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Iran's Space Program

Yeah....at least it will push India to take things more seriously. They are increasing their capability every day and very fast.

Iran and India aren't at war. In fact, Iran wants ALL of the nations of the region to live in peace and be free from foreign-colonial powers' bullying and exploiting people in the region. Every country in the region has felt the bitter sting of foreign-colonialism: That's the enemy. For example, British colonialism killed millions in many countries. The US just starved 500,000 Iraqi children 10 years ago, and killed another 1 million people.
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Iran and India aren't at war. In fact, Iran wants ALL of the nations of the region to live in peace and be free from foreign colonial powers bullying and exploiting people in the region. Every country in the region has felt the bitter sting of foreign-colonialism: That's the enemy.
Its not about war buddy, you took it wrong way. Its about healthy competition and constructive pressure. I even think that India and Iran should work on joint project.
In fact, Iran wants ALL of the nations of the region to live in peace and be free from foreign-colonial powers' bullying and exploiting people in the region. Every country in the region has felt the bitter sting of foreign-colonialism: That's the enemy.

Well said. I wish more people would realize this. :tup:
Its not about war buddy, you took it wrong way. Its about healthy competition and constructive pressure. I even think that India and Iran should work on joint project.

We should all work together in the region. We should have our own "EU" -- instead of letting the EU divide and conquer us and the spirit of brotherhood in our region. Our blood to foreign colonial powers is free; they see our resources as theirs; they see our kids' lives as expendable. We have to be friends in the region and work together. We should make them have to buy our technology instead of being overly dependent on them.
We should all work together in the region. We should have our own "EU" -- instead of letting the EU divide and conquer in our region. Our blood to them is free. We have to be friends in the region and work together.

In an ideal world, yes. The problem is that too many Asian countries are subservient to the West.

E.g. Look at how quickly South Korea banned oil shipments from Iran, when America told them to.

So we should try to form a group of like-minded Asian nations instead. Until then, I hope Iran can join the SCO in the meantime.
In an ideal world, yes. The problem is that too many Asian countries are subservient to the West.

E.g. Look at how quickly South Korea banned oil shipments from Iran, when America told them to.

So we should try to form a group of like-minded Asian nations instead. Until then, I hope Iran can join the SCO in the meantime.

Thank you. Yes, I agree.

By agreeing to sanctions imposed by a foreign power, the country that agrees is really sanctioning themselves and surrendering some of their national sovereignty. Who is the US to tell China, India, Pakistan, or South Korea who it can do business with? That's a slave/master relationship that should never be agreed to. The US is not the owner of the world or the master of every business person living in other countries.
You had to bring India, didn't you......why shouldn't we publicize, we have to tell the public as everyone has to answer where their tax money is going...... And you don't know what we have done....just ranting.....first do something then raise the finger....Chinese, Americans, japanese, Russians can mock us, but you can't.

Come on topic....don't bash India on Iran related thread.

The man forgot to apply for permission to speak, please excuse him. Please send him a warning as to what might happen to him if he dares to disregard the instructions from new delhi.

In an ideal world, yes. The problem is that too many Asian countries are subservient to the West.

E.g. Look at how quickly South Korea banned oil shipments from Iran, when America told them to.

So we should try to form a group of like-minded Asian nations instead. Until then, I hope Iran can join the SCO in the meantime.

There's one major problem with the SCO and that is Russia. Russia never considers itself as an Asian power, it just wants to have better deal from the west. Russia will act in favour of China only if another Hitler rises from the west and invades Russia.
You had to bring India, didn't you......why shouldn't we publicize, we have to tell the public as everyone has to answer where their tax money is going...... And you don't know what we have done....just ranting.....first do something then raise the finger....Chinese, Americans, japanese, Russians can mock us, but you can't.

Come on topic....don't bash India on Iran related thread.

I provided two examples of propaganda loving countries, yet no one from the other country is here trying to defend their Jewish controlled media. Only you, an Indian, is up in arms to defend your bogus media that invents stories to feed its gullible and ignorant public.

Also, the question was directed towards Iranians or anyone else knowledgeable about Iranian space programme. If you can not answer that question, why are you still answering?

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