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US and Israel need democratic system


Jan 22, 2009
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The Ruling Club, both in the US (last November) and Israel (Feb. 2009), completed their ‘democratic election charade’ - proving once again that the democratic system based on the concept “government by the people, for the people” - is only for export and not to be practiced at home.

“The whole system (US) functions essentially as a system of control rather than democratic participation.We shall never know how many abuses tokk place in the past. Two percent of US population owns 80 per cent of the wealth, and to continue maintaining this disproportionality, the majority has either to kept under control ideologically or kept out of the system, preferably both. No more than 35-40 per cent of eligible citizen vote, because the remainder senses, correctly, that their vote doesn’t mean what it should……” - Professor Edward Said, December 25, 2000

“Israel is called ‘the only democracy in the Middle East, despite the fact that Israel has no Constitution; despite the fact that Israel is defined as the state of the Jewish people, providing special rights and privileges to anyone in the world who is Jewish and seek to live there, over and above the longtime Arab residents…..” - Tim Wise, a US anti-racist Jew activist, educator and writer.

“The elite Zionist Jews, who were trained in Nazi-style fascism, have imposed many facets of fascism on Israel. To give the impression that Israel is democracy, the members of the Knesset are elected (based on a party’s voting percentage) - an odd type of election. This where Israel’s so-called democracy stops. It doesn’t make any difference which party wins the election, the Likkud or Labour, the elite Zionist Jews rule in a dictorial manner - giving favors to the elite clique and brutally supressing any dissent….” - Jack Bernstein in The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel.

Frank Scot, in his February 14 article “A Democratic State: In Palestine and United States", wrote......

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Well, the US is a "Republic" at least it was. Now who knows what we are, goverment controlled.

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