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  1. S

    How good are the SSG's

    and the ssg these casualties also took place cause police personnel and rangers spec op teams were with the ssg.. and that cud have hindered them
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    US helping expand commando force

    SSG at the moment consists of around 2100 men. what are they training our counterterrorist battalions or crack commados?I thought we were qualified enough to do this ourself.
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    Pakistan Army Unwilling or Unable?

    watch the news mastankhan looks like the PA has cornered mehsud so i think there reaching there objective..and our government is also a coward,not threatning india for doing things in nwfp and balochistan.
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    Pakistan ready to discuss India concerns over Gwadar Port

    let them think what they think why do we care.It is afterall our country india has no right to intervene in our internal matters.
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    Pakistan ready to discuss India concerns over Gwadar Port

    exactly!! i dont know why pakistan cares what india says they should just tell them to mind there own buisness its our port and its our land even if use at as a place to sell weapons to terrorists its our land.I dont know why india has to do this kind of stuff
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    Pakistan Army Unwilling or Unable?

    niaz the pakistan army has got these militants under control so i dont know what you are talking about
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    Pakistan Army: Better trained?

    i think bravery has nothin to do with religion it was more to do with the love of the country you belong to and are willing to die for
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    Pakistan Army Unwilling or Unable?

    i think there is more than a division in swat.there are around 80,000 troops a division consists of 25,000
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    Pakistan army chief rejects world nuclear fears

    well maybe pakistan has secretly informed them that if caught they stand alon and only on these bases they do covert operations in northern pakistan.i might be wrong but there is a great deal of chance that there are green berret,delta force or some other spe ops team functioning in nwfp.
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    India to use Israeli spy satellite to seek information on Pakistan

    i dont think this sattelite wont be of any help.since in the past india has failed a couple of times to locate our launches when we test our weapons.
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    Pakistan army chief rejects world nuclear fears

    do you realy think american troops would have never entered pakistan? thats im possible theres a 100% chance that there are america spec ops teams present in swat.All this is said for political reason that pakistan will not toletrate american presence in pakistan.
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    Pakistan Army: Better trained?

    salimif u keep pounding and inflicting heavy damage on the indians from the west do u think theyll open a true front war.
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    Pakistan Army: Better trained?

    there wernt 90,000 these no. is exagerated.there were only 15,000 pakistani troops.the rest were civilians counted as soldiers the that indian government.and they had sent around 100,00 on our soldiers so i dont think that it was a courageous act by these indians.
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    Pakistan Army Unwilling or Unable?

    yes jana i totaly agree with you.however i think that they still wont fight full heartedly cause there training can never be as strong to follow orders as the army has.and since this force is made of mostly pathans,they will never fight full heartedly against there people
  15. S

    Pakistan Army: Better trained?

    because the army is not that willing to fight its own people but if they want they can wipe out these militias in no time since they are trained in a widerange of things.and guerilla warfare is not an easy job.these militants dont fight a pitched battle cause they know theyll lose they hit and...
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    Pakistan Army Unwilling or Unable?

    this is not the army abandoning these are people from the frontier corps.and since they are not well trained i dont know why the pakistani governemnt is keeping these FC personnel there since there incapable of taking on any challenge.and RPG's arent heavy weapons.they come under infantry small...
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    Coming into light USAs strike against Pakistan?

    america cant capture us! we arenot iraq or iran. and they can definitely not secure our nuclear weapons.
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    Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal

    no one knows where the pak nuclear weapons are not even america its one of the most closely guarded secrets.So in no way can they walk away with arnd 100 nuclear warheads
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    US steps up plans for military intervention in Pakistan

    isnt it dangerous for pakistans nuclear weapons.TO have the green berrets present in the country?
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    Blackwater's Pakistan mission (and related news)

    i dont get it.wats black water?
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