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  1. R

    Imran fears North Waziristan operation will be ‘suicidal'

    Damn this impudent man for his cowardice behavior. The foolish man needs a reality check that you can't negotiate with animals.
  2. R

    Corps Commander Karachi

    There is a huge possibility that the corrupt and incompetent cockroaches would utilize the victim card, however the public has become tired of these fake crocodile tears. Bring in marshal law and conduct a series of quick trials on the basis of justice and equality, by giving the verdict death...
  3. R

    Corps Commander Karachi

    Marshal Law needs to be implemented across Pakistan, since all civilian institutions are incompetent and a disease to society, where the blood of the innocent and the brave are slowly being sucked dry by a leach. Democracy has failed and this beautiful country should not take the risk in...
  4. R

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    Pakistan has become a banana Republic where the safety of its institutions and key strategic logistical destinations are prone to heavy danger. Intelligence was provided by the Bureau, yet no contingency counter measures were taken by the Provincial Government or the Federal Government. Instead...
  5. R

    Proceedings of an IK-bashers Conference

    I would rather be branded as a criminal, than surrendering my loyalty from Pakistan which Imran Khan is doing. The righteous are normally attacked and maligned in society, because they are seen as a threat. Karma works in mysterious ways, so the tactic of bashing us will be returned back a...
  6. R

    Proceedings of an IK-bashers Conference

    I have been so busy with work lately, that my time was limited in participating in this forum. I should call you Uncle, since my age is 24 years old:) Insha'allah together we will show the fallacy of Imran Khan and change the mindset of the youth to love their nation and the brave Fauj.
  7. R

    Proceedings of an IK-bashers Conference

    They may hang the defenders of Pakistan, break there bones and even malign there credibility in society for showing love to Pakistan.....however they cannot take away are dignity and honor in fighting against justice.
  8. R

    Proceedings of an IK-bashers Conference

    Spoken like a true patriotic Pakistani, who puts the nation before his own beneficial outcomes. Imran Khan will get a shocker soon and history will always remember him as a naive fool, who tried to destroy this nation.
  9. R

    TTP wants ‘free peace zone’ for talks , showtime here we go!

    So we should give up certain strategic positions, so that these animals can regroup and make new bunkers for fighting against the Army, once operation finally does start. This is a dumb proposal as the Army would never accept such an arrogant demand of surrendering land that belongs to the...
  10. R

    TTP claims minister ignorant of facts about Taliban prisoners (terrorists dictation to govt?)

    It makes no difference if the prisoner is a women and she was trained as a suicide bomber, because she is still a threat to society that needs to be terminated from existence. In addition the Fauj is probably educating the children to change their radical beliefs so that they can be integrated...
  11. R

    Larkana: Hindu worship place set ablaze by miscreants over ‘alleged burning of holy pages

    You disgrace India with your radical views and are no different than these so called Muslim extremists. Thank God, most Indians have the common sense to live in harmony with there Muslim brethren. For your information Islamic civilization has played a tremendous role in developing a unique art...
  12. R

    Imran hails government ‘sincere efforts’ for peace talks

    Democracy is a fallacy because there is no such system which currently exists......only in name to deceive the naive masses of this world. The central banking system is the real government in the western world, since it controls the money wealth and enslaves you into the hands of corporate...
  13. R

    Ahrarul Hind claims responsibility for Peshawar, Quetta blasts

    So what do you suggest, shall we continue this passive policy and put are head through the guillotine while they pillage are woman folk. So far peace talks has done squat and people are still dying, while are tribesmen who are pro Pakistani are being captured and killed. The Army has been...
  14. R

    At least 18 tribesmen abducted from Peshawar's outskirts what KPK govt is doing?

    Conflict resolution hardly ever works in the contemporary world order. Look at the case of Rwanda the Tutsi's had to forcibly destroy the interhamwe to have peace in there country, otherwise the whole population would have disappeared from existence. The Fauj has to cripple there leadership then...
  15. R

    Uighur Lawyer Tortured to Death in China

    You should call it a Turkish source not Muslim, otherwise you would be painting a picture that Chinese have an issue with Muslims, which I know from personal experience is false, since Hui Muslims are respected in China. As for the incident occurring with the lawyer, hard to verify since no...
  16. R

    At least 18 tribesmen abducted from Peshawar's outskirts what KPK govt is doing?

    Bloody Imran Khan will start wailing and flapping his arms around like a penguin, if the Fauj decides to finally attack the militants. For some one who has not lived most of his life in the KPK region, Imran Khan thinks he is an expert on the subjec
  17. R

    At least 18 tribesmen abducted from Peshawar's outskirts what KPK govt is doing?

    These animals are desperate, however they are also smart in showing the KPK government who is in charge. They must be laughing in there caves in NW because on one hand they are demanding peace and fooling the government, but then are using there splinter groups in attacking the security...
  18. R

    Imran hails government ‘sincere efforts’ for peace talks

    Oscar Musharraf is not perfect and he does have his fair share of mistakes which could have been handled better. I don't support him blindly, however I do have respect for those who have worn the uniform of Pakistan. I consider most individuals irrespective of country in wearing the uniform as...
  19. R

    At least 18 tribesmen abducted from Peshawar's outskirts what KPK govt is doing?

    Like I explained previously in the other thread, these peace talks are a smoke screen for the TTP to kill pro Pakistani tribesmen in the cover of darkness. These crafty little buggers are regrouping and strategically weakening loyal fighters of Pakistan that are fighting the cause of our...
  20. R

    Imran hails government ‘sincere efforts’ for peace talks

    Are you referring to the turbulent period of the 1980s, where Zia started the program of training the Afghans during the Soviet war which has led to this current mess? Showing the dirty laundry of the politicians will prove to the nation that they should not support these corrupt officials, that...
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