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  1. Z

    Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

    Afghans should not work with these dirty idol worshippers who kill muslims and burn them alive in riots.
  2. Z

    Pak Army mostly consists of Punjabis and Pathans?

    Cohen is a zionist racist jew. Tzipi Livni might be the only sensible person in occupied palestine.
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    Peoples republic of china and Republic of china

    the days of japanese cruelty are gone. nowadays japanese and chinese live and work together. China donated to help Japan during the Fukushima disaster. Taiwan knows that America can supply all arms they want but its actually wiser to work with PRC rather than against it. Even Americans know...
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    Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

    Afghans working with idol worshippers. gross
  5. Z

    Pakistan power shortages keep growth prospects dim

    This is a serious concern for Pakistan. the electricity bills keep going up and the supply of electricity keeps going down. This is so typical Pakistani mentality. some people including govt doesnt pay the bills and the common man has to suffer. same thing with IMF loans. those who borrow...
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    every country's strategy

    Sir, Indeed your only response to a true statement is lying via sarcasm. what's the matter? afraid that if every country developed Israel attacking capability, then America won't be able to invade and install puppets anymore? the world would be free? that is the truth isn't it? if every...
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    i think you missed the point completely. read up
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    trust me. F16 is fourth gen. F22 and F35 are the 5th gen state of the art stealth capable fighters
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    Story of Bedouin Israeli Defense Force Lt.Col. Amos Yarkoni

    its not a one off example. its just an instance where a man wanted a job. there are people in this world who stick to their principles. but there are also people who would kill their own people for money. even if it means destroying their own people's homes and giving away land to an enemy that...
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    every country's strategy

    if Iran was incapable of attacking Israel, America would have invaded Iran a long time ago just like they did with Iraq and Libya. instead America tries to put sanctions on Iran to economically damage it. but they dare not attack Iran directly. that's becoz Iran's arsenal if strong enuff to...
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    leave this state of begging for F-16s. try to make your own internally produced planes for God's sakes. F-16 is old news. now they have F-35 Lightning II.
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    Story of Bedouin Israeli Defense Force Lt.Col. Amos Yarkoni

    second half of the story: the israelis continued to fool the muslim in IDF. the muslim complied because he needed a job to put food on the table. the muslim continued to obey the IDF orders as long they kept paying him. his goal was not the security of israel but rather a job to keep off...
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    every country's strategy

    if every country developed its arsenal with the sole purpose of israel attacking capability, the jewish Congress will pull back America from every war in the world.
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    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    more dumb questions by hindus hellbent on proving a muslim wrong :lol: . reminds me of how the Quraish used to ask all types of silly questions to prove Muhammad (pbuh) wrong. they were also hellbent on it. in the end they lost.
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    Pak-Saudi 3 weeks long joint exercise (Al-Samsaam-IV-2011)

    Saudia Arab has an army??? i thought they just bought everything. never seen their army in any action on any battlefield
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    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    ofcourse you are also free to believe. Islam says "Let there be no compulsion in religion". but some hindus questioned how Islam can be right so i told u that in Islam we have proofs (question is whether you are willing to read them). seems like topic was diverted but these posts are not...
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    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    saying accusations without proof? saying lol doesn't mean you become right
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    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    created by british as part of divide n conquer scheme of british. they cannot be real becoz unlike Islam, they didnot spread very quickly. Islam spread to whole world very fast becoz it was God's Will. people converted to Islam but not to ahmedis, so Islam is true religion, Ahmedia are not.
  19. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    Islam came last becoz people changed previous religions (hinduism, christianity, judaism) for their own selfish purposes. that is why God sent 124000 messengers becoz every time people changed the Original Message. so God sent one after another messenger. With Islam, God sent it as the Final...
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    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    1. suicide bombings are done by SOME people and it is related to Middle East Crisis i.e. issue of Palestine. get your facts straight first. 2. billions follow Islam becoz it is really truly from God. it spread fastest becoz of God's will. it is true religion. like i said we have proof, but are...
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