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Who runs the Media ?

Excellent Report! A must see!
Would recommend this video to some of our American members. S-2, Truthseeker to name a few
Yes, I TOTALLY agree with the analysis presented in this video. I think that what is described is exactly what is happening in the US information media. In addition, I would add that our political election process is similarly affected by the pro-Israel manipulation. That is, during election contests, the candidates are also "managed" just like the news from the ME. If any candidate says anything even mildly critical of Israel, he is immediately the target of the "accuracy watchdogs" and negative newspaper editorials, etc. Tons of money flows in to the campaign of his opponent to buy TV ads against him. After a few re-election defeats of their colleagues who spoke out against some Israeli policy or another, their fellow politicians soon learn there is no value in criticising Israel. After all, there are virtually no Palestinian American voters and only about 1% Muslim voters to hassle our politicians. Finally, the same process is at work in the entertainment field. No movies, TV shows or theater plays that are critical of Israel, or praiseworthy of Palestine, make to the public. The Hollywood villains are very often Muslims, sometimes Palestinian, never Israelis. These influences on American public opinion are much, much more responsible for US support of Israel than are "oil access" or any "strategic value" the US gains from Israel. Think about it! The US does not even have a military base in Israel!
Yes, I TOTALLY agree with the analysis presented in this video. I think that what is described is exactly what is happening in the US information media. In addition, I would add that our political election process is similarly affected by the pro-Israel manipulation. That is, during election contests, the candidates are also "managed" just like the news from the ME. If any candidate says anything even mildly critical of Israel, he is immediately the target of the "accuracy watchdogs" and negative newspaper editorials, etc. Tons of money flows in to the campaign of his opponent to buy TV ads against him. After a few re-election defeats of their colleagues who spoke out against some Israeli policy or another, their fellow politicians soon learn there is no value in criticising Israel. After all, there are virtually no Palestinian American voters and only about 1% Muslim voters to hassle our politicians. Finally, the same process is at work in the entertainment field. No movies, TV shows or theater plays that are critical of Israel, or praiseworthy of Palestine, make to the public. The Hollywood villains are very often Muslims, sometimes Palestinian, never Israelis. These influences on American public opinion are much, much more responsible for US support of Israel than are "oil access" or any "strategic value" the US gains from Israel. Think about it! The US does not even have a military base in Israel!

The Movies part you mentioned is bound to happen.

20th Century FOX


Warner Brothers

Paramount Pictures

Universal studios

all are owned and operated by Jews

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