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Modi bats for dalits to solemnize Hindu weddings

He is correct ! caste is a problem and is by birth from at least 2000 years.

The problem is erosion of Hinduism from India .........and being replaced by a diluted corrupted version celebrated by the ignorant teeming mass who has mastered hindusim without knowing anything about it.

Yes I know.

Your line of argument about asking people to "read on Hinduism" or "talk with real Brahmins" is the same as those Islamist apologists who want to deflect the criticism by asking the critics to "go read real Islam" or "read real Quran" etc.

So I take it you have read or been taught the all the Vedas, Upanishads, Itihasas, Puranas ? .....or at least 2 vedas, 4 upanishads, 2 Ithihasa and 2 puranas ? ... the smriti and the sruthi ?
So I take it you have read or been taught the all the Vedas, Upanishads, Itihasas, Puranas ? .....or at least 2 vedas, 4 upanishads, 2 Ithihasa and 2 puranas ? ... the smriti and the sruthi ?

What does it have to do with seeing how things happen in real world in front of me ? huh

See you again resemble the islamist who asks tell me where in quran suicide bombing is permitted. No. that s the point.

You are doing shitty things in the name of religion and then invoking the "no true scotsman" argument.

Look you might argue with me all day long with all your theoretical knowledge, but practically what we have is

--> caste today is determined by birth

--> people cannot change their castes

That needs to change if Hinduism is to survive. Else it will die a slow painful death with the onslaught of others. That is the bottomline
What does it have to do with seeing how things happen in real world in front of me ? huh

See you again resemble the islamist who asks tell me where in quran suicide bombing is permitted. No. that s the point.

If it has not semblance to 'real world' why have religion at all ? .......comparing me to an 'islamist' to hide your ignorance is just sad ....did not expect it from you. I used to think you'r a rationalist.

You are doing shitty things in the name of religion and then invoking the "no true scotsman" argument.

WOW.....I was not aware you are observing all my 'shitty' things ....do you live next to me ? or is it spying via web cam ?

Look you might argue with me all day long with all your theoretical knowledge, but practically what we have is

--> caste today is determined by birth

--> people cannot change their castes

That needs to change if Hinduism is to survive. Else it will die a slow painful death with the onslaught of others. That is the bottomline

If discussing with you is a parameter for measuring Hindusim in India ...its appears to be dead. Only needs to be buried now.

Hinduism is to be revived not by propagating ignorance but by educating people about Hinduism .......starting with those who claim to know Hinduism ... without actually knowing anything about it.
^^ Ur repeating the same arguments that "true Hinduism" does not do this.

Who said it did ?

What I am saying is the powerful clergy at the top misused the faith taking advantage of the fact that the vast majority cannot read or understand sanskrit to perpetuate the caste system by birth so that they can stay at the top of the pyramid

And that "caste-by-birth" needs to change and its the Hindu identity that should be over-arching.

Dont insult people's intelligence by bringing in unrelated things to deflect the issue,

The point is very very simple.

--> Caste system today is determined by birth.

That needs to change.

And you would be lying if today, on the ground, caste is not by birth. No amount of your denial to me, would change that hard truth and you know it.

You did not get your community certificate as brahmin because you recited all the agama sutras to the VAO and he was impressed by your knowledge. You got your community certificate because your father was a brahmin. That needs to change.
^^ Ur repeating the same arguments that "true Hinduism" does not do this.

Who said it did ?

You did .... by celebrating ignorance of Hinduism and offering improvements without knowing anything about it.

What I am saying is the powerful clergy at the top misused the faith taking advantage of the fact that the vast majority cannot read or understand sanskrit to perpetuate the caste system by birth so that they can stay at the top of the pyramid

There has always been clergy who have been eager to hold on to their power and also clergy who actually practiced what they preached and gave education to all those to claimed it.

The moment the kshatriya lost the power to protect the Bhrahmin, Vyasa and Shudra the society devolved. If Hindusim has survived, its only due to the efforts of the Brahmins and the Rishis/sadhus to save thousands of years of knowledge.

And that "caste-by-birth" needs to change and its the Hindu identity that should be over-arching.

Dont insult people's intelligence by bringing in unrelated things to deflect the issue,

Only person deflecting the issue is you by pathetic name calling.....in times of war / crisis where means of education was destroyed, knowledge followed the path of least resistance ...i.e. father to son. This was recognized but it never denied knowledge transfer to anyone who truly sleeked it. Chankya trained an orphan boy to be a Kshatriya King ......Shivaji was not born a Kshatriya but became a Kshatriya due to his efforts...and it was the same Brahmins who coronated him. Karna was made a Kshatriya even though he was son of a Shudra. Vishwamitra a Kshatriya became a Rishi higher than a Brahmin.

The point is very very simple.

--> Caste system today is determined by birth.

That needs to change.

That exist only in propaganda and in your mind seeking easy answers to cover your ignorance.

And you would be lying if today, on the ground, caste is not by birth. No amount of your denial to me, would change that hard truth and you know it.

Today Brahmins are not recognized as Brahmins by other community and do not enjoy any privilage. So what cast by birth are you talking about ?

You did not get your community certificate as brahmin because you recited all the agama sutras to the VAO and he was impressed by your knowledge. You got your community certificate because your father was a brahmin. That needs to change.

lol :disagree: I am not a Brahmin.

I know about Hinduism because I chose to study it and understand it. I know Sanskrit because I chose to study it. My father was not a Brahmin either ........its only a sad commentary on you.
I'm not disputing that. (if you remember me we had 'quite' a discussion on this and this is my stand too :azn:). But I;m highlighting a contradiction- how can you want to undermine caste and take pride in it at the same time? The 'label' is never just a word, it always brings underlying meaning to a line.

Its like people taking pride in their language without undermining others. Like Bengalis take pride in Bengali language but dont oppress others in its name, or Tamils or Hindi belts.

Or clans as mentioned by KS.

Bottomline is that there is a way, it can be done.
No he did not.

Political dreams like Shwetha Bhatt who contested on congress support or a Rajya sabha MP seat.

Actually those corrupt officers thought this would be a open and shut case, with everyone believing their words, that the Govt will fall and they would be celebrities..

Poor souls little did they realise that their bluff would be called out and they would become pariahs..
Political dream? So funny, i knew you would tell the same. You mean she was thinking that she would win? Not even single person i know predicted BJP would lose in Gujarat, Only thing entire media was talking if he would get more seats or less seats than last time. Moreover she dint get any other candidate to fight against? She choses most difficult opponents of her? Her entry in to politics is just symbolic. At the same time why dont you think revoking cases against these IPS officers are not considered as politically motivated? Why dont you think that is a threat? Also other officers who supported modi got incentives, isnt it? Dont you think they are given that to hide truth?

You are talking about only one officer here, there are others also who came out and went against modi. Do you think they are also lying?

Dont be daft..what he said was "Kriya pratikriya ke chain chal rahi hai. Hum chahte hai ke na kriya ho, aur na pratikriya ( a chain reaction is going on..what I want is neither the action nor the reaction).

What's wrong in that ?

Modi 'action-reaction' statement not sufficient to make a case: SIT - Indian Express

Whats wrong in that? What is the need of this kind of statement? CM should not make this kind of satement.
Also you have a good news that, SC accepted review of SIT probe.

Think about this, Widow of ihsan Jafri, she knows about the situation what happened that day, How was police etc, Do you think she is also lying? May be Modi will escape because lack of direct evidence. But is is very very clear that police did not do anything to save a MLA. He called sooo many people including sonia gandhi. He pleaded for help with so many people. Police reached only in the evening to the spot.

No he was boasting..over the top..clearly like a victor who takes extra credit even when not due to him..

If his video was found to be legally admissible then what stopped the so called justice cottage industry from using that to sue Modi ?

Boasting? Good for you if you think so. Just watch once again of what he is saying at that time.

What is wrong in closing the refugee camps when actually the riots have stopped.? People have to go on with their lives either hindus or muslims..

moreover this is how you muslims outside gujarat have been continuously fooled for 10 years and you want to be fooled even now,


Keep getting fooled, that is your wish..but dont ask others also to join in your charade..

dont bring the same old "oh he killed muslims" again into this thread too. There are plenty of threads for that. This is about a positive news on an attempt at social reformation among Hindus. Leave it.
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@doublemaster read history of Gujrat. And you say Police was used by Modi, have you thought who ruled gujarat prior to Modi ?

If you don't know Politicians and Bureaucrats work together.

In Rajasthan, for transfer to preferred location price start from 50,000 rps onward. Some time if you are going to be replaced someone who is paying for your post, you have to pay higher to other person.

Police and Congress, always together. Modi made life hell for those politicized Police, who let oppression of Hindus in Gujarat because of vote bank of Congress.

I am telling from experience and you can ask any Indian especially north Indians.

You believe in media, why don't you believe in Supreme Court and SIT report ?

Did you heard of West Bengal riots on 21 Feb, 2913 ? Why is media silent ? 200 houses burnt of Hindus, women molested.

Are rights and NGOs for Minorities only ? What about Majorities ? Mamta stopped Salman Rushdie while allowed these riots. All for vote bank politics for upcoming Panchayat elections.

The people you support are the reason we are still in this social mess. Congress and its allies gave riots, caste based politics, religion based, keep poverty to get votes, etc. etc.

If you don't like them, give me a better choice,

I am not big fan of Modi. But I am practical person. I support Modi just because there is a slimmer of hope that Development based Politics trend starts in India replacing caste/religion etc. based Politics.

I want to see 10 years down the line a much better PM candidate.

What is it that you are trying to say? Is that the reason police and IPS officers witnessed in favour of modi? Is that the reason they staged fake encounter saying that "they were ploting to kill modi". They why dint modi fire those police officers who did not do their duty during the riots? Atleast those who did not reach to Ihsan Jafri to save. He was a MLA. Modi could have used this as opertuity to fire them and replace...Did he do that?

BJP Members and police officers worked so close to fix so many muslims in godhra burning. 12 BJP members were chosen by police as witness, they gave false witnesses in court. Finally they were cought in tape and even court refused them. Funniest part of this episode was one BJP member did not know that his own business patner police mentioned in his witness! This shows how biased polices are and whom they are working.

Next incident is recent incident, Like Gujarat victims Dhule riot victims also accused police were communal. No one blived initially. But some how these police were caught in camera. Shockingly they themselves involved in rioting. You are saying that police work for congress and anti-hindus? What if these videos were not there? Remember they killed 6 people.

Have you seen any riots in your own? I have seen. My home is just in boundary of muslim-hindu populated area. I know what police have done in most of the riots. Brother if you are near to bangalore, come with me once i will take you to the people who are victims (i mean not bangalore police, I think its the best city to live!!). You can judge yourselves.

Brother, I am in Karnataka. There are instances like traffic police collected fines and gave "Donation receipts of Bajrangadal". Isnt this heights? Can you blive this? Dont you think how deep their roots are gone?

The Hindu : NATIONAL / KARNATAKA : Hassan traffic police collected donations for Hindu outfits

Many times you said congress involved in riots, personally i dont blive that they are involved in creating any riots. But i do know that they are working based on fear politics. They show to muslims that look if BJP comes this is what happens to you!!. Yes, They mis-use situation. Still muslims consider them better because they fear BJP too much. There is no other reason.

Anyways now muslims have changed. More and more muslims want to teach congress a lesson. For example. Now SDPI a muslim origin party has been launched. Their only aim is to split muslim votes and make sure congress loses. BJP wants this to happen. Funny is SDPI belongs to PFI :-).

So, Next time dont talk about congress and their riot thing.
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zaxcollix is a Hindu version of Zarvan :lol:

Hindu society was designed to balance power between all sections of society so minimize stress and help the society evolve smoothly.

Four centers of power were Identified –

1. Knowledge
2. Arms/weapons
3. Money
4. Land

To distribute power in society and to prevent accumulation of power in any one section of society it was decided to keep all four centers of power separate.

That is why a Brahmin could have knowledge of dharma (law) & shastra (science), but was prevented from possessing arms, land or wealth.

Kashtriya was to have possession of arms and the knowledge to use it but was prevented to have knowledge, money and land. Money in the treasury belonged to the people and the king himself did not own any land. (This was also the reason democracy came easy to India via Sangha )

Vyasa was to possess Money (Banking , trading) but was prevented knowledge, arms and production

Sudhra was to possess Land (farming, animals, factory, production) but was prevented knowledge, money and arms

Separate Gurukul provided the educational centers to impart knowledge of each caste. All members of society were allowed to enter the Gurukul and seek knowledge in whatever areas they choose. (...not hard to imagine most fathers would choose to educate their sons in their own mould)

These rules of society were themselves designed and governed by people who were outside these societies so as not to be influenced by them i.e. the Rishis.

Group of Rishis themselves were renewed by members of society taking Vanaprasta and Sanyasa during every hindus 3rd and 4th stages of life.
Am glad you liked it - did you get it off flipkart or in a bookstore?

Flipkart was the fastest way to find it. Might I suggest incorporating your book's title as your signature? I would've missed it if I hadn't gone through the thread on the Lahore literary festival.
Who cares about them mate ? If they cant move on with times, then its their problem.

(Personally I dont think they will oppose it though)

The need of the hour is a total reformation in Hinduism and make sure the Hindus are not divided on caste or other grounds. Hindus being the majority in India, their infighting also holds back India and its march to progress. Moreover the time of caste has passed and we need to ensure the discriminatory procedures which hold back any community is not tolerated. And one way to make sure the caste lines become less distinct is to embrace the people who are at the very bottom of the social ladder and given them the most important job in Hinduism - that of conducting the rituals. There is nothing more symbolic or socially empowering than that.

Read up on what Buddha thought about caste.....Unless Hindus delete caste your lot will still be weak.

Buddhism is the best, Hinduism is a flawed concept. Time to convert. Don;t worry NGO's will help. As for Modi, the guju model is flawed. Listen to Amartya Sen, Nobel Winner..........FOLLOW THE KERALA MODEL AND WE LIVEIN PEACE>
Read up on what Buddha thought about caste.....Unless Hindus delete caste your lot will still be weak.

Buddhism is the best, Hinduism is a flawed concept. Time to convert.

I agree..not only that is flawed in Hinduism..but many other things too..prime among them a lack of will to self-preserve in face of hostility and thinking every faith is like it following live and let live policy.

Don;t worry NGO's will help. As for Modi, the guju model is flawed. Listen to Amartya Sen, Nobel Winner..........FOLLOW THE KERALA MODEL AND WE LIVEIN PEACE>

looooll..dont joke yaar..

Kerala growth model is Gujarat model in disguise

And as for peace, I dont want to sound bad, but what is in Kerala is the peace of a volcano that is sitting dormant waiting for a time to explode.
I agree..not only that is flawed in Hinduism..but many other things too..prime among them a lack of will to self-preserve in face of hostility and thinking every faith is like it following live and let live policy.

looooll..dont joke yaar..

Kerala growth model is Gujarat model in disguise

For 2000 yrs buddy the volcano never went off. But in these modern times, much more vigilance needs to be kept on the Middle Eastern scum infiltrating India via Kerala.

As for the Kerala Model, how can we dispute a Nobel Prize Winner, an expert in their respective field like Sen? That is if I follow that "logic."

yes and turn entire India into hub of jihadist like your state

Sry you must be thinking of North India. Come to Kerala.....we run this
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