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  1. nadeem_ak65

    Kayani view On Indian Generals And Islam

    There is a marked difference between all armies of the world and Pakistan Army. Any army other than Pakistan Army works for salaries, benefits and rewards, whereas, Pakistan Army personel in general serve based on pure passion and love for motherland. The reward Pakistani soldier looks forward...
  2. nadeem_ak65

    Diamer Bhasha Dam: World Bank, not ADB, presses for seeking Indian NOC

    Kayani Zindabad. Bravo!! Bravo!! hats off to our brave military leader
  3. nadeem_ak65

    Kargil lows

    A misleading article with no facts to back. This article is based on videos shown on Indian channels when they were screaming for international help and presenting all Indian cast clips depicting Pakistan army. If one is little observant one can very easily tell that the clips shown by the...
  4. nadeem_ak65

    Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

    What a pack of lies? Kargil was THE opportunity created by our forces and accepted by European military experts as an outstanding and brilliant military maneuver. I do not know when the people of Pakistan will wake up and would stop being fooled by corrupt politicians of Pakistan. Media is...
  5. nadeem_ak65

    14 security personnel martyred in NWA attack.

    Unfortunately the report SEEMS cover up by ISPR of a "mistaken identity" drone strike by US. Only God knows the facts.
  6. nadeem_ak65

    Taliban Attempt to Kill Right-Wing TV Anchor and Politician in Pakistan

    Mir has always been a drama baaz. He and Shahid Masood can do ANYTHING for fame. Why would TTP even think of harming them when their agenda is same; damage Pakistan, create chaos, discourage investment and spread dis-information
  7. nadeem_ak65

    ISI - a big failure?

    I pray to Allah that all that is written is true, since I love Pakistan Army, MI and ISI. May Allah grant them success to restore peace in my country which is being attacked by external forces and internal forces. May Allah guide the misdirected traitors; media and pseudo intellectuals. Ameen.
  8. nadeem_ak65

    Emine Erdogan's visit to Burma leaves her in tears

    I pity you and people like yourself who think they can associate themselves with europeans by making such remarks. Trust me, Turkey does not need backing of any country. Burmese had no choice, since, although asleep at this time, if the Muslims in the region wake up the whole region will be...
  9. nadeem_ak65

    ISI-CIA meeting: Spymasters plan US rendezvous

    What a joke? All they will talk about is amount and payment terms.
  10. nadeem_ak65

    True event or just a story|

    Russia did not want to attack Pakistan because we were and are US allies, in fact they have always wanted access to hot water i.e Arabian Sea and the shortest route is through Pakistan.
  11. nadeem_ak65

    Pakistan’s Impending Defeat in Afghanistan

    Unfortunately, the army leadership, political leadership and bureaucracy all are directly or indirectly paid by anti-state agents to work against Pakistan. After the planned martyrdom of Liaquat Ali Khan the ICS clout took over the country and the same families or their servants are running the...
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