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US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

A military analyst says police departments in the United States are being trained by Israeli groups aiming to sink the country into total militarization and dictatorship, Press TV reports.

“Slowly, every police department in the United States, at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], is being trained by Israeli groups. As part of this training, there is an increased move to use of military uniforms, armored vehicles, heavy weapons, illegal surveillance, lying to the people, press and courts and systematic interference in the electoral system,” Gordon Duff wrote in an article on Press TV website.

He went on to say that, the process of “Israelization” of police in the US includes several policies which “the new Israeli trained American police are tasked with stopping opposition to”.

“Total militarization of police, military tactics, utter disrespect for civil law, the constitution, civil liberties, freedom of speech and the unbridled growth of centralized power under unlimited corruption; government by money and organized crime. Systematic suppression of dissent...,” Duff noted.

The analyst added that the US has a reputation for corrupt police organizations with many senior American officers imprisoned every year.

Duff further explained that, “Every major American city and most smaller departments, and there are thousands, are being ‘retrained,’ not to fight corruption but being armed for civil war, trained to work directly with military personnel to police America in accordance with unpublished policies ...”

He also stated that all the terrorist acts that happen in the US involve the American law enforcement, which “recruit terrorists or carefully remove key suspects”.

“What careful analysis indicates is that the groups that are training our police are, if not exactly the same, are closely related to groups suspected of being terrorists themselves, providing support for terrorists in Africa and the Middle East,” Duff concluded.

PressTV - US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff
Can you please stop reporting junk news articles from PressTV

Its a totally ridicilous news organization.
Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, BBC, CNN etc. are far more "ridiculous" than Press tv.

Anyone with half a brain knows that "junk articles" mostly appear in mainstream western media and their Arab puppets such as Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera 24/7. There is no such thing as "free" western media. Or free Arab media.
On a serious note...is Press TV supposed to be Iran's CNN? Or more The Sun?
Can you please stop reporting junk news articles from PressTV

Its a totally ridicilous news organization.

Can you please stop buying propaganda being fed to you by the sources that you think are accurate?

The irony in your post is, what you deem to be a credible source, those sources that are credible in your eyes become right, while all others become wrong.

Yes, there are a few posts from PressTV which I do not agree with, most of them are articles regarding Syria (where PressTV becomes way too fudgy with their pro-Iranian stance), but other than that, Press TV is a lot more credible than the sources which you think are credible.
Press TV reports

Automatically fake.

On a serious note...is Press TV supposed to be Iran's CNN? Or more The Sun?

PressTV is like a serious version of "TheOnion" comedy news network. They are both fake and they are both hilarious.

It cannot be compared to any other tv news service such as CNN or Fox. Those two organization may get things wrong from time to time, but they DO NOT report whole fake stories, unlike PressTV

PressTV will make up obvious fake stories whether is be fake wars, to fake invasions, to fake natural disasters. They don't care.

Even North Korea has a more factual news reporting service. I haven't seen them invent fake invasions or natural disasters.
Automatically fake.

PressTV is like a serious version of "TheOnion" comedy news network. They are both fake and they are both hilarious.

It cannot be compared to any other tv news service such as CNN or Fox. Those two organization may get things wrong from time to time, but they DO NOT report whole fake stories, unlike PressTV

PressTV will make up obvious fake stories whether is be fake wars, to fake invasions, to fake natural disasters. They don't care.

Even North Korea has a more factual news reporting service. I haven't seen them invent fake invasions or natural disasters.

CNN and Fox on many occasions reported that the majority of the Iranians were against the Iranian government, now that was 100% fake in my book!
US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

A military analyst says police departments in the United States are being trained by Israeli groups aiming to sink the country into total militarization and dictatorship, Press TV reports.

“Slowly, every police department in the United States, at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], is being trained by Israeli groups. As part of this training, there is an increased move to use of military uniforms, armored vehicles, heavy weapons, illegal surveillance, lying to the people, press and courts and systematic interference in the electoral system,” Gordon Duff wrote in an article on Press TV website.

He went on to say that, the process of “Israelization” of police in the US includes several policies which “the new Israeli trained American police are tasked with stopping opposition to”.

“Total militarization of police, military tactics, utter disrespect for civil law, the constitution, civil liberties, freedom of speech and the unbridled growth of centralized power under unlimited corruption; government by money and organized crime. Systematic suppression of dissent...,” Duff noted.

The analyst added that the US has a reputation for corrupt police organizations with many senior American officers imprisoned every year.

Duff further explained that, “Every major American city and most smaller departments, and there are thousands, are being ‘retrained,’ not to fight corruption but being armed for civil war, trained to work directly with military personnel to police America in accordance with unpublished policies ...”

He also stated that all the terrorist acts that happen in the US involve the American law enforcement, which “recruit terrorists or carefully remove key suspects”.

“What careful analysis indicates is that the groups that are training our police are, if not exactly the same, are closely related to groups suspected of being terrorists themselves, providing support for terrorists in Africa and the Middle East,” Duff concluded.

PressTV - US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

This was an intruiging article, truly.

This also.

There is absolutely no such thing as "objective" or "free" western media. Will you ever grasp this simple fact? Seriously asking; have you ever read or done some research on how western media propaganda works?

Chomsky on the Mass Media; A Summary of the Propaganda Model:


The Hidden History of Western Propaganda:

The crusaders -- New Internationalist

Western Media Propaganda In The US:

Western Media Propaganda In The US! - YouTube

The Propaganda Model: A Retrospective - Edward S. Herman:

The Propaganda Model: A Retrospective - Edward S. Herman | libcom.org

What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream:

What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream, by Noam Chomsky

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