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US helping expand commando force


Sep 27, 2007
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WASHINGTON, Feb 6: US military advisers are helping the Pakistanis double the size of their elite commando force in a continuing effort to blunt the rising threat of terror groups and anti-government militants operating in the unruly tribal areas, a senior Defence Department official said on Wednesday.

The American military presence is fewer than 100 personnel, said Mike Vickers, assistant secretary of defence for special operations and low-intensity conflict, and is focused on what he called “targeted training.” That includes assisting Pakistan’s Special Service Group and teaching specialised fighting techniques, such as helicopter assaults.

“It’s been ongoing for a while,” Vickers said during a meeting with reporters. “They’re expanding their capability substantially; they’re essentially doubling their force. So we’re helping them with that expansion and trying to improve their capabilities at the same time. There’s also some aviation training. It’s been ongoing for several years.”

The number of US forces in Pakistan is a sensitive issue. Many Pakistanis openly support or sympathise with Al Qaeda, the Taliban or other militant groups and would view a sizable American presence in their country as an unwelcome intrusion.

That means the US military will not conduct ground operations on its own inside Pakistan unless President Pervez Musharraf’s government requests such direct support.

“We have to be careful conducting operations in a sovereign country, particularly one that’s a friend of ours and one that has given us a lot of support,” Dell Dailey, the State Department’s counter-terrorism chief, said last month. “The blowback would be pretty serious.”

Defence officials told Congress on Wednesday that Al Qaeda is operating from havens in “under-governed regions” of Pakistan, which they said pose direct threats to Europe, the United States and the Pakistan government itself. Adm Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, predicted in written testimony that the next attack on the United States probably would be launched by terrorists in that region.—AP
Does anyone know what kind of aviation training is being offered?
The United States military has not yet begun training Pakistani forces to fight militants, but is already seeking a larger assistance role, including possible joint operations, a senior defence official said on Wednesday. Assistant Defence Secretary (special operations and low-intensity conflict) Michael Vickers said training sites are being chosen for a five-year programme to train and equip the Frontier Corps. “That is just getting under way,” he told reporters at a briefing. “There may be other training assistance as well, subject to continuing discussions with the Pakistanis.” Vickers said the Pentagon would also consider assistance for Pakistan’s regular army and Special Forces units in FATA. “Training assistance is very important, but could extend to some other areas as well,” he said. He said the US could help Pakistan by conducting joint operations and through intelligence and reconnaissance.
SSG at the moment consists of around 2100 men. what are they training our counterterrorist battalions or crack commados?I thought we were qualified enough to do this ourself.
I agree with slimoe, i m sure we are pretty self sufficient in tactics and capabilities to tackle this ourselves,

But honestly speaking additional training wont do any harm instead it would streamline Frontier Corps striking capabilities ;).

Well one thing is there, fighting miitants hiding in mountains doesnot require any special techniques , you just hav to be sure to strike them when they come out. Am not sure what AMericans would mainly focus in training us.
Training is needed for the younger commandos or those who are not fully commandos yet, but are the part of the special forces. The number of commandoes seems to be getting doubled.
If I may, let me put some perspective around this story.

Currently, US is providing IMET funds for the Pakistan Army for training around air assault capability and now have advisers with the SSG (as they did from 56-62). Primarily the training is for SSG cadres which will eventually lead to the formation of an Air Assault Brigade. The Air assault brigade will be heli-mobile and thus the Army is acquiring MI-17s and Bells from the US for this capability.

The SOTF is the primary beneficiary of this training and equipment as its being aligned for Special Operations in LIC environments and will be using helicopters for transport etc. Other SSG battalions may also receive similar training.

The SSG currently stands at double the strength of the past where we had 1 brigade (3 Battalions) and I believe a third brigade is in the process of being formed. The SSG command has already been upgraded to a divisional one (going by PA orbat for a Div, usually they are triangular with 3 brigades). So after all is said and done, the SSG would be about 6000-9000 troops but very specialized in terms of what the Battalions within the SSG are tasked to do.

This is being done due to the growing requirements internally and also because the Indian SF are being expanded.
Training is needed for the younger commandos or those who are not fully commandos yet, but are the part of the special forces. The number of commandoes seems to be getting doubled.


Training of the new aspirants for the SSG is undertaken by the Special Operations School of the Pakistan Army (its run by the SSG of course) but has dedicated faculty, facilities and courses. This type of training will not be farmed out to US instructors. Only specific type (Air Assault is the key one) and it will be limited to "Train the trainer" model where SSG officers would get this training from their US counterparts and then train their own men.
lets be realistic - PA is designed, trained, and in-doctrinated to fight India in a conventional war environment.
our internal environment is changing (last few years very rapidly). we need training on a large scale in Counter-insurgency tactics. we have some capability but we need more along with suitable strength levels. the 5-yr program to train the FC is an excellent idea. i have always asked the question why dosn't the PA have a Air-assault capability? well this is now being developed. has one noticed that the new Mi-17s have six wing pylons which can be equipped with rocket pods.
i totally agree with blain2 assessment.
why does pakistan top brass train their ssg with US. british SAS is the number one elite in special forces they should go to them for training. whats the total number of our special forces combined all the three forces
Allah says in Surah Al Maida :-

"o you who believe ! Do not turn to Jews and Christians for those relations, in which you become dependent upon them for your protection, (for) they are protecting the friends of each other (and not you) . And whosoever amongst you turns for that kind of relationship , you have missed the Ummah (of Muhammad S.A). surely Allah will not provide guidance to the people with such an act"

Its a silent message to all those who want to see what ALLAH have told us. And literally we have betrayed Islam in this regard

I want my country to get strong in defense internally and not from any foreign source that are supporting each other.

Undoubtedly we have that capability and we should make full use of them rather than depending upon them.

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