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40,000 Indians to be allowed to work in Europe: Report

This seems strange , the only European nation happy to take in Indian immigrants was Denmark, though that was almost 5 years ago.

Why Denmark needs more, not less immigrants - YouTube

Hope they continue the traditional of Indian immigrants in contributing to the nation and prosperity to themselves.

Read the comments and most of them are abusive towards immigrants. Its safe to develop or country and generate employment opportunities inside India than look towards Europe.
i want to study and work in amsterdam for a few years before i get married :D


Why do people feel the need to sleep around before getting married?

---------- Post added at 02:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 AM ----------

Pakistan has lower HDI than India....:coffee:

Dude he's talking about Dubai!

Why do people feel the need to sleep around before getting married?

---------- Post added at 02:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 AM ----------

Dude he's talking about Dubai!

cuz they are people? lol and your name is birbal :P
a common person looks for standards and south asia dont have standards of living for most of people.
and those have money and brain will choose west ,may be east in future.

why most of our country men looks towards abroad?:azn:
Thats not true mate i agree standard of living is high in the west and peole used to migrate outside the country because of lack opurtunity but things are changing. There is now reverse brain going on even expats from other country come and work in India.
If you look at european economies the are in negative growth compared to Asia so do you want to live in a economy growing at 8% or a one which is hovering around zero
Read the comments and most of them are abusive towards immigrants. Its safe to develop or country and generate employment opportunities inside India than look towards Europe.

My prime objective is India. But job experience and education in the West or a more developed country is essential in my goal to contribute to India.

The position of Govvt of the nation on immigration that matters more.
Illegal Indian immigrants in London slums: Report by NDTV & BBC

NDTV Report

For many Indian citizens who braved hazardous journeys across continents and wily human traffickers with hopes of a better life, their 'London dream' has turned into a veritable nightmare, and they are now reduced to living in slum conditions in the United Kingdom.

While Indian professionals and entrepreneurs take over UK companies and buy properties in London and elsewhere in large numbers, this nether world of the 'India story' provides a different picture.

On any given day, you can see the illegal Indians huddled together along with a significant number of Indian origin people, in parts of London and other towns such as Leicester, Birmingham and Manchester. In popular parlance, the illegal Indians are pejoratively called 'faujis'.

Steeped in drugs, drinks and despair with empty, forlorn looks on their faces, many of these are desperate to return to India, but feel trapped because they can't.

Unemployed and in difficult economic conditions, many are ashamed to return to their families in India, who in many cases had sold their assets to finance their travel to Britain, empty-handed and as failures.

Others can't return because they have destroyed their Indian passports to prevent deportation. Re-establishing their identity to obtain new travel documents from the Indian high commission in UK can take a long time.

Savyasaachi Jain, noted film-maker who produced the acclaimed documentary titled 'Door Kinare' (Shores Far Away), while highlighting the plight of illegal Indian immigrants, told Press Trust of India that those who had their dreams shattered wanted to warn others "not to be mad" to try and come to Britain.

He said: "When I was making my film, I met many men who were destitute. They were living on the fringes of British society, homeless and sleeping rough. They weren't making any progress here, and neither were they able to go back to return home without having been successful would mean a huge loss of face, apart from the loss of the amount invested in travel."

"It's a very desperate and stressful situation, and drug and alcohol abuse is common. These people are not criminals; they are enterprising young men who set out to make their fortune. But in this country they have no social capital, nobody to turn to," he said.

Mr Jain added that they don't have the support networks that they would have in their villages back home.

Many survive on free food provided by temples and gurudwaras in London and other towns, while a charity organisation, Sikh Welfare Awareness Team (SWAT) provides clothing and food to the illegal Indians barely eking out a living in west London.

Amidst economic downturn, official figures show that the number of Indians and other foreign nationals volunteering to be deported to their countries has increased in recent years, from 335 in 2005 to 15,537 in 2010.

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------

Young Punjabi illegal immigrants in UK desperate to return home

BBC Report

The BBC has spoken to illegal immigrants who find themselves living amongst rats and rubbish in makeshift garden sheds and garages. They want to be deported back to India, but many are trapped in a bureaucratic no man's land without any documents.

Jagdeesh pulls away a piece of cardboard revealing a tiny hole in a concrete wall. He invites me to climb through, declaring: "This is my home, come in."

As I crawl into the derelict garage in west London, the torchlight reveals half the roof is missing, a floor littered with rubbish, and rats scurrying away.

The 22-year-old illegal immigrant jumps on to a mattress in the corner. His makeshift bed is protected from the elements by plastic sheeting.

Jagdeesh's family paid £10,000 to traffickers who promised a better life and smuggled him from India to Britain with dozens of others in the back of a lorry.

"I was told that life was good here. It's not just me, other boys came for work," he says. "You can see what state we're in, there's no work, no government help."

Jagdeesh has cut himself off from his family, saying he is ashamed of his failure to find work and would rather they thought he was dead than knew he was living in *****.

"They sold land and took out loans to get me out of India. What can I say to my family back home? The money we've invested is lost," he says.

Out of work, penniless and 4,000 miles from home, Jagdeesh has handed himself in for deportation.

It is barely dawn as Jagdeesh and hundreds of other illegal immigrants from India descend on a car park outside Southall train station in west London.

They stand in silence, shivering in the bitter cold. This car park was once a busy pick-up point for cheap illegal workers before the work slowed down in the economic downturn.

It is mid-morning by the time a van swings into the car park. Suddenly dozens of men rush towards the driver's window offering their skills, shouting above each other.

"I make a good plumber," shouts one. "I work hard boss, 12 hours for £20," shouts another.

Several men scramble for a place in the back of the van, pushing others out of the way, then the van speeds off. For those left behind, there will be no more offers of work that day.

Surinder, 33, also from Southall, arrived in the UK more than 10 years ago. There was a time when he made £300 a week working six days as a heating engineer, but he is now living in the poverty he came here to escape.

He heads back to the home he shares with several other illegal immigrants - a tiny, poorly constructed building in his landlord's garden. Inside, there are three beds and a cooking area.

"We can barely make ends meet. It's been two months and we've only worked four days, what can we do?" he says.

He throws his work overalls on to a scruffy sofa as if to show his frustration.

"We have to pay the landlords, there are four or five us, and so we club together to pay it."

The rent is £800 a month. Landlords appear to be prepared to risk housing illegal immigrants for an inflated price.

They have been told not to open the door to anyone in case they are planning or immigration officials, but we obtained access by posing as volunteers offering food and blankets.

The immigrants complain of damp, cramped conditions, but being exploited by their own people angers them most.

"Our people who are here legally, permanent residents, who've made homes here, they've paid for their houses because of us," Jandeep says angrily.

"Their mortgages are paid because they charge a high rent. Everyone who lives here is Punjabi."

Row after row of terraced houses in this predominantly Asian area of west London are housing illegal immigrants in back gardens, creating slum-like areas.

Local councils estimate there are 10,000 sheds concealed from view across London and the Home Counties, lining networks of alleyways.

Council planning officers and immigration agencies are using satellite images to document them.

But Ealing Council, which is responsible for the area we visited, is calling on the government for greater powers to inspect these buildings.

Local councils often have to give 24 hours' notice to landlords and tenants for inspection, which gives them plenty of time to clear evidence.

Sheds with beds are the last resort for migrant workers. Surinder plans to head back to India before he ends up on the street, even if he has to pay traffickers to help him.

"If I don't go back while I still have some money, it's over for me, then it's drink, drugs and no way home," he says.

We found many homeless communities sheltering in blankets and boxes in Southall under a network of motorway and canal bridges.

But like many illegal immigrants, they are stuck in a bureaucratic no man's land. Their traffickers instructed them to destroy their identity papers to make deportation difficult.

Now they are pleading to be sent back to India, but without their ID the process is slow.

Many have slipped into a destructive cycle of alcohol and drug abuse. Jaspal, 21, was jailed for shoplifting and is now back on the streets and back on heroin.

"I want to go back, they arrest me and I tell them 'Send me back', but they won't - because I have no passport - even though I spent one year in prison," he says.

"I can't sleep outside without drugs and I can't turn to my family for help. They spent thousands sending me here. It will cause too much tension."

Then Jaspal climbs under his blanket for one last hit to get him through the night.

Their only source of food and clothing comes from a local charity, the Sikh Welfare Awareness Team.

"They seem to be growing in number, the situation is getting worse but they have no choice but to live on the streets," says volunteer Randeep Lall.

"Their cases have been logged with the UKBA, but the Indian High Commission is dragging its feet. It's disgusting they are being left to live like this. It's a mess."

The UK Border Agency admits establishing the identity of illegal immigrants in order to issue them with emergency travel documentation can be complex.

A spokesman told the BBC: "The time it takes to obtain these documents varies and we continue to work with the High Commission of India to speed up this process."

Buta, who is in his 30s, has been waiting for three years. Each morning he cleans his teeth using a fresh water tap in the local cemetery.

Barely sober, he makes his way to Southall train station hoping to get work - he will take any wage to buy his next drink.

"I'd rather God took me, then I'd be okay. Nobody listens to me... I have nothing left to live for."

BBC News - The illegal immigrants desperate to escape squalor of Britain
But still better off...

India is in the medium development category while Pak is in low development

p.s: Mahbub ul haq..correct...but you forgot Amartya Sen who actually provided the conceptual framework...:lol:

she provided some of the programming and a few regression analyses --- he coined, developed and WROTE the guidelines of this indicator. Sen was involved too and no - i didnt "leave her out on purpose" (i have some of her books on my shelf for crying out loud). But what ur doing (as usual) is giving ur people more credit than they deserved.

by the way, does india have a border with Afghanistan? Does india HDI have anything to do with indian-born foreignors? Remember we also have well over 4 million afghans who are born in Pakistan and live in refugee camps all their life. They help only to distort our figures. We also had 3-4 major natural disasters just in the past decade alone. Those hindered developed significantly. At the end of the day, Pakistani standard of living is much better than what we see in hindustan --- where scores are forced to live in slums in unsafe and the most unsanitary conditions known to man.

it's no wonder so many bhartis want to escape.... so perhaps you can laugh on that instead? :)
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