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Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Killing of Palestinian Women/Children

Now I come to realized why Hitler was after Jews. He almost erases Jew from planet earth .so close. Now all the Muslim in the world is suffering from the disease know as Jews.
The above two posts are completely stupid and childish.

You guys don't need to be Anti-Semitic and insult the Whole Jewish Population for what a bunch raghead idiots are wearing which by the way is disgusting and shameful.. but its not representative of the Whole Jewish Population. Remember not ALL Jews live in Israel and there are really good decent Jewish people out there to. One of my best Professors was Jewish as well and for you people to judge All Jewish as militants who like wearing Baby killing T-shirts shows your complete ignorance and is no different than the ragheads who label all Muslims as Terrorists.

all in all.. Grow up and get some education..
... yes i agree not all the jews are evil, but i would say most of them really are...
what a shame, i doubt they even beleive on one God, and have word 'humanity' in their lanuage. this is another proof of jewish holocast of Muslims.
I have to agree, not all Jews are bad. I have had some Jewish friends in the past. The Zionists one are the problem.
but now I have firm believe that Hitler and Ahmadinejad has rightly said about jews, if someone wipe them off world would again be a peaceful place!

just a bunch of cowards have created such a big mess all over the world, from financial crises to their dream of world domination through cold blooded genocide.
The deliberate targetting of civilians was something that was vehemently denied by both the israeli authorities and their supporters.

However, those denies are hollow in the light of the testimony given by soldiers to an Israeli military college.

Testimony includes soldiers who saw a high number of Rabbi's, both military and non military who were distributing literature calling this a holy war where non gentiles were to be uprooted if they interfered with this "re-conquering the Holy Land." imagin if any Muslim(with beard) had done that, but wait... they already labeled every one of them as terrorist!

If ever there was any doubt about the deliberate targetting of civilians, this must surely put that to rest.

It seems clearer than ever that war crimes were committed with the (at least) tacit approval of the Israeli government and religious leaders.

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I'm glad these photos have been taken, it destroys the myth of Israel being a peaceful, civilised and multicultural society.

Now I come to realized why Hitler was after Jews. He almost erases Jew from planet earth .so close. Now all the Muslim in the world is suffering from the disease know as Jews.

Theres Jew
and theres Israeli Zionist Pigs
there is major different
Reason some Jews consider Israelis as atheists and not the real Jews.
Concerning about Hitler I wouldn't be suprised if he had done just to give the Zionist an excuse to create Israel - in other words part of the creation of Israel and planning.
the nazi and isreal are so much the same. !
The matter is not of whether all jews are bad or not...do the West consider this when they kill Muslims?

In any case this is an shameful act, now i wonder after creating such hatred and sowing the seed of hate inside the hearts of Palestinian why the israelis complain abut Hamas and others when they kick their A**??
And i forgot:
"I killed half the Jews and left the other half for you to discover why I killed the first" - Hitler!!

In democracy people chooses the government by viewing its polices. Israel is always aggressive towards the whole Muslim world.

1. Israel war with Arabs(all Muslim countries).1920 Palestine riots – 1921 in Jaffa – 1929 Palestine riots – Arab revolt (1936–1939) – – Arab-Israeli War (1948–1949) – Suez Crisis (1956) – War over Water (1964-1967) – Six-Day War (1967)(this one is big by Israeli) – War of Attrition (1968–1970) – Yom Kippur War (1973) – South Lebanon conflict (1978) – Lebanon War (1982) – South Lebanon conflict (1982–2000) – First Intifada (1987–1991) – Second Intifada (2000-2008) – Lebanon War (2006) – Israel–Gaza conflict (2008–2009)

2. In 1981 Israel destroy Iraq nuclear plants by booming it (operation opera read it out). At that time US condemned the attacks. Israeli do that because Iraq was stronger military vise than most anther Arabs countries.

3. When Pakistan was testing its nuclear weapon there was a high threat from Indian and Israeli joint air strike on Pakistan nuclear test site. Pakistan air force was put on high alert. Israeli support India to bring down Pakistan.

All the conflicts, battles and wars fought by Israeli are against Muslim nation.
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I just have to say, when people on this board are enraged by some Israeli Military action, do they all spout such racist drivel? There is no way to defend the mentality that is expressed on those T-shirts, but it is no more or less defensible than Palestines who rejoice after hearing of a bus or restaurant bombing in which innocent women and children are killed.

Over a period of 5 years, Hitler managed to pretty much exterminate the Jewish population in German, Austria, and Poland. Along, with gays, communists, union workers, etc. All in all, the SS is believed to have been responsible for the deaths of 12 million people, 6 million of them jews. If Israel killed every single Palestinian it could get its hands on, it would run out of people to kill well before it got to anywhere near those numbers. I am not going to defend the actions of Isreal, but would you people actually read the thoughtless hatred that you spew?

Even the most biased estimates put Palestinian civilian casualties at < 50,000 for the last 50 years. Let us do some math here.... So, Hitler kills 6,000,000 jews in 5 years, a rate of 3288 Jews per day. Israel supposedly kills 50,000 people in 50 years giving a rate of about... 3 Paestinians per day. WOW Israel surely does suck at this whole "Extermination" thing! Maybe they could learn a lesson from the ever efficient Germans? Hell, you figure they would have picked up on the various techniques, being you know, the target of it.
I just have to say, when people on this board are enraged by some Israeli Military action, do they all spout such racist drivel? There is no way to defend the mentality that is expressed on those T-shirts, but it is no more or less defensible than Palestines who rejoice after hearing of a bus or restaurant bombing in which innocent women and children are killed.

Over a period of 5 years, Hitler managed to pretty much exterminate the Jewish population in German, Austria, and Poland. Along, with gays, communists, union workers, etc. All in all, the SS is believed to have been responsible for the deaths of 12 million people, 6 million of them jews. If Israel killed every single Palestinian it could get its hands on, it would run out of people to kill well before it got to anywhere near those numbers. I am not going to defend the actions of Isreal, but would you people actually read the thoughtless hatred that you spew?

Even the most biased estimates put Palestinian civilian casualties at < 50,000 for the last 50 years. Let us do some math here.... So, Hitler kills 6,000,000 jews in 5 years, a rate of 3288 Jews per day. Israel supposedly kills 50,000 people in 50 years giving a rate of about... 3 Paestinians per day. WOW Israel surely does suck at this whole "Extermination" thing! Maybe they could learn a lesson from the ever efficient Germans? Hell, you figure they would have picked up on the various techniques, being you know, the target of it.

thanks for your view, surely we hate israel and zionist who are killing the innocent un armed people since last 50 years, and we hate them the same way you hate hitler... and you defeated and destroyed whatever he took from you so should we... we have the same right what west has... and we will make nukes not just to show them in museums but use on evils the same way you use on evils.

Hitler was right though about jews... they all the same... and everyone know how much they respect God Almighty's prophets and messengers, and what they did to jesus... betrayal and deception is in their nature and what they have pride on...

and trust me mate we muslims are not the only one who hate them... if you read history muslims used to protect them until they start back stabbing. and even today majority in western world believes too that israel creation is since when world once again become unsafe, even at greater risk than ww2
Israeli zionist are shameless creatures not Human being just shameless creatures
Jewish extremist march provokes clash with Israeli Arabs

UMM EL-FAHM (Israel): Jewish extremists marched on Tuesday through an Israeli-Arab town to demand residents show loyalty to Israel, setting off
stone-throwing protests by Arab youths that police dispersed with stun grenades and tear gas.

The clashes in the northern Israeli town of Umm el-Fahm came at a time of increasing tensions between Israel's Jewish majority and its Arab minority, and residents said the march was a provocation. The leader of the Israeli demonstrators, settler activist Baruch Marzel, has been involved in violent attacks against Palestinians.

No serious injuries were reported. Dozens of Arab youths, their faces covered with checkered Palestinian scarves, heaved rocks at heavily armed black-clad police holding up shields, who responded by lobbing back tear gas. AP Television News footage showed a riot policeman firing a tear gas canister at a rooftop where a group of women were shouting pro-Palestinian slogans.

Some of the protesters carried large Palestinian flags, running and weaving between cars.

Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld said 16 policemen were lightly wounded and ten protesters were arrested. Another 15 protesters were lightly wounded, said the town's deputy mayor, Mustafa Suheil.

The violence erupted after police tried to push back protesters attempting to block a bus filled with the Israeli demonstrators, Suheil said.

Hardline Jews carrying large Israeli flags and flanked by security forces marched on the outskirts of the town, apparently targeted because it is one of Israel's largest Arab communities and is known for Arab nationalist sympathies and as a stronghold of the radical Islamic Movement.

``We came to say that the state of Israel is a Jewish state. We came in a show of loyalty and to say whoever is loyal, welcome. But people who flout the law should get out of here,'' said Itamar Ben-Gvir, a Jewish ultranationalist who helped lead the event.

The police stationed some 3,000 officers in town, fearing clashes.

Israel's one-fifth Arab minority is made up of ethnic Palestinians who enjoy equal rights under the law but suffer discrimination in government jobs and budgets and tend to be poorer and less educated than Israeli Jews.

Relations between Jews and Arabs have worsened in recent months following Israel's war in the Gaza Strip and a parliamentary election last month that saw Yisrael Beiteinu, a party with an anti-Arab platform, win 15 seats. The party called to revoke the citizenship of Arabs disloyal to the Jewish state.

The party's popularity reflects rising distrust of Arab citizens, perceived by many Israeli Jews as disloyal and potentially hostile.

Traditionally cool relations have periodically spilled over into violence. Thirteen Arabs were killed by Israeli police during rioting at the start of the second Palestinian uprising in 2000.
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