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US strategy to pitch India against China

Punjabbi Munda

Jan 11, 2011
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President Barack Obama has announced $10 billion trade deals with India and claimed that the deal will create 53,670 U.S. jobs. He brought some of the changes in export rules to make it easier for U.S. companies to do business with the nation of 1.2 billion people. US is also relaxing control on India’s purchase of “dual use” technologies that could be used for civilian or military purposes, have been top priorities for the business community. The commercial deals include the purchase of thirty three (33) 737s Boeing by India’s Spice Jet Airlines; the Indian military’s plans to buy aircraft engines from General Electric; and preliminary agreement between Boeing and the Indian Air Force on the purchase of 10 C17s.

Though, Obama’s mentioning of trade deal and creation of jobs in US may attribute in up coming democrats’ midterm election partly and also depicting an attempt of put his domestic economy back on track. It is mentionable here that Obama also promised to support Indian nomination as permanent member of United Nation Security Council. Though, overtly the US leader’s visit seem to be a business tour but his covert agenda could be to promote and present India as second super power while pitching her against China. In this way she will be able to get her ultimate objective of hitting two birds in one stone. Interestingly, at the same time, President Obama declared Pakistan as American’s strategic partner and deliberately avoided of making any lose statement on Pakistan’s related issues. In this connection while addressing the Common Session of Indian Parliament, he advocated the continuation of peace process between Pakistan and India. He also stressed that confrontation on Kashmir issue should be resolved bilaterally, however US can come forward as a mediator if desired by two countries. In short, India failed to achieve optimum results of threshing out Pakistan on the issue of extremisms since Obama has shown maturity by not involving Pakistan in terrorism. He asked both the countries to resolve the disputes for establishing permanent peace. In fact, Obama exposed US desire openly while saying that the relationship between the two great powers (India and U.S) “will be one of the defining and indispensable partnerships of the 21st century.” Declaring India as great power has to be translated and viewed in its true perspective. Unfortunate part of Obama’s visit is that he backed a country where millions of people have been victimized by the extremists’ Hindus and armed forces. During this visit Obama did not mention clearly about human violation of India. However, to gain more sympathies Indian government ensured that American president to stay in Taj Mehal but at the same time never been allowed or to visit Kashmir, Golden Temple and Babri Mosque. Obama said that he intended to send a signal by making Mumbai the first stop of the trip and by staying at the Taj, which was a target during the terror siege.” The United States and India stand united,” he said. “We’ll never forget.” This action of organizers of the visit is enough to show true motive of secular state (India) and so called civilized democratic country (USA). Would some out of Obama’s staff would like to clarify that why he only preferred to show solidarity with Hindus only and failed to say something on the brutality against Kashmiries, Maoists, Sikhs and Christians.

The other angle of the visit depicts that Obama’s visit would be adding tension between China-India and Pakistan. Obama has also broadcasted his underline message more openly as compare to the past i.e. making India militarily and economically strong. The American’s president visit and arms pacts with India are being viewed with concern by the China, Pakistan, Russia and Sri Lanka. An arms race, conventional and nuclear, between India and china is now gaining prominence as India is building her weapon piles increasing day by day. Some analysts have also started to view India competing with China in an arms race rather than acquiring weapons merely for defensive purposes. It is mentionable here that India is also developing her nuclear and missile system with the help of Israel and US. The UN Watchdog “IAEA’ should inspect Indian nuclear programme since it has pathetic security arrangement and could prove danger to the human lives again. Though, Indian concerned authorities are trying to tighten the security at nuke plant sites but no worthwhile improvement has been yet noticed. Recently, security was tightened in Maharashtra’s Ratnagiri district after villagers clashed with officials of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India. The corporation was constructing a cluster of nuclear power plants in Ratnagiri under the Indo-US nuclear agreement. The villagers, opposing the nuclear establishment, attacked and chased away the officials who were visiting the villages to take soil samples. India is also planning to buy Israeli Missile System. New Delhi has also launched major effort to develop laser weapons for military applications. Reportedly, Indian military is working on laser weapons for deploying on its submarines, destroyers, air force fighters and transport planes.

Actually, Indo-US-Israel collaboration is emerging the world most dangerous collaboration. Few days back, US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon while briefing reporters said that Obama intends the trip to be “a full embrace of India’s rise.” At this occasion Indian officials Shivshankar Menon endorsed that he doesn’t think that there’s an area of human endeavor in which we do not actually cooperate.

In this connection, very authenticated reports illustrated that: (one) Israeli systems are being tested in India, (two) India is a stake-holder in Iron Dome and David’s Sling systems as these are being tested in India, (two) systems have been tested in controlled environment and thus have not gained the un-questioned confidence of Indian side, (fourth) Japanese were also called for demonstration of Israeli missile systems. They remained skeptical and un-committed; (fifth)India is also persisting with its Prithvi Air Defence System PAD in order to keep its intentions are to contain China and stopped Pakistan for further developments.

As a matter of fact after disintegration of Soviet Union, uni-polar system emerged. The new great game and number of new cold wars like: Indo-Pak, Indo-China, North- South Korea, US-Iran and Sri Lanka-India have been started. The regional and global security environment has been changed drastically because of 9/11, American invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan. India took U-turn and became U.S regional and global ally against China and Russia. India in its pursuit of acquiring high technology has been making headway both politically and scientifically. Recently, Indian Defense Minister, AK Antony, to the US marked the highlight of Indo-US relation. Mr Antony had meetings with Secretary Gates, Secretary Clinton and NSA James Jones. Obama administration has been pushing India in awarding defense contracts to the American companies. Indian who is already purchasing arms to restructure her armed forces has welcomed US lucrative defense contracts for transferring high technology.

Concluding I must say that though Obama tried to adopt balanced approach while talking about India Pakistan issues but never forgotten his ultimate objective of putting India against China. The arms race between China and India would definitely going to be speed up. She already tested Agni-II, a revamped Agni-II in the Wheeler Island, off the Orissa coast. Agni-II has two stages and both are powered by solid propellants. It has several features of advanced technology. The missile, which can carry nuclear warheads, can be transported both by rail and road. Its projected range is 2750 to 3000 km. Indian second missile system Agni-III is ready for Operational Induction. According to Defence Minister Mr A K Antony, the 3000 km range Agni-III missile is ready for induction into the armed forces. The nuclear capable ballistic missile would give a boost to India’s credible minimum deterrence as no other missile in the Indian arsenal has the range to strike targets deep inside China. She also carried out Strategic Weapons Storages in Bikaner, Jodhpur, Jallandar, Jaisalmer, Bhuj, Bhatinda and Barmer.

World community and US administration should know that Indian design of storage, deployment, development of nuke weapons and recently concluded defence pacts with Israel and USA are serious threats to the regional and global peace. There is a need to stop and condemn Indian aggressive nature of expansionism rather than declaring her a great power and future member of Security Council.

US strategy to pitch India against China
US keeps buttering India.
India,Obama already said is a super power.
Which i am sure many will agree it isn't,though in future will be.

India should be cautious against US.

Shouldn't India be laughing all the way to the bank when USA is showering India will so much goodies because Uncle SAM needs India's help to contain China ?
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Though the source i provided was PAkistani observer,which couldn't avoid it's internal feeling to bash India regarding Hindu terrorism and Kashmir,the message provided was right,that US is using India against china.
us will do best to contain china. for this, it will make India strong; militarily and economically. we should exploit this opportunity but should not fight china. instead using china as bogyman GOI must get ultra high technology from us of a. then we will be able to built world class products and existing ones will be much more effective.
Though I do see Indians trying to compare India to US nd China, but the relity is that India can neither be US or China because of 440 million Indians living below the poverty line plus extensive corrutption in Indian society. Comparing is OK but the factual situation is different.
Though I do see Indians trying to compare India to US nd China, but the relity is that India can neither be US or China because of 440 million Indians living below the poverty line plus extensive corrutption in Indian society. Comparing is OK but the factual situation is different.


Poor people in China is still more than Pakistan's population,so?

Have you been to China?Well i have been.
Gotta tell you it's quite different than what the government controlled Chinese media shows.
Beijing Shanghai,Guagnzuuoh and other handful are good,no doubt but the rest of China isn't like what you think.
Btw,India's poverty population is 26-27% ,do the calculations yourself.
us will do best to contain china. for this, it will make India strong; militarily and economically. we should exploit this opportunity but should not fight china. instead using china as bogyman GOI must get ultra high technology from us of a. then we will be able to built world class products and existing ones will be much more effective.

Please enlighten me how it will make the Indian economy stronger? It's simple, its a waste India's resources. India should so more projects to remove poverty and increase its education rates. Education is the key of inventing/obtaining ultra high technology.

Right now we are living through partially peaceful times. Buying more arms from the west will increase hostilities between the asian countries which is not needed at this moment. :cheers:
Please enlighten me how it will make the Indian economy stronger? It's simple, its a waste India's resources. India should so more projects to remove poverty and increase its education rates. Education is the key of inventing/obtaining ultra high technology.

Right now we are living through partially peaceful times. Buying more arms from the west will increase hostilities between the asian countries which is not needed at this moment. :cheers:

Economy is already doing very good.
Poverty is being looked to,though it could be dealt with faster,but progress is being made nicely.
Education,well it's also doing nicely.

Though we could get the best technology in the world from US,we need to deal with them cautiously,as explained earlier.

Poor people in China is still more than Pakistan's population,so?

Have you been to China?Well i have been.
Gotta tell you it's quite different than what the government controlled Chinese media shows.
Beijing Shanghai,Guagnzuuoh and other handful are good,no doubt but the rest of China isn't like what you think.
Btw,India's poverty population is 26-27% ,do the calculations yourself.

China poverty rate is 8%, definately less than pakistan's population.:eek:

Beijing Shanghai,Guagnzuuoh and other handful are good,no doubt but the rest of China isn't like what you think.

Is your point that all areas of US are just like New York?:lol:

Gotta tell you it's quite different than what the government controlled Chinese media shows.
From this statements, I can make sure you'v never been china.:lol: You just copied what west media is saying everyday.

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