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  1. Lonely Hermit

    Saudi Arabia imposes ban on all protests

    Sir i believe the thread is about Saudi Arabia than India. Now coming to India we can throw our political representative if they do not perform that what is called accountability to it's people. Coming to TADA and POTA have been removed by the goverment and i agree it was targeting some innocent...
  2. Lonely Hermit

    Saudi Arabia imposes ban on all protests

    Sir the era of monarchy's ruling over people have long ended, today the ruler's have to be accountable to it's own people. In a closed society like KSA there is a lack of political freedom. Democracy is not the best form running a goverment but it is the only one which can succeed in bringing...
  3. Lonely Hermit

    Man Intending To Burn Holy Quran, Captured By Afghan Forces

    And why it is difficult to believe that Taliban can stoop so low. They have never hesitated to target innocents before, they have not hesitated to blow schools and enforce their medivial law . If they are responsible for burning the holy Quran, then it has great propoganda value for the Talibs...
  4. Lonely Hermit

    Twenty-three Hindus kidnapped from Balochistan: official

    You guy's have some serious law and order problem out there. Out of curiosity i want know how strict are gun laws in Pakistan.
  5. Lonely Hermit

    80% students in Indian schools are humiliated

    Yes it is true corporal punishment was something most of as faced in South Asia, but not only teachers but also there is intense family pressure to do well in academics. We also face peer pressure i remember how cut throat competition i faced while getting into engineering. It is the society...
  6. Lonely Hermit

    40,000 Indians to be allowed to work in Europe: Report

    Thats not true mate i agree standard of living is high in the west and peole used to migrate outside the country because of lack opurtunity but things are changing. There is now reverse brain going on even expats from other country come and work in India. If you look at european economies the...
  7. Lonely Hermit

    Ending up in India. - Jon Stock

    I cant understand why the west think good majority of Indian's work in call center there are more call center employees in Philipine's than in India.
  8. Lonely Hermit

    'UN, WHO can ban Pakistanis from travelling abroad if polio not eradicated'

    You guys seriously need to fight the polio virus, i believe in India there was controversy about people becoming impotent after administering these drops specialy in muslim areas in Uttar Pradesh. There were cases reported in Saudi Arabia since then the Saudis asked that people coming from India...
  9. Lonely Hermit

    IAF, Army engage in war drill along India-China border

    do you pass these idiotic comments by looking at map and counting how many troops you have and thinking that you will just walk in unopposed. There must be close to 40000 troops placed in chicken neck(i.e Sikkim). 1.you will be facing an army which has extensive knowledge of fighting in...
  10. Lonely Hermit

    Ali Zafar crying for peace between India and Pakistan

    You are quite pessimistic sir, during world war 1 and 2 the europeans where at each other throats.Infact there was quiet a bit animosity before that to remember Napolenic wars, 100 year wars. Even with such a history the EU has been a quiet a successful model, why do you think we cant...
  11. Lonely Hermit

    Pakistan wins it's first OSCAR award!

    congrats you guys deserved it
  12. Lonely Hermit

    Why is India so insensitive to our affairs?

    Well it's true we have ignored our neighbour, GOI should have acted more matured manner towards the Bangaladesh. But govt and it's foreign policy has always ignored them. Those BSF personnels should be asked to show restrain you cannot just kill a human being even if they are crossing the...
  13. Lonely Hermit

    India a new Rising power in sports?

    The state of sports in our country is pathetic we invest small amount of cash, compare the Australia medal tally with ours in Olympics. The London Olympics are just around the corner, we should concentrate in shootting, wrestling and boxing each of the fields we had won medals previous time in...
  14. Lonely Hermit

    Is there any way to beat the US!?? They are unstoppable !

    In conventional warfare i doubt, wont happen for a long long time to come.With 11 carriers and plenty of other weapon system they can decimate any opposition. They also have good experience, remember how quickly Saddam's Iraq fell.
  15. Lonely Hermit

    Brahmaputra dries up in Arunachal Pradesh town! Is China responsible?

    Well sir i don't know if you follow news channel's or this sort of news is blocked in your part of the world but i would like you to google a certain Ajmal Kasab and David Headley. regards
  16. Lonely Hermit

    Pakistan proposes to create a military block of Islamic states

    I doubt a military block of Islamic state is gonna ever happen, to much disunity among muslim countries, Shia-Sunni divide, arab's hating non arabs. The yank's are threatening Iran how many middle eastern country are hoping they attack. I cant understand the obsession with creating such a...
  17. Lonely Hermit

    The World's Best Special Forces

    Common folks you cant rank special forces like that. I seriously think special forces importance are mostly overrated, wars are not won by individual unit's. To win a war you need firepower, logistics and proper numbers. You cant deploy the so called special forces in piece meal manner thinking...
  18. Lonely Hermit

    Do you think soniya gandhi can run india??

    Our political system has gone down the drain, today political parties are controlled by families. Whether it is the gandhi's,Badals or the Karunanidhi's, if we want to change the system we have to become part of the systemAs MK Gandhi once famously said be the change that you want to see.
  19. Lonely Hermit

    how foxconn treat their workers in china

    I agree with you mate child labour is a serious issue, but the chinese do need to improve their labour law.
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