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Proceedings of an IK-bashers Conference

They are kids , no need to take them seriously
with a broken hand, & a stoned eye, i m doing whatever i can sir?
i know what you mean, & thankyou shb jee!
u will never see me, chassing the kids posts,m but we hve been trainned to kill & bieng destroyed,mbut here we are bowing our heads to terrorists?
i am free, i do what it seems best for the nation, & i dont give a dam what ever , who ever thinks about me?
with all these media stunts , pakistani nation wants to knowfrom IMRAN KHAN , why he keep supporting tgw killers of 60, 000 innocent pakiatani,s yes his TTp brothers?
but i fully support. the creation of HAZARA province, by PTI!

Spoken like a true patriotic Pakistani, who puts the nation before his own beneficial outcomes. Imran Khan will get a shocker soon and history will always remember him as a naive fool, who tried to destroy this nation.
Spoken like a true patriotic Pakistani, who puts the nation before his own beneficial outcomes. Imran Khan will get a shocker soon and history will always remember him as a naive fool, who tried to destroy this nation.
uncle jee where you hve been ?
zara abnormal fuji, s ki madad tu karo?lolzzz
really thinking about comnander, @Panther 57 ?
dont need to, we hve been set to be gulity by all accounts, untill hanged?
thats the price we hve to pay, for our love to our land & our nation?
thats whats being done to us, by these so called politicians?

They may hang the defenders of Pakistan, break there bones and even malign there credibility in society for showing love to Pakistan.....however they cannot take away are dignity and honor in fighting against justice.
Yes , thinking of that makes my blood boil sometimes , but we can`t do anything . And this Idiot Khan is playing politics
sir if terrorits can wage a war?
dont you think, we can wage a war better then them , thts what we are doing now!

They may hang the defenders of Pakistan, break there bones and even malign there credibility in society for showing love to Pakistan.....however they cannot take away are dignity and honor in fighting against justice.
dont you see, we are the criminals?
we are the patriots?
we should be bashed, we should be hanged thats the only way of pakistan,progress left?
uncle jee where you hve been ?
zara abnormal fuji, s ki madad tu karo?lolzzz
really thinking about comnander, @@Panther 57

I have been so busy with work lately, that my time was limited in participating in this forum. I should call you Uncle, since my age is 24 years old:) Insha'allah together we will show the fallacy of Imran Khan and change the mindset of the youth to love their nation and the brave Fauj.
dont you see, we are the criminals?
we are the patriots?
we should be bashed, we should be hanged thats the only way of pakistan,progress left?

I would rather be branded as a criminal, than surrendering my loyalty from Pakistan which Imran Khan is doing. The righteous are normally attacked and maligned in society, because they are seen as a threat. Karma works in mysterious ways, so the tactic of bashing us will be returned back a hundred times stronger.

Pakistan Fauj has defeated America and its cronies because they could not split Pakistan and now they are running like a headless chicken. The only thing we need to do is mop up the trash that is left over. Then teach Karzai a lesson and his ragtag North Alliance group. Afghanistan was all about strategic geopolitical control and resources. Since the Fauj has won in the long term, both of these variables belong to Pakistan...although at a high costs.
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Commies are partying all over this thread

@Azland Haider , Anyone who calls himself punjabi but praises pervez musharraf is ghaddar of punjab and deserves death penality
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Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.808 Narrated by Ali

I relate the traditions of Allah's Apostle to you for I would rather fall from the sky than attribute something to him falsely. But when I tell you a thing which is between you and me, then no doubt, war is guile. I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "In the last days of this world there will appear some young foolish people who will use (in their claim) the best speech of all people (i.e. the Qur'an) and they will abandon Islam as an arrow going through the game. Their belief will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have practically no belief), so wherever you meet them, kill them, for he who kills them shall get a reward on the Day of Resurrection."
I agree with this but the question then is asked what happens to those groups that want peace, surely not all of them want to go on an unstoppable rampage.

Prophet (pbuh) told us to kill khariji dogs wherever we find them .
read my reply

hahahaha ohh my god, those very same people are chopping heads on the name of prophet muhammad and islam

in fact prophet muhammad spread islam based on mercy, what kind of islam and sharia is being spread by these people?
you are contradicting your self, on one account you say kill all TTP, on the other hand your saying the prophet believed in peace and mercy. Now my point again, what will you do with TTP that agrees to peace, will you treat them all the same or will you negotiate with the ones that are willing to call it peace ?
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you are contradicting your self, on one account you say kill all TTP, on the other hand your saying the prophet believed in peace and mercy. Now my point again, what will you do with TTP that agrees to peace, will you treat them all the same or will you negotiate with the ones that are willing to call it peace ?

beta Prophet Muhammad PBUH forgave them because they hurt the prophet and his companions, as a state who are we to forgive them? yes go and ask those family members whose loved ones got killed brutally by the TTP, if they forgive then its another thing
beta Prophet Muhammad PBUH forgave them because they hurt the prophet and his companions, as a state who are we to forgive them? yes go and ask those family members whose loved ones got killed brutally by the TTP, if they forgive then its another thing
Then your the same as these TTP dogs. Think hard about what I'm saying.

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