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Corps Commander Karachi

well the judge who gave verdict against the Salman Taseer's killer had to leave the country with his family because CIA threatened him with death for punishing an Ashiq e Rasool.
Ahmedis, hazaras, Shias and Mala Yousafyai are all CIA agents.

How can you exclude me from that list of CIA agents? :D
they just turn tomato, I think their eyes start twitching and that Kill Bill Rage music plays in the background whenever they see a post which shows them below their Bollywood standard.

Brother, excellent analysis of Indians on PDF :omghaha:

well the judge who gave verdict against the Salman Taseer's killer had to leave the country with his family because CIA threatened him with death for punishing an Ashiq e Rasool.
Ahmedis, hazaras, Shias and Mala Yousafyai are all CIA agents.

its a lack of law and governance in Pakistan brother. The police is corrupt. Who will provide protection to the judge from criminals?

Pakistan has little rule of law on the street.

If there weren't rule of law in the United States, the country will be overrun by White Supremacists, anti-semites, neo-nazis [ their membership in the US is in tens of millions ]


How can you exclude me from that list of CIA agents? :D

CIA agent is a misnomer for proponent of western kufr culture and values in Pakistan
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Brother, excellent analysis of Indians on PDF :omghaha:

its a lack of law and governance in Pakistan brother. The police is corrupt. Who will provide protection to the judge from criminals?

Pakistan has little rule of law on the street.

If there weren't rule of law in the United States, the country will be overrun by White Supremacists, anti-semites, neo-nazis [ their membership in the US is in tens of millions ]


CIA agent is a misnomer for proponent of western kufr culture and values in Pakistan

Ah yes, perhaps a Boko Haram fan here? :D
What these men actually DO is more important than what they SAY. My opinion is based on the record.

Kayani changed everything - he convinced everyone - that the civilians have to do it, we have to let them grow, warts and all.
Kayani changed everything - he convinced everyone - that the civilians have to do it, we have to let them grow, warts and all.

Let us see how much his advice sticks after his retirement.
I disagree because the people you are blaming for corruption and incompetence will use victim card. marshal law is not a solution and has its own drawbacks. address the source of the issue. problem is us.. we get what we deserve.

There is a huge possibility that the corrupt and incompetent cockroaches would utilize the victim card, however the public has become tired of these fake crocodile tears. Bring in marshal law and conduct a series of quick trials on the basis of justice and equality, by giving the verdict death to those that have infringed upon the honor of Pakistan. Yes the source of the problems in Pakistan is currently its people, although can you really blame them? After all the police system is flawed as its politicized, the level of education and social mobility is severely lacking and justice can never be achieved because the judicial courts are controlled by the same elites that are corrupt and incompetent. Pakistan will only change through force, because unlike the United States or Great Britain the rule of law is never maintained...as the individual with the bigger guns always wins. A revolution in the historical context tends to only transpire when the so-called middle class has taken a more proactive stance in coming to the streets. However this phenomena is never peaceful since radical change needs radical action. Marshal law is required because even after years of continuous humiliation and being regarded as the sick man of the world, the population has not taken a stance for change. Therefore the Military needs to do it for them.

like I said earlier we, ourselves are responsible for who we get as our rulers and who we get in important official positions. we cant regulate ourselves why we blame others who have more power to loot? are we truthful in our tax declarations? dont we deceive others in our dealings? dont we habitually lie? dont we try to undercut each other? dont we show off when we spend in the name of "Islam"? we are little leaches ourselves and we have vampires as our leaders.

When the elections are heavily rigged, you can hardly fault the masses for their choices of leaders when they did not even have an opportunity. However, I will concur that in many of the different constituents during an election normally a piece of Chicken drumstick and a plate of Biryani would sway the people to vote for these cockroaches. Tax declaration is only high when their is due process and the government is held accountable for what it actually does with the money in a country. If an individual lives a subsistence life whose standard of living is low, then why should he declare his taxes when the money would simply end in the pockets of the ruling elite. Majority of the population in my opinion are not leaches because they live below the poverty line according to the criteria set forth by the World Bank. Henceforth a small section of the society which deceives, lies and undercuts should not be blamed on the majority. The only thing which is frustrating is the idea that the public is too bloody passive in nature and should concentrate in punishing these elites.

Imran made a stand which no other person did.so no one can blame us for not giving these terrorists every chance to expose themselves. he advocated surgical strikes and special ops rather than a bigger scale war. he did rely on the Jamat Islami .. narrative of collateral damage stuff but unlike many bigoted islamic party leaders he never justified TTP

Imran Khan was and is still currently interested in forming a process of dialogue with the same bunch of animals who were selling the daughters of Pakistan in an auction house like cattle's and in the name of Islam were butchering the innocent. Just on this basis he was insulting are Shaheed troops and brave civilians who sacrificed their lives for this country. Pakistan cannot afford to experiment on a policy which is bound to fail, just to satisfy his urges of a utopia vision where bygones be bygones. I would guarantee you, if his own children were affected by these animals then we would see a more assertive Imran Khan. I guess poor people's blood is too cheap and irrelevant to an elite. I will agree upon the notion that his stance has been much stronger than that of fossil of dinosaur called ganja Sharif and the cheap car salesmen with the goofy teeth known as Zardari....however its not enough to convince me that he is the answer to Pakistan. Instead of doing these useless marches in Punjab, he should focus on the development of KPK and the security of his province and give support to the military in doing an operation in NW.

yes it is unfortunate but its personal opinions and we all face good and baseless criticisms throughout history. even Muhammad PBUH & his Caliphs were not spared from that. yes on the face of it such behavior is very detrimental and demoralizing but there is a lining... we get to self check ourselves and explain and educate others who are willing to listen .. small example answer of Caliph Umar RA regarding the challenge about the cloth dress.. he didnt get angry but explained that his son donated him his bit as well to make up for the dress.

Healthy criticism is always a good thing, because humans can always change and learn from their previous mistakes. But this superior attitude of PTI followers of always being correct and fighting for justice needs to be knocked from their high peddle stalls. First instead of attacking the integrity of Pakistani Commanders, they should question their own leaders to sort their own house. Don't they have no shame that are boys are fighting for the existence and honor of this country. For example Captain Shaheed Hassan Javaid was the only son of his family, but he was willing to give his life to this country. Disgusting PTI followers have no shame when they attack are men in uniform. You are correct in assuming that anger is not always a good thing and that a person should use dialogue to convey his message to explain to those who have limited knowledge on a specific event or subject. But these PTI followers are fanatical supporters....their is a limit in how far you should be able to exceed the boundaries to criticize. Don't get me wrong, I also hate all the other parties in Pakistan as they all belong to the same *** cheeks.

we are already doing it but there are two things that are cpreventing us from victory.

favourable public opion made by the civilain leadership
and the full support of the public.

we won Sawat because PPP and ANP supported army and made the public opinion favorable and the people of sawat supported the operation.

in places like Quetta, Jhang , Mastung, Islamabad, Karachi, Pindi.. we got people who actually actively support the terrorists and have full knowledge what they are going to do or what they have done.

Martial law wont fix that.. unless army starts treating its own country and people like its in an occupied place.

part of me does call the 111 Brigade but thats a temporary fix because the is with the citizens of Pakistan themselves. if we fix ourselves we wont need army to take over.

The operation in Karachi is not exactly fully committed, because the cockroaches are the stumbling block. Henceforth, they need to be taken out through marshal law and hanged so that a clear message could be sent to the terrorists in Karachi and the rest of Pakistan. Public opinion is always fickle and it will change once they see how the military has cleared all miscreants. The vast majority of the people of Karachi want the operation t occur, for god sake even women are forced to buy guns to protect their homes because the men in their family are most likely dead. I will personally support a leader who would bring radical change with radical action, whether its civilian or military.

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