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India Digs In Its Heels as China Flexes Its Muscles

Countries like US,India,Japan and groups like EU have a huge leverage that china keeps forgetting.IMPORTS. Once these countries turn off the import tap from china, the asian giant is going to fumble head on into an economic ditch.

I think it's worthwhile to point out to all members that China is just as dependent on exports to Europe/America as Europe/America is dependent on China buying its debt. If America embargoes China, China can request all its money back, and promise to never again buy US debt, which would bankrupt the US and China.

Both nations have huge leverage over each other.
India must take one more step clearly showing what it thinks of the one-china policy - offer to provide brahmos anti-ship missiles to Taiwan.
India must take one more step clearly showing what it thinks of the one-china policy - offer to provide brahmos anti-ship missiles to Taiwan.

And china arms the kashmiris with SAM, short range missles, assault rifles and RPG's..both are disputed borders..both are future conflict zones..
Hi, exports to the US are meaningless for the economy since they are only providing paper money which adds almost nothing to our economy since RMB isn't freely convertible. there are a few worth of USD is trading for imports from the few countries we have trade deficiets with, oil and gold. it's sort of an "entry ticket" to trading in the world system.

On the other hand, India's largest trading partner is China and it is in a decidedly colonial relationship: raw materials for finished products. Just like when India was a colony of Britain. In fact, with the export quotas on rare earths tightening, soon Japan and USA's relationship will also be colonial, with us exporting finished products in exchange for raw materials.
Hi, exports to the US are meaningless for the economy since they are only providing paper money which adds almost nothing to our economy since RMB isn't freely convertible. there are a few worth of USD is trading for imports from the few countries we have trade deficiets with, oil and gold. it's sort of an "entry ticket" to trading in the world system.

On the other hand, India's largest trading partner is China and it is in a decidedly colonial relationship: raw materials for finished products. Just like when India was a colony of Britain. In fact, with the export quotas on rare earths tightening, soon Japan and USA's relationship will also be colonial, with us exporting finished products in exchange for raw materials.

The central bankers in China must be pretty retarded to accept 'paper currency' as you suggest. Why don't you call them up and tell them this amazing discovery of yours?
RMB isn't freely convertible because China knows letting the RMB appreciate would hurt its exports, pretty basic economics imo. Also since you suggest dollar is only worthless paper, can you enlighten me about some countries that accept significant amount of RMB for trade?
All of the high growth you have been enjoying as the factory of the world is because you get dollars or euros in return for your products, since you had little domestic demand, and you suggest it as worthless.
Another India v. China thread. Seriously India, you are fighting above your weight class.

I believe he doesnt think so

Whose class do you believe yourself to be in anyway? USA?
I believe he doesnt think so

Whose class do you believe yourself to be in anyway? USA?

What if your navy chief think so? :D

India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief - India News - IBNLive

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

Is Mehta expressing frustration at the slow pace of India's military modernisation? While India spends about $30 billion annually on defence, China spends at least thrice as much, although some estimates go up to $ 200 billion.

Its military is twice as large as India and its nuclear arsenal far well proven.

Who should people believe, an internet armchair general or a professional navy chief? :lol:
Who should people believe, an internet armchair general or a professional navy chief? :lol:

Cherry picking, are we? Another professional mentioned being prepared for a two front war and said Indian Army is capable of withstanding a two front attack. That professional was ridiculed on these very forums being called a nutcase and what not. What do you have to say about that?
Who the **** you are deciding our guts? What guts you what to see?
We can make enough damage to WHOLE china if war broke out and that is fact. If you are not able to THINK on this then you are screwing yourself.

no No NO. You can make damage to the whole universal, not only china, you underestimate your superpower so much in talking.:lol:
India~~~ A true might superpower~~~~~~~~~in talking.:chilli:
no No NO. You can make damage to the whole universal, not only china, you underestimate your superpower so much in talking.:lol:
India~~~ A true might superpower~~~~~~~~~in talking.:chilli:

You overestimate the superpower you think you are. We know what India and China both are. Lets keep it that.
India must take one more step clearly showing what it thinks of the one-china policy - offer to provide brahmos anti-ship missiles to Taiwan.

Before doing that, you need to convince Taiwan to buy it. It seems to be a mission impossible. No one is gonna buy your junk.

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