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  1. T-Rex

    The necessity for the Islamic world to have the atomic bomb

    Who is going to eliminate uncle sam's and israel's stock of evil ? You ? You live in a fantasy world!
  2. T-Rex

    The war against Iran has already started

    Putting the quote into its true context, you should be happy!
  3. T-Rex

    The war against Iran has already started

    Go, Iran go, show the world how to fight against the axis of evil.
  4. T-Rex

    US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

    Press TV has more credibility than your CNN or BBC, so stop screaming like a western banshee.
  5. T-Rex

    PPP government blocks anti-PPP propaganda on the Web

    Thieves call the truth propaganda and their lies divine truth.
  6. T-Rex

    Khalifa receives letter from Pakistan President

    Why does Pakistan help these bosom friends of india and israel?
  7. T-Rex

    Israeli persecution: History’s ironic repetition

    That's what zionazis love to say, they think this will turn them from being robbers to saints.
  8. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    The time is indeed right to apply uncle sam's medicine up its own rear end.
  9. T-Rex

    Pak swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India'

    It is the old indian habit, seeing others as their mirror image.
  10. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

    The military might of uncle sam and its bastard child israel is the basis of your confidence. In Afghanistan your american masters have embarked on mission to change the text of the Holy Qur'an. They feel the urgency of changing the message of the Qur'an and they have many other plans to distort...
  11. T-Rex

    Egypt’s Morsi replaces military chiefs in bid to consolidate power

    But at the moment our Egyptian brothers and Muslims all over the Muslim World should guard against those dreaming about continuing their fanatic rule of corruption and persecution (some call it fascism) in the name of secularism.
  12. T-Rex

    US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

    Actually the whole of the US has transformed into a puppet state of israel!
  13. T-Rex

    Israeli persecution: History’s ironic repetition

    "Bloodlust and hatred" are inseparable ingredients of the zionazi gene and most of the world that are not owned by the notorious Jewish Club know this. As for terrorism here's the proof of the israeli terrorism: http://vimeo.com/46866796
  14. T-Rex


    You know the truth, don't you? So, why do you pretend that the Jewish Club doesn't own you and your government? You know how rude it is to be suspicious of one's master. We know you guys are faithful servants of your Jewish masters.
  15. T-Rex

    Russia's Medvedev hints of Chinese threat to Far East

    Why is it that most of the indians see others as a replica of themselves? China doesn't need Russia that much but Russia will definitely need China to save her a$$ from another Hitler.
  16. T-Rex

    Egypt’s Morsi replaces military chiefs in bid to consolidate power

    Guess, who are complaining, the self-proclaimed champions of democracy! In the end they are not so democratic as they claim.
  17. T-Rex

    China nuclear tests prompt Uighur campaign.

    These so-called indian 'humans' are full of hegemonic desires. We know that first hand. The world would have been a better place without them.
  18. T-Rex

    Iran's Space Program

    The man forgot to apply for permission to speak, please excuse him. Please send him a warning as to what might happen to him if he dares to disregard the instructions from new delhi. There's one major problem with the SCO and that is Russia. Russia never considers itself as an Asian power, it...
  19. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia records world's highest scientific growth

    These Saudis don't even have that low pathetic base of scientific research, all they have is luxury and the tremendous absence of ethical principles among the ruling princes and princesses.
  20. T-Rex


    Yes, indeed, whatever you do seems fair to you, even your hypocrisy.
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