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H2 And H4 are AAM Or AGM?

Is this H-2 ?

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That has a braking chute, which is deployed shortly after weapon release! Hardly a stand-off weapon.

Hafr-1 and 2 (Pakistan) - Jane's Air-Launched Weapons
Hafr-1 and 2 (Pakistan), Bombs - Unguided

Penetration bomb.

The Hafr-1 is an anti-runway weapon manufactured and offered for export by the Air Weapons Complex of Pakistan. Development details of the bomb are absent, but the weapon is almost identical in appearance to the French-designed Durandal (now an MBDA product). It is not known if the Hafr is a licensed design or an unauthorised copy. It is available for use on the Pakistan Air Force's F-16, Mirage III, Mirage V and PAC/Chengdu JF-17 Thunder aircraft. The appearance of a second Durandal-type weapon in Chinese service points to a co-operation between Pakistan and China on such a project. The AWC now advertises a version of the weapon called Hafr-2 but it is unclear what differences, if any, there are between this version and Hafr 1. In terms of basic performance the two seem to be identical.
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Okay so H-2 is a BVRAAM, a higly modified SA T-Darter, so now the question is why would the PAF want to keep this technology a secret? Every other country that has a good and mentionable airforce has BVRAAMs and they are public about it, if they didn't want to involve the South Africans then they could have just said "We have made a BVRAAM named so and so, after hard trials of our scientists....."
Why creat this controversy just over a stinkin BVRAAM?
Okay so H-2 is a BVRAAM, a higly modified SA T-Darter, so now the question is why would the PAF want to keep this technology a secret? Every other country that has a good and mentionable airforce has BVRAAMs and they are public about it, if they didn't want to involve the South Africans then they could have just said "We have made a BVRAAM named so and so, after hard trials of our scientists....."
Why creat this controversy just over a stinkin BVRAAM?

brother it is not a BVRAAM, i dont know from where you picked it as non of the above posts say this!
H2 is an anti runway bomb, more specifically a penetration bomb used in air to ground attacks, the BVRAAM means beyond visual range AIR TO AIR missile! this is not a BVRAAM!
i hope you it helps you!

brother it is not a BVRAAM, i dont know from where you picked it as non of the above posts say this!
H2 is an anti runway bomb, more specifically a penetration bomb used in air to ground attacks, the BVRAAM means beyond visual range AIR TO AIR missile! this is not a BVRAAM!
i hope you it helps you!

I know the difference b/w a BVRAAM and a PGM. But didn't some ex-PAF personal prove that H-2/H-4 is a BVRAAM? I was referring to that.
Okay this is getting really confusing, so I am gonna clear some stuff out.
H-2 and H-4 are Infrared Guided Precision Glide Bombs. H-4 has a range of 120 Km while H-2 being lighter version of the H-4 has a range of 60 Km.
Now about the BVRAAM, PAF does have a/many BVRAAM/BVRAAMs. One (Of them) is the Crescent Arrow which is primarily a highly modified South African R-Darter.
Shije Saheb,

More than two countries are involved in the development woekn these weapons. China is now involved in it too. Some of the weapons like SD-10 may very well have benefited from thie Sout African weapons. This has all been kosher and proper agreements are in place.

I do want to say that some posts above are pure rubbish, childish and lack of knowledge in such matters. Decision to keep things secret are made for a reason- Many weapons system in PAF are well known and many are not. Secrecy is maintained about the undeclared weapons to keep the adversaries guessing and make it difficult for them to prepare proper defenses. Pictures alone can reveal a lot about a weapon, so why show it. May it is not the right time to show it.
Sir pshamim,
I think that you are getting the impression that I don't trust you or your knowledge on this subject. I trust you and your knowledge to the fullest and cannot be more happier to hear about a Pakistani BVRAAM.
In my last post all I did was just clarify that we do have a BVRAAM which has also been confirmed by you. I didn't leak any Secrets that may be a threat to National Security, I just tried to remove the confusion that exist in this subject.
If I have offended anyone or someones feelings have been hurt by my comments then I would like to apologize.
We know that PAF has nukes... Did we see any sofar? Does that mean they do not have it? As PSHAMIM writes... There are reasons.
Why creat this controversy just over a stinkin BVRAAM?

PAF seem to be advertising some of their air-to-ground stand-off weaponry (Ra'ad, H-4) but are keeping very quiet about their latest air-to-air weaponry - the only AAMs we ever see on their fighters are Matra Magic 2 and AIM-9L, even during the recent tense period. Having said that, we never see their latest PGM on their fighters either.
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Sir pshamim,
I think that you are getting the impression that I don't trust you or your knowledge on this subject. I trust you and your knowledge to the fullest and cannot be more happier to hear about a Pakistani BVRAAM.
In my last post all I did was just clarify that we do have a BVRAAM which has also been confirmed by you. I didn't leak any Secrets that may be a threat to National Security, I just tried to remove the confusion that exist in this subject.
If I have offended anyone or someones feelings have been hurt by my comments then I would like to apologize.

Shiji Saheb,
My aplogies!
Mr comments were never meant for you but for some others posts. I repled to you with the information of several countries involved in the development. While I was in Pakistan, I met several Chinese, South Africans, Croatians, and other nationalities.

My ranting about the childish posts were meant for some others. You can just read some of the ealier posts and will know who I was referring to.

Sir! No need to apologize, cz it was my fault in not understanding your post. I really want to thank you for the information that you have provided on this subject. Now I am really happy that we have a BVRAAM that can be used to counter the Adder and the Almo, and also about the fact that we can upgrade/produce our own BVRAAM.
Thank you Sir for this valuable information.
PAF Zindabad!
I really want to thank you for the information that you have provided on this subject. Now I am really happy that we have a BVRAAM that can be used to counter the Adder and the Almo, and also about the fact that we can upgrade/produce our own BVRAAM.
Thank you Sir for this valuable information.
PAF Zindabad!

are you pointing to the BVRAAM that is as you stated
PAF does have a/many BVRAAM/BVRAAMs. One (Of them) is the Crescent Arrow which is primarily a highly modified South African R-Darter.
in this case i think it is same as the SD10 and AIm120 coze we are also operating them! the difference is that it is being modified at home, still we cannot say that it is being completely developed at Pakistan! i hope we will have one soon that will be a 100% pakistani system!
as for the H2 and H4 not much is available for public viewing but one thing is for sure that they are land attack penetration munitions!

anyway thank you all for sharing your views

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