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  1. PakmanUSA

    Best way to cheat on Tests.

    Best to learn the materials LOL.
  2. PakmanUSA

    FBI planting spies in U.S. mosques, Muslim groups say

    I guess they think since the first world trade center bombing that Muslims are up to something somewhere.
  3. PakmanUSA

    AK-47 No. 1 rifle...

    I have used both the AK and M-16. Both have some advantages over the other. The AK is a simple design from what I can tell they copied from the Germans MP-43,44s. The AK is a more rugged weapon but the M-16 is much more accurate than the AK. The AK-47 has a heavier bullet than the M-16 and...
  4. PakmanUSA

    AK-47 No. 1 rifle...

    I have used both the AK and M-16. Both have some advantages over the other. The AK is a simple design from what I can tell they copied from the Germans MP-43,44s. The AK is a more rugged weapon but the M-16 is much more accurate than the AK. The AK-47 has a heavier bullet than the M-16 and...
  5. PakmanUSA

    Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Killing of Palestinian Women/Children

    I have to agree, not all Jews are bad. I have had some Jewish friends in the past. The Zionists one are the problem.
  6. PakmanUSA

    Your favorite English songs

    I would have to say my favorite song would be "American Soldier" by Toby Keith. Perhaps it is due to having been in the Army. Even though I didn't serve during war time. I served with those who did. I have the up most respect for anyone how serves his country. Here is the link [url= -...
  7. PakmanUSA

    US and Israel need democratic system

    Well, the US is a "Republic" at least it was. Now who knows what we are, goverment controlled.
  8. PakmanUSA

    Iran Air Force Attacks Iraq - Awesome scene from Iranian Movie

    I know the US sold a lot of planes to Iran.
  9. PakmanUSA

    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    Really what it all is about is the fact America is controlled by the international bankers like most everywhere else. The people are mislead by the controlled media. Should some source of media like a TV station try to let some truth out or not play by the rules they are shut down by regulations...
  10. PakmanUSA

    The Thugees of Bharat

    I remember seeing something on the History Channel here in the USA about this. The English captured those behind the acts of murder and forbid the religion if I recall.
  11. PakmanUSA

    Israelis: People raised on hatred

    Yeah, what you say may apply to some Jews but not all of them. Paul in the Bible even said that the Jews were enemies of the gospel. Most christians in America are ignorant or choosen to look past what Paul said about the Jews. Here in "The Land of the Free" ignorance runs rapid. I often...
  12. PakmanUSA

    Pakistani UAVs - NEW Pictures!

    Makes you wonder?...What else or who else could they spy on?...
  13. PakmanUSA

    Iranian Special Forces

    Nice photos.
  14. PakmanUSA

    America’s worst president?

    Some of what has happen in the US could be blamed on other adminstrations like Clinton and congress allowing a lot of industies to leave the country causing many Americans to lose their jobs when the factories moved to Mexico and China.
  15. PakmanUSA

    Barack "HUSSEIN" Obama oath on BIBLE.

    We will all see in time what this guy is really about.
  16. PakmanUSA

    Best Hand Gun

    As an experienced shooter, I would say the one user shoots the best with. Some calibers are better than others no doubt. However if someone can not manage the recoil produced by a larger caliber, they should use something they can manage without flinching; which can cost you your life in some...
  17. PakmanUSA

    Who runs the Media ?

    Simple, the international bankers.
  18. PakmanUSA

    Hitler was right...

    I think Hitler had the same idea some of the whites here in America had toward the Indians. " The only good one, is a dead one." Sad, I do know the difference between the a "Jew" and a Zionist. I don't have a problem with Jews.
  19. PakmanUSA

    The Story of "Ghazi Submarine"

    It was a sad event. My father trained on that sub in the US where he met my mother. From what I know he was of those lost on its sinking.
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