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  1. P

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

    26th Squadron will be the first one inducted with JF-17. Incidently Murad-K and I both belonged to this squadron. It was our very first squadron. And true! it is a a2g specific.
  2. P

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    I will blame the red tape. PAF has to take the blame too. What I understand that MLUs are going to be done in batches. We may see some completed much earlier while the last one being completed down the road.
  3. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    Shiji Saheb, My aplogies! Mr comments were never meant for you but for some others posts. I repled to you with the information of several countries involved in the development. While I was in Pakistan, I met several Chinese, South Africans, Croatians, and other nationalities. My ranting...
  4. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    Shije Saheb, More than two countries are involved in the development woekn these weapons. China is now involved in it too. Some of the weapons like SD-10 may very well have benefited from thie Sout African weapons. This has all been kosher and proper agreements are in place. I do want to...
  5. P

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

    Because of the angle, it is impossible to see if he is a pilot with full wing. If a controller, they do not have the PAF Pilot wings. In the past, the only responsibilty they had was Air Traffic Control with no wings. And they received no flying allowance. Usually, those who coudnt make it...
  6. P

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

    Sorry to deviate from the topic in discussion. PAF has 4 Test engineers-two British certified and 2 Certified in China. These poor chaps are overwhelmed with the load. Every one of them is a F-16 pilot. This helps in not only testing the new aircraft but also points to any deficiency when...
  7. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    Walekum assalam Hassan Saheb, Thanks for the priceless advise. I have already been following it. Some of the info is still secret but rest is well known and public.
  8. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    Man you guys are percistent. It was tested on JF-17 as well. China hasd offered a package of SD-10, LS-6, and LT-2 The last two can transform any dumb bombs into a guided PGM. LS-6 is reported to have a 60km range, while LT-2 is a Laser guided bomb. Problem with a laser guided bomb is that...
  9. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    Another example of a small diameter PGM in PAF. I really want an end of speculation whether Pakistan has PGM. PAF has many more that are rightfullu cloacked in secrecy. This particular example can be guided by 4 multiple guided Joint Guidance system which include Laser, GPS, Inertia, two...
  10. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    I really do not the contentious discussion above. PAF already has a BVRAAM PAF also has mission specific PGMs as well like Graphite bombs that many may not have even heard of. Reports in Pakistani newspaper are tainted or written by journalists who have no knowledge. Basing your response...
  11. P

    Would Pakistan support Iran in case Israel attacks Iranian Nuclear Facilities?

    One clarification on F-86 transfer to Pakistan. Iran sold them to Merex Corporation of Germany (My former employer) by Iran who charged Pakistan an arm & leg for them. In fact during my employment with Merex during 1980-81, Mr. Gearhard Mertis, the President of the corporation told me how...
  12. P

    Pak-French Nuclear Cooperation [possibly]

    What are the motives behind this offer? And what is the price France wants for providing us the nuclear technology. I think France would like us to forget about German U-214 and acquire non existent Marlins or inferior Scorpions. Just being caucious but hope I am wrong.
  13. P

    Air Force Question Thread

    Read the first para again. It talks about the APG-66 being used. Correct! it could scan every thing which would reflect on the radar screen. But you have no visual. How do you track people. They cannot be scanned. Ground is dark and nothing is visible. This shortcoming is being taken care of now.
  14. P

    Air Force Question Thread

    Biggest drawback our F-16 had was their inability to operate at night. While we will not have that problem with the Blk-50, the night capability is also being added during the MLU. Our anti state elements were aware of this shortcoming and consistently took advantage by moving around at night...
  15. P

    How the U.S. Has Secretly Backed Pakistan's Nuclear Program From Day One

    Story in my opinion is true to a great extent . US, when it wants, will look the other way if it serves its purpose. We have witnessed that time and again. We do not have just this example but another. US was fully aware of our nuclear and missile program. Back in early 80s, US supplied...
  16. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    I am not as energetic as you youngsters or my good old friend MuradK is with whom my friensdhip started on a sleepy night 45 years ago when we joined PAF and had our heads mowed by the Hajjam. My health and vision problem not allow me to sit infront of a screen for long time-so writing a...
  17. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    Read his post again. Modifying an acquired technology with related know how is easier than developing a new one from scratch is far easier.
  18. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    Well! I took pictures. For your information. I will disclose the name that Pakistan has given it. It is named "Crescent Arrow" Pakistan has acquired several members of the Denel Darter family with TOT. These may include the "Raptors as well. They are not only being tweaked to Pak...
  19. P

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    Sorry to hear about your niece. May God rest her soul and give you peace. I can understand your grief and pain. On a different note Pakistani Police Women have been issued what seems to be a mp5. I personally do not know much about Guns so pardon my ignorance.
  20. P

    H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

    I must emphasize that that though the two look the same, Pakistan's copy has been modified extensively. It is more agile, improved manoeuvrability, an superior seeker and far more lethal. and yes-seeker has been improved in Pakistan. I will try getting more information on weather H-4 is a...
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