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Coming into light USAs strike against Pakistan?



New Recruit

Nov 13, 2007
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IN the light of rising plans to invade pakistan.
is USA TRYING to capture another ISLAMIC STATE?


ALL OPPINONS ARE WELCOME:pakistan::sniper::usflag:
america cant capture us! we arenot iraq or iran. and they can definitely not secure our nuclear weapons.
WE dnt need to nuke any 1, instead why should not we ! give some of nukes to IRANIANS.

AT,least IRAN CAN TARGET them in right direction. israeal???

dnt, wana hrm our neibghour:lol::pakistan::guns::usflag:
That's already the official doctrine. Anyone that comes after our nukes. We'll nuke India.

That has got to be one of the dumbest "doctrines" I have ever heard of. And whoever made it should be demoted to floor sweeper.

India has a bigger nuclear arsenal. Pakistan can't possibly hit the whole of India simultaneously. By even launching a single attack, Pakistan risks being wiped out all together not only by India, but all the western nations who have a big financial stake in India.

The cost/benifit analysis in this case is beyond imbalanced.
Threatening to nuke India is stupidity. It would evaporate even the last hope of survival for Pakistan. OTOH, an invasion from US could possibly be a blessing in disguise for Pak. If US is having trouble controling Iraq & Afghanistan then it would be a nightmare from hell trying to control a nation with 170 million hostile population. This act could unite Pakistan like never before. The final outcome would be that US wouldn't just have to get out of Pakistan but also leave Afghanistan leaving Karzai vulnerable. Pakistan could be left tattered with its economy, law & order collapsed but there is always hope. If Vietnam could turn a new leaf why not Pakistan?
The USA would never occupy Pakistan. If they ever actually went ahead with such operations it will be to confiscate the nuclear arsenal and disable the related infrastructure.

From the US perspective there is absolutely nothing to be gained by attempting to occupy Pakistan; most of all it wouldn't be economically viable.
Threatening to nuke India is stupidity. It would evaporate even the last hope of survival for Pakistan. OTOH, an invasion from US could possibly be a blessing in disguise for Pak. If US is having trouble controling Iraq & Afghanistan then it would be a nightmare from hell trying to control a nation with 170 million hostile population. This act could unite Pakistan like never before. The final outcome would be that US wouldn't just have to get out of Pakistan but also leave Afghanistan leaving Karzai vulnerable. Pakistan could be left tattered with its economy, law & order collapsed but there is always hope. If Vietnam could turn a new leaf why not Pakistan?

you have no idea what the ground reality is! suggest u take off your blinkers?
That has got to be one of the dumbest "doctrines" I have ever heard of. And whoever made it should be demoted to floor sweeper.

India has a bigger nuclear arsenal. Pakistan can't possibly hit the whole of India simultaneously. By even launching a single attack, Pakistan risks being wiped out all together not only by India, but all the western nations who have a big financial stake in India.

The cost/benifit analysis in this case is beyond imbalanced.

u think if half of india survives a nuke attack it would be business as usual for india. wake up and smell the coffee! we have not reached this stage yet and God forbid i hope we never do. u guys are beyond reason
The paranoia that the world is planning to capture Pakistan is seizing the Pakistani posters.

On what is this premise based? Or is it a nightmare caused by getting into bed from the wrong side? This thread has that much of credibility as those who claim that Doomsday is expected tomorrow!

The issue is - whatever for should anyone capture/ invade Pakistan? There has to be some rationale. It is not as routine as if one were buying a pound of mutton in a market! One must understand that an invasion in the modern context is not that easy!

Or is this a way to draw attention to oneself so as to take cover and deflect the attention of posters of the intrinsic faultlines that have developed in Pakistan?

For Christ's sake, cease battling shadows, your ghosts in a desperate attempt to exorcise yourself from your self generated problems and instead discuss things that are plausible and within the realms of reality.

Quite being reincarnated Don Quixotes.

Face up to the problem in Pakistan as men instead of wallowing in self pity!
Threatening to nuke India is stupidity. It would evaporate even the last hope of survival for Pakistan. OTOH, an invasion from US could possibly be a blessing in disguise for Pak. If US is having trouble controling Iraq & Afghanistan then it would be a nightmare from hell trying to control a nation with 170 million hostile population. This act could unite Pakistan like never before. The final outcome would be that US wouldn't just have to get out of Pakistan but also leave Afghanistan leaving Karzai vulnerable. Pakistan could be left tattered with its economy, law & order collapsed but there is always hope. If Vietnam could turn a new leaf why not Pakistan?

Well since we have already threatened India with "being nuked" and we haven't "evaporated", I'd say that you are way off base.

The idea is to raise the specter of a nuclear exchange that would be devastating, and therefore prevent any sort of intervention.

I'd say that so far its worked - otherwise there wouldn't be so much talk about "no good solutions".
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