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  1. Z

    Sri Lanka plans to grant working visa to Indians due to labour shortage

    Most SL tea pickers in coorg tea estates are SL Tamils refugees ........with good connections to LTTE too. I have heard it was possible to get arms (AK 47, guns, bombs) there due to their links. Dont know if its still true.
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    Riyaz Bhatkal: Shy student to terror mastermind

    America had '0' ZERO terrorist attack after 26/11 .............so ya .... in my book they have won the war on terror.
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    Bengali film critical of Mamata Banerjee blocked by censor board

    99% of the Bengalis I know or have heard speak on TV or elsewhere are quick to criticize Narendra Modi on trumped up charges ........I like to think of this or recent bengal riots , jailing of press, banning of films as poetic justice. :devil:
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    111 booked for Facebook posts against Kurien: reports

    .....ya pimps who serve kurien's of this world would know their taste.
  5. Z

    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    ......I don't care for any sides ..... but its better to expose 'secular' hypocrites with selective blindness and amnesia before more damage is done ......Speaking the truth is troublesome, only till people learn to handle the truth. BTW ...can you show me my post where i have generalized ?
  6. Z

    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    BTW ...here is some insight as to why the 'Holy' Pope resigned ....:lol:...looks like drug money. U.S. adds Vatican to money-laundering 'concern' list Money-laundering crackdown turns Vatican into cash-only state Italy bans card payments in Vatican over money laundering The Vatican Bank and...
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    What a shameless liar you are. I had clearly implied ‘us’ as Indians and assumed you meant the same in my last post. But when I asked if you meant ‘us’ as arabs and europans ..you said christians. The implication is clear. ….for you ‘us’ meant...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    Hindu society was designed to balance power between all sections of society so minimize stress and help the society evolve smoothly. Four centers of power were Identified – 1. Knowledge 2. Arms/weapons 3. Money 4. Land To distribute power in society and to prevent accumulation of power...
  9. Z

    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    Since you are neither a Buddhist nor a Hindu ....but just an ignorant bigot ..there is no need for me to waste my time with you. :wave: go troll somewhere else...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    You did .... by celebrating ignorance of Hinduism and offering improvements without knowing anything about it. There has always been clergy who have been eager to hold on to their power and also clergy who actually practiced what they preached and gave education to all those to claimed it...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    If it has not semblance to 'real world' why have religion at all ? .......comparing me to an 'islamist' to hide your ignorance is just sad ....did not expect it from you. I used to think you'r a rationalist. WOW.....I was not aware you are observing all my 'shitty' things ....do you live next...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    The problem is erosion of Hinduism from India .........and being replaced by a diluted corrupted version celebrated by the ignorant teeming mass who has mastered hindusim without knowing anything about it. So I take it you have read or been taught the all the Vedas, Upanishads, Itihasas...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    WOW ....grown, lived, studied, worked, drinked and roamed with Brahmins. That must make you a scholar in Hinduism ...nothing more to say.
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    When was the last time you actually spoke to a real Brahmin and learnt Hinduism ? and not formed opinions based on western and 'secular' Indian propaganda ?
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    ....anyone well versed in the scriptures and rituals of Hinduism is called a 'Brahmin' even today is is eligible to do puja in the temple. There is nothing to change. .....thanks for letting us know that. ....dont know how we missed out that ... These are 'temples' which have come up...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    Even today any Hindu can do a puja at home. Only a Brahmin can do puja in a temple where 'prana prathista' is done. Anyone could have become a Brahmin even 200 years back...only it was more difficult to find a teacher. Even today, anyone can become a Brahmin if he choose to be. No one choose...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    No one has claimed 'Brahmin' is at the top....that is your assumption and counter argument....... in other words a Strawman argument. You are trying to eliminate the word 'Brahmin' by attaching a negative symbolism to it ...much like the word 'Nigger' :lol: Are you also for eliminating...
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    As you admitted 'us' for you is christians of the world (brotherhood). Where as for me, 'us' means us Indians. That is the difference. Thank you for proving my point. This is a straw-man argument, no point in replying to this. Strange then that a "Christian" called YSR become the chief...
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    Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

    A Tantri is required to practices Self-control, tranquility, uprightness, patience, purity, humility, learning, austerity, wisdom, and is required to upholds faith by his actions. This is also the definition of Brahmin. Marriages are also solemnize by person with such characteristics as hindu...
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    Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia

    Power and Money corrupts ...and with Lots of Power and Lots of Money ....its lots of corruption. This story is as old as mankind itself. Earlier Popes used to get assassinated by their next in line..... nowadays they resign to save their @$$. Just another day in paradise.
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