Every nation, in its time of misfortune, has conspirators who do their work in secret. In our case an entire nation has been raised on conspiracy. With others the conspiracy is political; with us it is religious and national, Chaim Kaplan wrote in his diary during Warsaw ghetto uprising, The Scroll of Agony
Each country can only absorb a limited number of Jews, if she doesnt want disorders in her stomach. Germany has already too many Jews, Theodor Herzl
Anti-Semitism is an understandable reaction to Jewish defects, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, first president of Zionist Israel.
One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994.
Show no mercy to the people of Gaza, - Israel\s Chief Military Rabbi, Brigadier General Avi Ronzki
The above are a few of thousands of sayings of the Jewish leaders showing their contempt not only for the non-Jews, but also toward their fellow Jews - but no Israeli would dare to call them anti-Semite - one of many titles to silence critics of the Jewish occupation of Palestine and their religious hatred toward Christians and other non-Jewish people.
Since the occupation of Muslim-majority Palestine in 1948 by Europes unwanted Jews - the new Jewish generations has been raised on hatred toward Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims at large. Theyre projected the Jewish children as murderers, rioters, suspisious, backward, and unproductive.
Israeli-born Gilad Atzmon in his latest article Gilad Shalit: The Grand Illusion explains the racist and hateful mindset of Israeli Jews here
Each country can only absorb a limited number of Jews, if she doesnt want disorders in her stomach. Germany has already too many Jews, Theodor Herzl
Anti-Semitism is an understandable reaction to Jewish defects, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, first president of Zionist Israel.
One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994.
Show no mercy to the people of Gaza, - Israel\s Chief Military Rabbi, Brigadier General Avi Ronzki
The above are a few of thousands of sayings of the Jewish leaders showing their contempt not only for the non-Jews, but also toward their fellow Jews - but no Israeli would dare to call them anti-Semite - one of many titles to silence critics of the Jewish occupation of Palestine and their religious hatred toward Christians and other non-Jewish people.
Since the occupation of Muslim-majority Palestine in 1948 by Europes unwanted Jews - the new Jewish generations has been raised on hatred toward Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims at large. Theyre projected the Jewish children as murderers, rioters, suspisious, backward, and unproductive.
Israeli-born Gilad Atzmon in his latest article Gilad Shalit: The Grand Illusion explains the racist and hateful mindset of Israeli Jews here