide. Does China hacks US and steal it's military and civil technology or it doesn't? Western media is talking about special PLA units hacking US computers and stealing sensitive information. They also claimed Chinese hackers hacked NSA (God knows how) and stole...
  19. L

    Korea Returning Chinese Character

    Haha it's very similar in Turkish. Hanja (Hanca in Turkish) means the "language of Hans". We tend to consider ourselves Europeans but we have a considerable amount of mutual culture with Asians as well. However the effect from the ME made some distortions in Anatolian culture. Actually it was...
  20. L

    India plans to deploy 100,000 more troops on China border

    You couldn't be more pathetic. What you have written is a shame. You are the one who deserves to be the Chinese in Nanking or the Jew in Germany. Such ill minded people should be banned from this community.
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