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  1. chinapakistan

    US strategy to pitch India against China

    China poverty rate is 8%, definately less than pakistan's population.:eek: Is your point that all areas of US are just like New York?:lol: From this statements, I can make sure you'v never been china.:lol: You just copied what west media is saying everyday.
  2. chinapakistan

    US strategy to pitch India against China

    No, most indian believe indian is super power now.:D You are out of day.
  3. chinapakistan

    Tell Pakistan to stop exporting terror to India: BJP tells China

    Sorry to say that, you are not in china and US's sight, you are not there.:lol:
  4. chinapakistan

    Tell Pakistan to stop exporting terror to India: BJP tells China

    Who is this BJP guy? Who cares this guy saying except indian?:lol:
  5. chinapakistan

    Chinese troops enter Indian territory again

    But I know indian answer is true, bcz they dealed with PLA in 1962. How did it test?:lol: @topic Well done PLA! Yes, we entered, so what? Enter back, if you have guts, I think PLA just need a reason to start a conflict to get our land back.
  6. chinapakistan

    China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

    Are you saying that india has the world top poverty rate is bcz your great friend russia?:lol:
  7. chinapakistan

    Bring 'He Xie' to USA ^ ^

    We will get back much more than what we spent. :lol: Now US is putting their huge money into our pockets.:lol: BTW: Maybe those money is what we owe them.:eek:
  8. chinapakistan

    What does China gain from friendship with Pakistan?

    Friendship cant be evalued by money or other benifit. Why do I feel the one who started this thread has a dirty mind. I hope no one get friend with him, bcz this guy is always thinking "How much I can get from my friend." Pakistan supported china when we were poor, weak and no friend without...
  9. chinapakistan

    China boasts breakthrough in nuclear technology

    Hey, guys english please. BTW: 圣诞节大烟花真好看:lol:
  10. chinapakistan

    Crisp J-20 pictures

    I am afraid you may cant understand it. Chinese dont like talking, we like doing silently and let the result speek for us unlike some country only know talking.
  11. chinapakistan

    India Digs In Its Heels as China Flexes Its Muscles

    India is the last area with open defecation group without modern civilazition. Why dont you guys save some money to do some basic education to your 80% open defecation citizen rather than making the biggest rocket firework in Christmas Day?:lol:
  12. chinapakistan

    Most Chinese doubt superpower status for China

    Not Most, almost all chinese dont think so. There are only two superpower, US in reality and some country in talking.:lol:
  13. chinapakistan

    India Digs In Its Heels as China Flexes Its Muscles

    aliens.:rofl: And If I was in india I lose my job bcz I am sure there is no toilet cleaner in india, you guys definately dont need that position.:smitten::rofl:
  14. chinapakistan

    India Digs In Its Heels as China Flexes Its Muscles

    Hey, bro. I dont know why you can talk to people who even dont know where should defecate....... They lack basic common education. They are open defecation group.:eek: India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation?s Growth - Bloomberg
  15. chinapakistan

    India to challenge China more: Indian experts

    And please, please. Dont let us wait, please copy a plane or any other high tech things out. Oh, you should make sure it doesnt explod. You even cant make a TV.......:lol:
  16. chinapakistan

    Year of taming the China dragon (2010 in Retrospect)

    No, I dont think so. You are superpower of this universal. How can earth mankind dare to be equal to you! Believe me, you are over all the mankind living on the earth, you are equal to aliens.:smitten:
  17. chinapakistan

    India to challenge China more: Indian experts

    You even cant make power electric plants and still lay on import from outside including china. And your entir industry lay on friegn country much. Take an example, your rocket lay on russian and when you use your own engine, you know what happened in April 2010 and this Christmas Day.
  18. chinapakistan

    China prepares for war 'in all directions'

    India is suporpower and very kind and rich. We are thankful you made the biggest firework when Christmas Day~~~ A rocket firework.:smitten: Thanks to your high tech researcher. Their fireworks are the best in the world.~~~
  19. chinapakistan

    India Digs In Its Heels as China Flexes Its Muscles

    no No NO. You can make damage to the whole universal, not only china, you underestimate your superpower so much in talking.:lol: India~~~ A true might superpower~~~~~~~~~in talking.:chilli:
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